A lot of people lately have been taking the "Solo Luna" challenge, but we decided to make yet another milestone as a couple. Evilman520 and EvilWife720, The Fabled Couple.
We play a lot of games together, but at the top of our list stand Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny, and Destiny 2. And we take the "dynamic duo" mindset to the limit. She is my healer, and I am her tank -even in this game! I cant tell you how effective we are in Gambit Prime with a Commander Titan and Grace Warlock. We've tackled many challenges together, two-manning Shattered Throne, Two-manning Izanagi start to finish, even saving two blueberries in Gambit Prime, and getting "From the Jaws of Defeat" twice. Not to toot our horn too loudly, put we are a pretty freakin' lethal team.
When she first saw the Recluse, her first words were "oh my God that thing is beautiful! How do I get that?" But when I told her it was in Competitive, she scoffed and said "Well nevermind then..." but I wasn't about to have that. I loaded into Comp for my Thorn quest and realized after 3 (very quick) matches that it wasn't so bad. And after some convincing, we agreed that we would work on the Luna steps together and see where it took us.
My wife and I started this journey together. She had my six, and I had hers. We had our ups, we had our downs. We had our winning streaks, we had our losses. We defied the odds, even against 4-man teams. We even made a few friends along the way (and ran into some existing ones in a match or two).
And through it all, we came out on top. And now, we have reached Fabled.
It was a helluva fight. Many times, we got frustrated and wanted to give up. But we kept each others' spirits up, we powered through, and we succeeded. This was one of the most intense challenges we have taken on in this game as a couple, and it has my respect.
I have also obtained Luna's Howl, and she is well on her way. But I swore that I will not equip mine until she has hers too.
By the way for anybody who is curious what weapons helped the most... Malfeasance. Team-shooting with Malfeasance was just brutal XD add my Chromatic Fire to the equation and... well... [i]Guardian Down![/i]
Update: https://m.imgur.com/a/fSER2qR
Luna's Howl obtained.
[quote]"May she always be at your side."[/quote]