Here is an example why, for those who don't know;
On Control, A flag is inside the building that is lit yellow, and in said building is a small branch; that branch is a spawn zone, which doesn't seem like a problem, and it shouldn't be; HOWEVER, for some reason, even if people have a CLEAR SIGHT-LINE on you, since the branch is visible from two angles (one is the flag which is almost always being capped) or Heavy Ammo, you are not safe; even then, people can simply get close enough to use their 180 rpm Hand-cannons to shoot you, because the range is so little; now, what happens when THEY, the enemies, die? They spawn at B, which is RIGHT NEXT to the said heavy.
I guess a solution i would be happy with is if someone is capping the flag, make them spawn more inside of the branch, and make a little map-edit to block off the giant line-of-sight between heavy and it (I know we NEED more Long range maps for scout rifles and Snipers but that is their SPAWN).
The A spawn trap means that in Comp if you get the A spawn, unless you push for C immediately and win the fight, you've already lost the game.
Favourite map in Comp. Can’t stand it in QP. Too small for 12 and as you said, the spawns are terrible. Control is the main issue. Even in comp, if you get control it’s very easy for a team to get spawn-trapped at A and lose in a landslide. My recommendation would be to remove control from that map.
Most maps have bad spawns. Period. Thanks to the maps being built for 4v4 not 6v6.
Edited by RAUDRULF: 4/11/2019 7:25:59 AMi once got killed by a blade barrage on Xbox so Hard i respawned as Kratos playing God of War took me 5 hours and 9 bongs later to figure out what the FK was going on, and that i am not home playing games, i was at Burning man in a tent with a pillowcase stuffed with "Organic" substances. i am not saying i eat mushrooms, but if i did i would most likely end up saving the princess in Super Metal Mario Solid of War may Cry 5: A new Bong. *cough*
Disslikd four badd gammar un titel. 2many commas.
Havent played that map in months
Spawn are 30% of the problem in PvP. Another 30% is that we only have tiny maps. Another 30% is shotguns always having ammo. And then 10% is armor on supers.
I like when literally the entire team spawns in that little room by A for the entire match and can't get out because the other team is camping all the exits. (on dead cliffs)
Spawns in general are bad because of the change to 6v6. On Dead Cliffs they should move heavy ammo, during Control, to its Clash spot.
Throw Bannerfall in too. Just got into a match where the other team didn’t capture a single zone (let other team have A and C), but mercies us 97-19 because they could just go back and forth between A and C spawn points and crouch shot spawn kill with shotguns and Not Forgotten.
You mistyped your title, you.meant to say "PVP needs its spawns reworked." Seriously, I can handle just about all the other crap in pvp and I'm fully aware that we now have 6v6 on 4v4 maps but...spawning over and over with the enemy team rather than your own, spawning into supers, and matches where the spawning system literally keeps you dead for 2 super frustrating. It happens more on some days than others but it seems like every other day, I am the unluckiest "spawner" in the world.
This is one of my favorite maps so I hope they don’t change the map too much but the spawns definitely need some work
I feel like a proximity door would solve 90% of that maps problems, if the door is open, dont allow spawning in that room.
I'm's sorrys yous feels that's ways.
Just stop spawning me on the edge of a cliff/drop. Lol. Ive died several times not realizing my position.
This was the map i got my only 7th collum. So i agree
Rework them all into Gambit Prime. Problem solved.
Meltdown is even worse, to be honest
I'm glad someone has finally brought up this one. The back A spawn is the worst and there just aren't multiple viable lanes out of that when C side can camp all A's entrances. It needs a fix but idk how to do it. Maybe they need some wall holes along the tops of the buildings to kind of surprise people camping the entrances? Idk. This will be a bit harder to fix.
All the maps need spawn fixing. I counted at least ten times last night where the game spawned me near 3+ members of the other team by myself. And at least 3 more times it out my right next to the person who just killed me with their super while they were still in that super. I don’t care if there are enemies near my teammates. Spawn me near them unless you are absolutely 100% spawning me on the other side of the map clear away from anyone! And don’t put me next to the same super I just died from!
Or how you spawn on the opposite end of the World on Pantheon each time, making travel to points to help your team far too long.
It just shouldnt be a 6v6 map thats all.
I know right like oh my god
This game needs its spawns reworked
All crucible spawns need reworks. They are horrible
Control B and you have no problem.