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Edited by A_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • Edited by Rossap: 4/14/2019 4:40:41 PM
    My feedback: (on core bounty plans) -changing the cost to glimmer=Good (assuming standard bounty cost range) -daily bounties awarding mod components in addition to a core = Good -Weekly bounties awarding 1 core = not good; seen a few numbers people would prefer, but certainly no less than 3 cores (ideally 5 or more), even with the other rewards mentioned (which are a nice addition) -scrapper bounties should stay, as a bonus reward as they are now Questions: -How many daily bounties would there be? -What kind of tasks will the bounties require? Feedback on Cores in the game: INFUSION: -they do not feel good in infusion, nor do they make infusions feel impactful —as a side effect, I am forced to hold onto higher level gear that would otherwise be used to infuse, causing a inventory space issue (including vault space) —in addition, in order to play how I want (i.e. to have fun/enjoy the game) I have to play below my max level, and mainly only one of my characters (more of a past problem for my Titan, but still stands for my other two characters). MASTERWORKING: -they felt impactful in/when masterworking weapons; choosing which weapon, when or if to reroll the masterwork (when that was a thing) felt like an impactful, important decision —they still feel impactful when masterworking weapons; would be nice to be able to re-roll the masterwork though -they feel nice when masterworking armour, but not impactful —I am unsure if this is due to how armour masterworks work, or due to rarely (if ever) being able to use a full masterworked set of armour. ——this is (likely) a side effect of the cost of masterworking armour —Where are the Exotic armour masterworks? -can we use cores to put kill trackers on non masterwork exotic weapons? Personal notes: A note from/about my Brother: He will not return to this game because of cores; he liked the old masterwork system, and is open to the current masterwork system. However, due to their use in the infusion system, he does not see how he can play the game - long story short, he has little time to play any game during any day, so it’s important to him how he uses it. I’m still playing, and will keep playing for the story and fun game modes (this game does have good ‘game feel’ after all). But I am concerned about cores and their place in the game, as someone who puts a lot of hours in, I’m down to 7-12 cores now (can’t remember exactly as I write), and it’s making it a struggle to play more than just my Titan, and even then I fear getting bored chasing cores. Personally I’d like to see cores removed from infusion, or limited to when you’re infusing Exotic gear to a higher level (I can/could see that feel right, feeding into that exotic power feel), but if they are to stay there needs to be adjustments. The bounties are a good idea (weekly bounties should reward more than 1 core), giving a reliable source of cores, but I would suggest reducing the cost for Armour masterworks (or make them (much) more powerful, or give different effects), and reducing the total cost for weapon masterworks (by at least 3 or 4 cores I think). Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback. Edit: fixed a spelling mistake.

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    2 Replies
    • Remember etheric light from year one destiny? Let’s just go back to that. Or keep it the same. I don’t care. I didn’t have a problem then and don’t now. Enhancement cores aren’t that rare unlike the whiney, childish, parents basement dwellers on this forum, they are abundant.

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    • Edited by CAT 5 Hurricane: 4/14/2019 12:23:22 PM
      This is still not enough! Think about the players that play three characters. I play all three and have to share EC's between them. When you add the cost of the artificial LL power up to 700 I had over 200 cores saved up. By the time I have all of my armor and weapons up to 700 and now GP armor to 700 I am struggling to get back up to 20 cores. The whole process is stupid to begin with unless you change to mods for armor being able to be picked by the player. Then you can leave the whole EC process alone. We are futuristic warriors that need a complete armor change every time time we change up weapons. Look at it this way. Competing in PVP with hand cannon quest need all armor based around not flinching and target acquisition, dexterity, reload etc to be competitive. Then in PVE to maximize a weapons usefulness I cant reload an smg, fusion or pulse rifle as fast if I don't have the correct perk on the armor. You guys mix some of the most stupid perks together sidearm scavenger and fusion rifle reserves, grenade launcher reserves with sniper scavenger. Most of the armor I dismantle for gun smith parts waiting on Banshee to sell the right mods. Then when I find the rare correct set I have to save it in the vault master work it and constantly change armor based upon game play. When we topped out at 650 I had everything finally setup to play and master worked. Now it starts all over again. What about the players that dont have the time to invest in the game? They are behind the curve. Another issue I change mods I lose them. My God Bungie it feels like a fringen job not a game. Easy solution leave cores alone, allow players to setup the perks for the armor they like. Charge glimmer for perk changes and lower the cost to master work the armor and weapons. BTW I don't see any difference between level 3, 4 and 5 master worked when I'm in my super and a knight knocks me of the bridge in reckoning T3 or I get flamed out by a primeval in GP. I know this is off topic but Titan gauntlets with the urinals on their sides is horrific and the warlock bag person robe has got to go! Hunter has the only cool looking armor. Your aesthetics wardrobe team needs to be fired! One last thought dont double the price of EC's at spider. You don't go to the grocery store and because you buy 6 bananas the price doubles for each one right?

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    • Mods cost far to money mod components at the moment. I don't even bother with them, only a few of my weapons have them.

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    • Muh cores

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    • Are you happy about having only 6 enhancement cores? lol.

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    • i'd play more if "seasons" didn't exist. don't mind cores. wtf is a mod component?

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    • Still ain’t it, chiefs.

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    • 420 enhancement cores can fit inside Uranus. This increases by 0.04% if you relax.

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    • Edited by JScozz: 4/14/2019 12:00:58 AM
      It's too bad the numbers don't drop so low you fix this issue. It is amazing how fast things are fixed when the game tilts in the playerbase's favor, but this discussion has been dragged on for months?! Either this is being held back until your September content drops, in hopes you get people to come back and buy more lackluster dlc drips or it's straight incompetence. I've gone from playing 3 gaurdians to 1 now 0. Enhancement cores in the infusion process played a big role, but there are other factors as well. I hope you guys pull your heads out of your asses much sooner rather than later because right now it seems like you barely are taking a peak out of them and digging back in.

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      2 Replies
      • We don't need continued conversation lol, we don't want them. Stop being coy.

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      • Edited by Necrogen: 4/13/2019 4:50:07 PM
        DMG 04 Treat the cores like motes of light. Award them on level up. Keep them for infusing. masterwork weapons by [i][b][u]using the weapon[/u][/b][/i]. To masterwork weapon types make the player kill things based on how the weapon is supposed to be used. [i]Snipers[/i]- precision headshots ADS [i]Swords[/i]- have sword fights with knights [i]Shotguns fusions[/i]- get one hit multikills [i]HCs pulse scout [/i]- precision multikills [i]Sidearms[/i] - finish off a low health enemy 10% or less [i]heavy weapons[/i]- multikills I'm sure someone will tweak the idea but I think this should gain some traction. [i]EDIT[/i] please feel free to edit ideas as I do want all weapon types to have a different objective. [i][b][u]this is brain storming[/u][/b][/i] and I do believe this can be a thing.

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        • LMFAO Brain Dead’s !!!!!! Take them out of infusion you idiots !!! Masterwork only !!! It’s like Bungie is filled with people who enjoy people leaving their game . It’s a solution a monkey could come up with !!! Hey it’s not working take them out . Hmmm no no let’s make a stupid weekly bounty thing that will just rub them in players faces for longer getting more to quit playing . #FireAllTheDeadWeight2019

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          • Edited by MysticVibrate: 4/13/2019 7:00:25 PM
            Look many ppl have posted very constructive feedback regrading cores to you guys and it has fell on deft ears. U already know players HATE cores so why mock us by only giving us one damn core for a weekly bounties wtf? I really try to refrain from showing anger in these post but it’s so damn hard wen it seems like u just don’t listen to your own player base Bungie. Now, I’m not saying you guys don’t listen at all because you have been very vocal in the past couple months, but regarding the cores situation; no I don’t think you guys are listening. Leveling in this game is a chore and not very fun, players are dropping everyday because of it. Sure the choice to infuse should be somewhat “meaningful” but damn this ain’t it man. This is not it. 😒

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            • Edited by Jan Michael Vovo: 4/11/2019 1:28:03 AM
              I'm calling it, Bungie is officially in a death spiral. Absolutely no communication with community, decreasing user-base, no significant changes on the horizon, someone find the fork, it's time

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              • Started a new topic: still no discussion there.. just imposing failing solutions..(40 Replies))

              • How many cores does it take to fully MW 1 weapon then 1 armor?

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                • DMG 04 Treat the cores like motes of light. Award them on level up. Keep them for infusing. masterwork weapons by [i][b][u]using the weapon[/u][/b][/i]. To masterwork weapon types make the player kill things based on how the weapon is supposed to be used. [i]Snipers[/i]- precision headshots ADS [i]Swords[/i]- have sword fights with knights [i]Shotguns fusions[/i]- get one hit multikills [i]HCs pulse scout [/i]- precision multikills [i]Sidearms[/i] - finish off a low health enemy 10% or less [i]heavy weapons[/i]- multikills I'm sure someone will tweak the idea but I think this should gain some traction. [i]EDIT[/i] please feel free to edit ideas as I do want all weapon types to have a different objective. [i][b][u]this is brain storming[/u][/b][/i] and I do believe this can be a thing.

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                • -blam!- it just double the amount to infuse. Or better yet 15 for an exotic 10 for a Legendary! Make getting cores as hard as getting exotics! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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                • Hmmmm..... [b]How important is it really, to know the truth about anything?[/b] A Maxim in Roman Law: Let him who wishes to be deceived, be decived. If you have a rope and you are going to ship a heavy box. You take the rope and wrap it around the box and it shoud be sufficient but if you are going to take that Rope of the edge a 10 story building and you are going to hang your body off that building on that rope; now you better check the integrity of that rope because now you are hanging your life on it. Consequently, If you owned a two story building and you are planning to put a lot of heavy weight on that floor Logic alone would tell you, you should go downstairs to the first floor get on a latter and pull the ceiling tiles away and check the foundations of the floor to see if the weight is going to be too much for the floor. What you are doing is standing under the foundation. This is where we get the concept of the word Understanding. In order to truly understand something you need to stand under it and see what it is really based on before it all falls down on you and collapses. [b]Again i ask you. How important is it really, to know the truth about anything?[/b] Answer the following question to your fullest: [b]What is the Net value gained to the experience in Destiny to tell a player: no Joey you can not infuse that Badlander Shotgun. that should be a decision you make later. you should not infuse the Badlander. why?[/b]

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                • Hey, how bout you leave cores as is, but... Create an animation that allows us to remove the cores from a weapon. This way we could redistribute our cores accordingly or remove them from a weapon to hurl as an over-powered gernade. I betcha those things make a nice "big-badda-boom."

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                • I’m neutral about the cores but my god bungie You guys better do something quick, it’s either you keep them or not And seeing here, it’s best you remove them

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                • Let me explain something clearly. There is NO FURTHER DISCUSSION regarding enhancement cores for infusion. Either you remove enhancement cores from infusion, or I will not spend another dime on any bungie product. Actually, I don't think I'll spend a dime even if you did that, because if you remove the idiotic things that people hate from the next title or annual pass, you'll just add it right back in after you get your cash grab. That is how little I trust you to do the right thing.

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                  • It's not discussion if you ignore feedback and continue along the same path.

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