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4/10/2019 12:08:35 PM

Collector set should be a mote magnet.

Simple. Once you get the first tier active for the set the perk makes you a magnet to nearby motes, allowing the collector to not have to compete with non collectors for motes or having to run over the same motes 5times before they pickup. Thoughts?

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  • Edited by PJ5: 4/12/2019 8:14:58 AM
    Collectors in solo matches are mooches that steal motes from players that did the work and now bungie made it an official “role” lol. I’m doing my bounties, taking my own motes, and getting the credit for it on the scoreboard thanks very much.

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    2 Replies
    • Great Idea, however when playing solo it doesn't really matter if you have a full collector set. Your teammates will still try to take the motes as they have bounties, etc........ When playing as a team the roles have been rather fun using the full sets. This would be a great armor perk/exotic.

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    • I wouldn't mind a short range magnet. Maybe a 1 to 1.5 meter range of pickup? Anymore and you might step on my toes when I'm trying to get 1 or 2 more motes to send a blocker, and I'm not protecting you from an invader past that point. I swear, those motes have grease on them or something. I'll run to pick it up, do a 180, look back, it's still on the ground.

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    • Edited by roadrage424: 4/12/2019 12:58:40 PM
      When I play as a collector, if others steal motes, I throw the game intentionally. It goes from "do I wanna do small or giant blockers this game?" To...."how many motes can I lose in one match?" I've even invaded w 20 motes...went and danced at their bank until someone shot me dead. You would think that the +12 collector bonus would be bigger pickup radius....

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    • Edited by DeathPony07: 4/12/2019 12:28:01 AM
      Motes should be magnetized in general. They are annoying to pick up. The pick up radius is bullshit.

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    • Edited by John Bunjie: 4/10/2019 8:52:39 PM
      I don't think the collector should assume they get all the motes.

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      • Edited by SCP-049: 4/11/2019 7:29:27 AM
        And invader set should auto aim for u ? I know motes can be hard to pick but the it's ur only job !!

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        • Yes but it would suck because what if others need their motes too?

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          6 Replies
          • And if I have full reaper set, I shouldn't have to use weapons..... Just look in the direction of enemies for them to die! What's wrong with you people!

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            • Edited by GenXer: 4/10/2019 4:42:17 PM
              If they want to have roles, they should lock them in. In order to do so, they'd have to: 1. Change matchmaking to account for roles matching. 2. Disable collection of motes for those undesignated when a mote collector is present. Same goes for invaders. 3. Disable switching kit in the middle of the match but allow it while in the waiting area, so people could firm up their roles. (This would mess up the matchmaking suggestion, above.) 4. Reduce or stop giving individual bounties which conflict with roles. As far as having to run over motes 5 times to pick them up, that's lag, either yours or a team mates', perhaps even opposing team. Magnet effects would have motes flying in every direction when they're not actually picked up.

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              • Edited by ace010593: 4/11/2019 4:08:02 PM
                Wish the collector set had some perk relevant to the 2nd half of a match. Once the prime is out there’s no point wearing the armor, yet u need to have the aura for wins for the triumph

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                • Edited by ApocThe-Strange1: 4/11/2019 11:53:26 PM
                  Sounds silly. What if you're near death and lose all those motes that magnetized to you when your teammate is just near you, and could have gotten them instead? What if you're trying to avoid an invader, run past a bunch of motes and become a bigger target? What if you're trying to send multiple blockers but can't because you got all of the motes? Honestly, I'd prefer Bungie focus on just fixing the bug where motes fall [i]through[/i] the ground instead of on it.

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                • I might be more inclined if the perk was an AoE for YOUR kills. If you're close enough then it collects the motes dropped by combatants you kill before some random can slide in & scoop up their ill-gotten gains.

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                • I'll do you one better. Make a perk for the collector set that when motes drop from enemies the YOU killed, they are automatically applied to you, so your teammate who didn't happen to fire a single shot can't get any motes when he keeps rushing and sliding in front of you to take them away. lol

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                  13 Replies
                  • Yes, as a Reaper/Sentry it would help keep me from accidentally picking up motes when I'm running with the collector.

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                    • If your not playing in a full fire team, the rolls go out the window. What if you get put on a team of randoms, who are all collectors? Should they let you pick up everything and not fulfill their “roll?” You want rolls, party up, otherwise get used to it. The main reason everyone wants motes is because the hand cannon is attached to banking 50+ motes in a match. Screw your white halo, I want my gun.

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                      10 Replies
                      • I mean honestly it’s just not that important inmho

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                      • The collectors armour set apparently means "on no account let this player pick up any motes at all, we must get them all first" given my experience wearing it with randoms.

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                        17 Replies
                        • This ^

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                        • Ya, I find myself really wishing while play a collector I had a larger pickup range.

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                          • If i am running striker and skullfort i ususaly end up first or second place, at moment im racking up auto rifle kills for breakneck,killing the blockers with malfeasance, doing lots of prime evil damage but because i collect very motes it looks like im the weakest link at the end of the game. The rankings at end of game should also take into account how many blockers and envoys you defeated

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                          • I agree should have magnet or vacuum.

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                          • Edited by A Lion of Judah: 4/10/2019 9:53:26 PM
                            Our luck they will implement the magnet but not the collection registration and it will send send motes flying past you at 90 mph, basically turning you into a mote tornado... No thanks lol [spoiler]Edit: thanks to some perspectives offered below...I change my mind. Mote tornado should be a thing. I just imagine the guy with full collector, some ominous music playing in the background, a growing, swirling mass of motes all around, he cant see so his team is trying to spot him over to the bank but he goes into the invasion portal...a huge invincible hurricane of little pointy legos, the other team runs for cover but it's too late, and the motes begin wiping them over and over again, the dude in the middle still has no idea he is on the other side...we need this. Basically imagine if an ahamkara granted this wish...[/spoiler]

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                            15 Replies
                            • So the only way to ever complete a daily or weekly bounty requiring mote collection would be to have the full collector set? The way to fix this is for Bungie to come up with bounties that require good, intelligent play--not selfish, stupid play focused on short-sighted goals.

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                              1 Reply
                              • Well, I made collector set (because game borked and gave me wrong helmet, so I had to match it with corresponding set). Anyway, it is hilarious, during my matches when I wore that suit (with randoms), I couldn't pick up a single freaking mote. I kid you not - as long as somewhere else was around, even behind me, my suit ignored motes and other players picked them up. Near end of the mote gathering phase I donned my usual suit and voila, picked up some motes. WTF is that? I doubt other players implemented some "lag switch" (spelling?) to freeze me out of motes. Next match same thing - if I'm wearing suit, then I can't pick up motes. I guess people really want that revolver, so Bungie should implement Ada-like reward grind., where you select what type of reward you want. "Reward for what you do" are nice, but all I got are SMGs and shotguns. I do like shooting stuff, but I just don't like pushing people for those motes.

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                              • I would just like randumbs to let me play my goddamn role. I'm fairly good at Invading, so when its crucial neck and neck Primeval melting, let me Invade. Oh no, you would rather lose? Ok. You invade the..."Your Invader is down, no kills..."

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