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Edited by A_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • Honestly, I feel there is already a lot of stuff to do in a given week, so adding MORE bounties when we already have limited space (and time) to pickup all the existing bounties one might want to do is not the right solution.

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  • I’ve said it before on other threads, when you make decisions to try to slow down the most hardcore players you are exponentially slowing down the more casual players to the point of frustration. The game isn’t even fun anymore, it’s a boring slog. What percentage of your more casual fan base are you willing to lose? Most of my friends have moved on and I barely play anymore. The hard core players will say good riddance but every game needs casual/less hard core players. You can run the numbers, how many have you lost, are playing far less (and will eventually leave), and are likely to come back?

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  • Edited by HotdogJones: 4/12/2019 3:04:19 AM
    -blam!-ING HORSESHIT. MASS amount of people exploited and MASTERWORKED ALL THEIR SHIT. Meanwhile, the rest of us are -blam!-ed and have to do this dick dance grind

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    4 Replies
    • On top of no one even wanting enhancement cores in the game, you're only going to give us a single core for the daily AND WEEKLY. How does that seem fair to you guys.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by NationX: 4/11/2019 11:24:39 AM
        Typical tone deaf response. A discussion is a 2-way street, not a one-way tone deaf stock response. "Thank you for the continued feedback" - Remove enhancement cores from infusion, im not sure what other feedback you need. Its pretty much nailed in every thread. Start being HONEST with the playerbase, stop hiding behind cryptic "we are listening" quotes when you clearly are not listening. People would probably have more respect if you came out and said "we hear your feedback but at present feel we cannot remove them for x y or z reason" rather than just ignore people. I havent played since December and have no desire to return to the franchise until you guys 1.start listening 2. provide more 'meaningful' content and 3.respect a players time. Until then

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        • Right. I’ll make this hella simple for you dmg since the team seems to be looking at mirrors on this issue. We. Do. Not. Want. Enhancement. Cores. You like them because it adds artificial grind and bla bla. We don’t like them because they suck. OR All infusions cost ONE, JUST ONE enhancement core. I think we’d all be more or less cool with that at the very least. Either remove them or just one per infuse. If you add many pathes to get them, its just another annoying resource we need to collect like plants. It’s honestly just annoying. Please just remove them. It’s what 90%+ of the ppl who play this daily wants.

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          27 Replies
          • Remove cores from infusion, improve the masterwork system with more “impactful” perks and increase the amount of cores used to masterwork. People will not be happy with a few bounties being added with one hand and old bounties being taken away with the other, slight of hand springs to mind.

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            2 Replies
            • Terrible. How can you say you're evaluating feedback? The feedback is unanimously negative toward enhancement cores. If you were evaluating feedback at all why would you do anything other than removing enhancement cores from infusion?

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            • As far as I’m concerned Bungie has lost this battle I will not be logging on or will I be buying any DLC / season pass until this is fixed . And I don’t mean fixing it as a selling point in next DLC , if they try that they can shove it . Start really listening to ur customers or risk losing the majority for good .

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              4 Replies
              • There's only one feedback from the community and it's to remove them from infusion! Nothing else. We dont want new bounties, we dont want bounties removed, we want cores to be removed! Is it really that hard to do Bungie? It hurts noone. And the least it would hurt, is fun in the game.

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              • This is yet another failed attempt to put a bandaid on an amputation. Your game is an utter failure, your player base left, and when they ask or demand you make fixes, you stick out your chest and say "-blam!- off, go play something else". Message taken.

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                4 Replies
                • Until you guys remove enhancement cores from infusing gear, I will continue to refuse playing your game. You guys just keep ignoring what your player base has been begging you to remove for months now.

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                  • Yea gonna skip all the next expansions until they are removed. Not paying for the enhancement chore dlc experience.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Edited by ryknow777: 4/11/2019 4:51:24 PM
                      I honestly give up. I’m not sure what discussion there is left to have regarding the enhancement core dilemma. It seems as though you think you have an ace up your sleeve with these new core bounties. Seems premature and a little naive tbh. The fact that the dev team is so thick headed and dead set on leaving them as part of infusion costs is baffling. Yet you continue to leave things as they are and you carry on with an attitude that implies that you think you’re right and that we’ll thank you one day. That day will never come Bungie dev team. Sorry to disappoint, guess we’ll all just remain mutually disappointed in this franchise until you decide to grow up and remove cores from infusion. p.s. We’re out of room in our inventories for any more bounties btw. Stop. wasting. our. time.

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                      8 Replies
                      • Masterworking weapons should be kill based, not core based.

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                        3 Replies
                        • [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer.[/quote] - Thank you! This is a far better solution. [quote]• There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components.[/quote] - Also cool that mod components are rewarded. Thats nice. Im guessing a 5 daily/2 weekly thing like Ada so thats at least 5 cores/10 mods per day. Just speculating. Better! [quote]• There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty.[/quote] - Okay. So the dailies give 1 core/2 mods each and a weekly gives... 1 core/1 mod? The mod reward is awesome but why the same core value reward? Weeklies usually take more time/effort to complete and, if i may be so bold, im pretty sure the true incentive for all of us is the cores. Rep gain is nice though. [quote]• Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] - Ha, obviously. “Bro i just got luna’s from finishing banshee bounties.” It would actually be really cool if Banshee got a seasonal rep with some fun rewards like revamped vanilla weps with selectable perks outside of the current Banshee loot table. Like Scathelocke with new perks and maybe a updated look. Honestly, I think at this point players just really wanna have fun, play around with different builds, try new perks for guns/combos they haven’t experimented with yet, while at the same time looking cool and feeling badass. Enhancement has become such a major pain in the ass because it always comes down to prioritizing either maintaining highest light level, keeping your favorite perks, or looking ultra fresh (hey, semi matching armor is important to me okay). Its apparent you guys at Bungie really like this system and I understand your reasoning for keeping it, but i think its time to ease up a little more. But so far Y2 is mega dope and i cant wait to see what you guys will do with your newfound independence, thanks for a great experience so far.

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                          • Now make those daily bounties refresh every 3-6h and we are fine.

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                          • I like the bounty rewarding a mod concept. Also, so glad you changed it to glimmer. Gunsmith materials are almost as scarce as cores with all the ways to spend them. Thanks for keeping the conversation open!

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                          • Leave cores as they are. I’m happy to grind and play the game to level up gear. I like killing aliens.

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                          • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My usual re-link to the poll about this issue, drop a vote and give it a bump you meaningful mofos 😁👍

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                          • Bring back faction rallies Winning factions get enhancement cores 2nd place gets a few of them 3rd place gets to listen to Donald trump in the tower on an infinite loop for a month

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                          • I Have really not see th issue with eiher ofthese items. Cores and mods are earned through playing. You have respected the timea guardian puts into the game by providing more the more youplay. A fully masterwork guardian shouldn't be the norm but, the exception. They should not appear everywhere or it looses its appeal. There are so many ways to earn both right now, you just need to put the time and effort into obtaining them. I am very glad that BUngie hasn't removed them or caved to the players complaining about not having them. I think it is fair that some don't like the system and have asked for change however, if it isn't coming, it isn't coming and we can move on to something else. Perhaps we can get an update on What is going on September and onwards? The next season pass? etc.

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                            11 Replies
                            • Just got to say that if Bungie should in any way remove or make the acquisition of cores dependant on another source the need for one or more materials or currency will become more impactful. Bungie will get off their high horse and spank all of you degenerates, for your dissidence and rebellion. Infusion will cost you something one way or the other, why do you think your glimmer is capped and infusion costs as many legendary shards as it does, as well as materials. Impact friend, impact. Seriously though its always gonna cost ya something.

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                              2 Replies
                              • What are you going to do now that the pinnacle weapon cores exploit! This is not fair for the ones who didn't do it! I think you should give every player a free thousand cores because some people have thousands of them now! Or remove them from infushion and the game and return them to masterwork cores again! This way it truly fixes the exploit from pinnacle weapon core exploit!

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                              • Bump

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                              • Just my usual relink to a poll about this issue. Cast a vote, bump if you like 👍

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