Fun little poll. Let's see who thinks what. Discussion down below if you want to explain your stance on the subject:
With all we know now... do you think D3 will feature a second collapse? Or do you think it's the smoke and mirrors to set up a secondary conflict in space (similar to the dreadnaught from Taken King)?
My bet is on the smoke and mirrors. I think Bungie understands the Tower and its significance. It also allows for other spinoff's similar to a Halo: CE when you first met the Hive.
A proper Collapse would be nice. Really hope we get to see someone like Rasputin hurl everything he has at the Armada to no avail, just like the last time. The only problem I have is the city being decimated. It’s made clear certain characters are preparing for the coming calamity, Guardians being a key part in said plan. I could see a campaign where we confront the Armada head-on, only to slowly witness ourselves steadily losing ground as we struggle to find a way to combat the overwhelming threat.