So if yall haven’t seen Darkside Royalty Lore’s new video, it’s a trip. I won’t spoil it but about half way thru he lays some stats on us. Raid completion percentages and stuff like that. But those have been low since VoG so no news there. HOWEVER COMMA why...OH WHY...has only 15 FREAKING PERCENT OF YOU ON XBOX UNLOCKED THE DREAMING CITY?! Now I’m not gonna assume everyone complaining about stuff in this wonderful clustertruck of a game is in that 85%, but it’s gotta be some of ya. So please for the love of our lord and saviour Dredgen Hope, finish the easy story content before you complain?
Very Respectfully,
Your friendly neighborhood Exo: Mithras-0
If <insert trendy YouTuber/streamer name> said it, then it must be true. As Toland said "Question everything"
Edited by mdknyte: 4/9/2019 3:02:44 AMTo even play Dreaming City stuff first you had to level up your character, and that takes boring RNG. Most left because RNG is incredibly boring. It's in everything in this game. That's why normal people said "yeah, screw that, i rather play something fun then do the same thing over and over for a chance to progress to even be able to play stuff in this game you paid for." There's no skill involved, it's random luck wtf. They're completely wrong about RNG creating "impactful feeling" when you finally get something to happen due to luck. Where did they get that from? "Impactful feeling" in video games is about figuring out how to pass something with skill. Whoever that is at Bungie that has this ridiculous RNG fetish, hope they're happy they ruined a game with so much potential. Sorry but RNG in any capacity is boring and "casuals" aren't gonna waste their time on that crap, and neither should hardcores. If any Gears of War game had said "woah, before you get to play this part, do repetitive tasks over and over and over for an RNG [i]chance[/i] to level up your character. LOL screw that! Most successful franchises understood that shit's boring, we wanna play what we paid for right now. Extending replay value should be based on fun - because you wanted to do it again, not forced on you by RNG gates. That's why people abandoned the story and didn't bother wasting countless RNG hours to get into Dreaming City for even more RNG crap.
well forsaken did pretty much fail to meet sales so it's not that surprising
I've played all the content besides the raids. But I've never done a raid besides one day I cleared Leviathan. A lot of people (me included) have to much going on to get into learning the raids and completing them. I consider myself somewhere between hardcore and casual. Play about 2 hours a day or more faithfully. Then again I'm not constantly trashing destiny lol
Destiny 2 suffers from several problems. A lot of it came to an apex when Forsaken and the dreaming city came about. Its no secret that the level requirement for entering the raid day 1 was changed to lock out most players, and keep the eyes on as few streamers as possible for a " Worlds First" competition artificialy nuked down to a fraction of the people who COULD have participated prior. Material needs were changed to add MORE grind to an already grindy game. A key character , one many would argue was their sole reason for holding interest in any characters , was killed off, permanently. And even before all that, the raid completion percentage is actually much lower, and a lack of encouragement to form groups early on, or even just allow randos with enough knowledge to simply jump into raid queue, has greatly hurt this game on every single platform. PC suffered greatly for all the lacking features for clans and random grouping. All the AAA game companies can't keep doing this. They are trying to leech WAY too much time from players with little to show for it.
doubt if that 85 percent spends a single percent of time on the bungie forum but hey thanks for playing.
Wow, what are you playing xbox?
First time joker pissed me off. PvP has gotten a shit load of thing nerfed in pve, but like the CMs, he wants to lie like PvP hasn't had a negative impact on pve in major ways. If you, anybody, don't give two shits about a certain thing in the game you think it's fine and dont care what happens to it. In this case PvP players don't care about the impact PvP has on pve. Hell every nerf they don't give two shits about pve, but as soon as there is a rumor going around that PVP is going to be removed you go into full panic mode and cry when pve players troll you like you do all the -blam!-ing time (not referring to joker in this paragraph Just PVP players in the general)? Really? Bigots! I was trolling when I said I was happy PvP would be taken away, just to see reactions. Now im not really caring what happens to pvp.
I think the highest completion amount, about 46% have done a heroic event on PlayStation. I have no idea. I will say that maybe people don’t wanna feel forced to interact with people, especially if their friends don’t play
You do realize thats EVERYONE who played d2 right? If someone opens the game they count towards that percentage. Its that low because most of the playerbase stopped playing before forsaken even came out.
That dude is a bad joke in my book.
Trophy/Achievement stats are interesting, are they not? On PS4 the Trophy is at 11.8%. I don't know if thats broken down to 11.8% of Forsaken owners, or 11.8% of Destiny 2 owners.
Edited by W33DEDPLAGUE: 4/9/2019 1:51:03 AMThat's the thing...people keep claiming that casuals keep the game alive. But I would LOVE to know how when they leave before they even complete the story. Then I wonder how in the world they can complain so much after having not played the game in a year and having not experienced half of it, including the absolute BEST parts. Lack of content? just haven't played the content lol
Well they made this shitttt for the that reflects it i guess
Unlocking the dreaming city doesn't magically fix everything that's wrong with the game. People know what they like and they don't like destiny 2.
It’s 15% of destiny players on Xbox, not just forsaken players.
That doesn’t take into account what percentage of the player base actually bought Forsaken to begin with
Edited by CatMan: 4/9/2019 1:27:47 AMI don't believe it. Unless xbox only pvps.
I guess people got stuck at the Tangled Shore n Spider and thought that was all that Forsaken was about. I'm on Xbox and beat Last Wish and Scourge OTP. Got Luna's Howl.
[quote]So if yall haven’t seen Darkside Royalty Lore’s new video, it’s a trip. I won’t spoil it but about half way thru he lays some stats on us. Raid completion percentages and stuff like that. But those have been low since VoG so no news there. HOWEVER COMMA why...OH WHY...has only 15 FREAKING PERCENT OF YOU ON XBOX UNLOCKED THE DREAMING CITY?! Now I’m not gonna assume everyone complaining about stuff in this wonderful clustertruck of a game is in that 85%, but it’s gotta be some of ya. So please for the love of our lord and saviour Dredgen Hope, finish the easy story content before you complain? Very Respectfully, Your friendly neighborhood Exo: Mithras-0[/quote]