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Edited by A_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • I tend to run out of planatary mats as much as cores. But spider sells the mats reasonably so I eventually get back a pile of those. But I’m not spending more than 20 shards on one core.

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  • I don't understand why you make posts asking for our feedback .. even tho I haven't had any trouble with enhancment cores not for lack of boring grinds to stock up .. they are a problem the community puts out countless ideas and feedback and you don't listen to any of it ... It costs 17 cores to masterwork a weapon and we cant even reroll the stat bonus .. that is an insane amount of currency to invest in one weapon .. so now players are only gonna use the weapon that makes orbs .. bad game mechanic .. I don't know where you get your want infusion to be meaningful cause alot of players don't infuse unless they absolutely have to and I highly doubt many are even masterworking weapons and we know they aren't armor cause the bonus isnt worth the currency .. Let cores upgrade armor perks and re roll stat bonuses and if your not gonna remove them from infusion then lower the cost of infusing and masterworking all together ..

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  • [quote]The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, [i]enhancement cores[/i], and rewards[/quote] Obviously not from the community. You stole this idea from your 'summit' didn't you Bungie.

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  • Yet [i]another[/i] re-link to the poll about cores! Drop a big fat dirty vote, and if you so choose, give it a bump to keep it current 😁👍

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  • Dear dmg04, The problem around cores is quite simple. They have no place in infusion. Infusion is a way of just progressing your character to max level, this is basic character progression and therefore should not limited by a material which in it's very nature is scarce. The reason why they are scarce is due to masterworking which is an end game activity made to perfect your build & loadout. You can not tie a basic character progression system to an end game currency. This is contradictory in itself. You need to stop with this. Take them out of infusion or make them a common currency like shards. But doing so will devaluate end game masterworking. There is a great opportunity here if you take them out of infusion and expand on the end game masterworking. Allow perks to be rerolled once masterworked, both on armour and weapons. Allow us to change between mobility, res & recovery. Allow us to go from a normal perk to an enhanced version. Keep cores for those kind of things. Allow us to perfect our gear to our liking this way. Then the scarcity of the currency is warranted. Now it's just contradictory. Why can't Bungie see this? It's clear as day. I know there are a few members of the community okay with the current system but I can guarantee that when you change to a system suggested above your entire community can get behind it. I can't imagine a single player not wanting to reroll perks for their beloved items to perfect their loadout or augment to enhanced versions.

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    10 Replies
    • Bungie, there is a solution to your self-inflicted cores problem: refund us more cores from dismantling masterworked items. Not 2 cores. Not 7, as we got from dismantling your so called "pinnacle" weapons (what's so "pinnacle" in Oxygen? It can't even OHK some red trash mobs via headshot). ALL of them. This way we will be able to much easily masterwork our gear and actually enjoy freaking gameplay! I know, I'm only top 9% of players by playtime, but as I started two new characters I met a problem with cores I didn't have earlier - I don't have enough cores. And I don't masterwork EVERYTHING (details below). Yes, I'm running spider bounties on all three characters now, I even run those "legendary" bounties that award only gear, not cores, I do all scrapper minus Crucible (sorry, not going there, unless you'll reward with like 50 cores per daily milestone, I want to play against my peers, not someone who has more time in PvP alone than I in all games I ever played), I dismantle a lot of items, but I still can't a) masterwork guns for my newer characters, my hunter still runs with plain kinetic, and only energy is masterworked, so I can't generate orbs, impeding my own progress; b) masterwork armour for both hunter and warlock, because despite 500+ hours on Titan he still doesn't have optimal gear, what can I say about these two, who have about 60 only? Their gear is not even demigod roll, and I don't want to strip my titan of his guns. c) I can't freaking infuse, because you give me gear for same slot. With current state of events I'm much LESS inclined to play your way and grind this rubbish. And please, don't tell me about "meaningful cost". I'm cost estimator by trade, so leave your far-fetched explanations for someone else.

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    • Just make all Weekly/Daily powerful rewards drop 1-2 Enhancement Cores since you guys are so stubborn and just want us to grind for something so useless.

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    • There is no discussion about cores. We don't need their drop rate increased. Gosh we don't even need bounties for them. Just remove them from infusion. Why does the developer team is so persistent and autistic in this

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      7 Replies
      • Edited by puzzlor: 4/12/2019 6:37:14 PM
        Either remove them from the game or be transparent about their use. These are used as a gate for progression pure and simple. The "impact" of infusing is not fooling anyone as I think that vast majority of casual players or new players are feeling stunted by the mechanic rather than valuing it. To the people reading these posts, please remember that this is a developer who "solved" secret xp throttling by displaying proper values and DOUBLING the required xp. Those actions transparently communicate that they want you to grind needlessly. Such a shame because the base mechanics of this game are sublime.

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      • Dailies and weeklies only give one core each? Did anyone there actually think that through or what. And you, bungie, really think adding more chores to the game is going to make the core grind fun when it’s not rewarding? I don’t think out of touch can more accurately describe this situation.

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      • Can you just put enhancement cores and mod components as rewards after completing milestones, say one enhancement core and 2 mod components after every completed milestone. Remove them from spider bountys or remove the need for ghost fragments for those bountys because it is to long a grind for just six cores, keep ghost fragments for spiders gold bounty the one that drops powerful gear. Thanks.

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      • Edited by name: 4/11/2019 7:35:55 AM
        [b]remove infusion cores ASAP[/b] , theres nothing to discuss anymore here , the voice of the customer spoken clearly for months its either cores or players at this point, choose what is more important to you wisely

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        4 Replies
        • Edited by LordD2: 4/12/2019 6:26:34 PM
          Hi dmg04, What I think would be helpful in this discussion is for someone at Bungie to walk us through your vision of infusing and master working. Specifically at what intervals should we be infusing? The implication by Bungie, in the move to requiring masterwork cores to infuse, seems to be that the player base is infusing too often. I would suggest starting from the following example (cause it's basically me). I'm at 640-650 when Season of the drifter drops and I wanna work to 700. While I have more than one armor set I like to use depending on activity for simplicity sake let's use just one set of armor. How many times do you consider realistic to infuse a single piece of armor to reach the 690-700 range? If you can answer the above then the solution becomes easy. You would know, based on when and how often you should infuse gear, how many cores would be required to go from 640-650 to 690-700 on one set of gear. Then you just start multiplying and adding on (i.e. most people aren't running one set of gear. More like 2-4 would be my guess, [i]then[/i] they want to actually masterwork, [i]then[/i] they have exotics to level, [i]then[/i] they have weapons. (note: I'm not prescribing an order this should be done. Just what people will probably want/need to do) The point is at the end you should have 'x' number of enhancement cores it will take to get all that done, again based on what your vision is of how often or when people should infuse. You know what the supply of enhancement cores is and how long it would take to acquire that number of cores and finally decide whether that is a reasonable amount of time to be spending just trying to upgrade gear. Hope to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks, LordD2

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        • I've been reading feedback and I have a thought. How about cores are only required for infusing items over a certain power level, like 15 or 20 below the current max powel level. So, at 700 currently, you can infuse gear up to 680 or 685 without using cores. After the decided power level, current core costs are enabled. For the record, I don't really care, I don't play at the moment, and I have plenty of cores. I'm just trying to help with an idea.

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        • Why is it that the core exploit was fixed in a matter of hours but other parts of the game remain broken for months?

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          7 Replies
          • You're still missing the point. They need to be removed. If you're gonna change them to costing glimmer than you need to increase or remove the glimmer cap. I'm tired of playing economy simulator

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          • Bungie team, don’t bend to the very small percentage of entitled children. The game is fine, always remember you have multitudes of players who enjoy the game and their voices aren’t heard on forums or reddit. Cores are not an issue for the majority of the player base.

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            1 Reply
            • Infamy/valor should not be a part of your fix. It will just put us back to never being able to advance

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            • I truly appreciate Bungie asking our opinion. So here is mine. One enhancement core is too few. They go way way too fast. Still leaving my armor and weapons not the way I would like them. So my suggestion is 2 for the daily's and 5 for the weeklies. I would happily grind for this on all 3 characters. Thanks again!

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            • How about every time you decrypt a Prime Engram you also receive 5-10 cores? It increases the amount of cores, allows those that want to grind for cores to obtain more cores but also tempers the availability by attaching it to a mechanic that is already metered.

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            • Core's are hardly an issue IMO. Since Light Level is basically just a number to look at.

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              1 Reply
              • How about that core exploit that happened recently where players got 1000s of cores in a couple hours? I just saw a guys post with a link to a YouTube video. All their gear and weapons are now fully masterworked - i.e. all their armor in crucible is now fully masterworked which means they can use any set up and get the extra super damage resistance buff on any gear set they play. I have one set of crucible gear on my hunter masterworked and nowhere near enough cores to do the same for my Titan and warlock, let alone all the armor in my inventory...

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              • I think we should wait to see how the bounties play out. It’s a change that’s coming and so we should see how it affects the economy before trashing it. I would like Ada’s mods to be for sale and rotate like the gunsmith’s as the rng aspect to them is annoying. I still haven’t got a surrounded mod!

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              • So we are going to increase the grind for cores and not decrease the cost for infusion, because if you insist on keeping then, then make it one core to infuse. Personal preference would, like many, be to remove them from Infusion. The grind was real enough before infusion cores, you want to make it worse? You are turning the end game into a massive chore, that is not a good idea when there are many good games coming out or are already out, you will push your customers to those games that are fun and less of a grind. Listen to the community on this issue, I think we are mostly united in our opinion on this one.

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              • It's supremely unfair that some used an exploit and get rewarded. Yet you punished the rest of us by making us grind. GET RID OF CORES. I have never seen a company so eager to shoot itself in the foot over something so ridiculous. I have the annual pass which I got for half price. But you will lose me and many other players over this if your not careful.

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              • Honestly, I feel there is already a lot of stuff to do in a given week, so adding MORE bounties when we already have limited space (and time) to pickup all the existing bounties one might want to do is not the right solution.

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