originally posted in:Clan Finder
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My last few clans have been fairly inactive, and since is the only game I play consistently, I've been trying to find one that is active with players willing to play with each other. Now with the new catalysts introduced and the rank 5 clan perk, I've been trying to find a higher level clan and members willing to grind strikes and crucible for them. If you have a clan on Xbox One that is accepting members, I'm willing to join.
We are an Xbox one clan, we are friendly, active, helpful, social, non-sweaty and non-toxic. We are looking for like-minded players to join us. We have players of all types. I want to max out the clan full of active members so there is a purge that happens when people are inactive a month at least. Please read our commandments Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2975911 I am also looking for a new admin as well, currently no one wants the role. We base our communication through discord so you’ll get the invite if you’re accepted, simply request to join and you’ll hear from a friendly admin or myself. Game on. -missXeve