Here is an example why, for those who don't know;
On Control, A flag is inside the building that is lit yellow, and in said building is a small branch; that branch is a spawn zone, which doesn't seem like a problem, and it shouldn't be; HOWEVER, for some reason, even if people have a CLEAR SIGHT-LINE on you, since the branch is visible from two angles (one is the flag which is almost always being capped) or Heavy Ammo, you are not safe; even then, people can simply get close enough to use their 180 rpm Hand-cannons to shoot you, because the range is so little; now, what happens when THEY, the enemies, die? They spawn at B, which is RIGHT NEXT to the said heavy.
I guess a solution i would be happy with is if someone is capping the flag, make them spawn more inside of the branch, and make a little map-edit to block off the giant line-of-sight between heavy and it (I know we NEED more Long range maps for scout rifles and Snipers but that is their SPAWN).
I like when literally the entire team spawns in that little room by A for the entire match and can't get out because the other team is camping all the exits. (on dead cliffs)