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4/10/2019 8:37:42 PM
I appreciate the efforts you are putting into the enhancement core issue, but I still think the most significant issue is there's only ONE enhancement core as a reward, even for weekly bounties. How about one core for the daily bounties and 3 or 5 for the weeklies? Infusion is such a core (no pun intended) mechanic to Destiny that inhibiting it by restricting the process with extremely rare materials just makes things less...FUN. As a player, I find weapons I can get comfortable with in PvE and/or PvP. Honestly, I can't wait to get to 700 power, but I don't want to be running around with an SMG, a Fusion Rifle, and a Grenade Launcher to do it. I want MY weapons. To be honest, I'd rather see you revert infusion for Legendaries back to what it was, with shards, glimmer, and planetary materials being the only cost. Use the cores for Exotics and for Masterworking. That way the mechanic still works for truly upgrading weapons/armor (Masterworks) but doesn't inhibit the player from playing the game the way they LIKE to play it. It's frustratingly disappointing to get sweet weapons or armor and not use them because the infusion process is restricted by ONE super-rare component.

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  • News flash. You only need high level for endgame activites. Anything lower level doesn’t affect your effectiveness. Therefore, use the guns you like, until the pieces you infuse into them would bring them up to a level at with you would be able to step foot in the activity you want. Furthermore, raising 1-2 levels on one piece or even 2-3 pieces won’t make a difference in your ability to clear a given activity, assuming you are borderline light level. Smart infusion doesn’t have to limit your loadout options.

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  • "Smart" infusion is what I've been doing, or just running with what I have. The point is, I didn't have to play that way until Forsaken. I didn't have to play that way in D1. Bungie said they wanted to make the infusion process feel "meaningful," which is nonsense because it's using the gear you WANT that's meaningful, not the infusion process. Enhancement Cores only do two things: Slow player progression, requiring more of a grind, or require the player to use weapons/armor that they're not comfortable with or is just plain ugly (looking at YOU Tangled Web/Scatterhorn). That's IT. Like I said, they can keep them if they want, but they should be for Exotics (remember Exotic shards from D1? Like that) or Masterworking (take them back to what they were). At least then the process of gaining and using cores is OPTIONAL, instead of necessary.

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  • Easy to compare it to d1. Did you have powerful gear in D1 as accessible as it is now? No.

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  • [quote]You only need high level for endgame activites. Anything lower level doesn’t affect your effectiveness.[/quote] Really? So infusion is meaningless for newly dropped content such as raid lairs, the forges, the reckoning, etc., when they drop? Of course your effectiveness is tied to leveling your kit. Simply telling us to use trash weapons that happen to be higher in power level than what we like to use, isn't going to cut it when there existed a competent system for leveling that gear before this newly implemented throttle. But then, we've talked about this every which way to Sunday. I, for one, am tired of flogging this dead horse. #Bollocks

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  • All the activities you listed are endgame. But as an example: You want to do reckoning t3. You have a light level of 673 and you can clear t2 without issue. You get an item level to drop later that day at 678. Do you infuse? Or keep it and wait? Infusing it makes almost no difference in your ability to clear t2, and makes no difference to t3 as you’ll have to infuse the same piece AGAIN later to be effective there. This is smart infusing.

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  • They aren’t endgame. They are new when they drop, which doesn’t make them end game. Raids, erstwhile Trials, perhaps some of the PvP pinnacles are end game. I am familiar with the new best practices for infusing. I agree that they are the best path forward under the new system. But there was nothing wrong with the old system. The new system was implemented to slow players down, I posit, because of a lack of worthwhile content to chase. It’s a shell game.

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