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Edited by NomadEnigma4154: 4/11/2019 4:06:14 PM
[quote][quote]Also, don’t bring up the day one of D1 veteran bullshit, that doesn’t give your opinion more or less value, it just makes you look like a jackass.[/quote] Bahhhahahahahahaha! If you say so, pal. I didn't say it gives my opinion 'any more or less value', because you're right; it doesn't. What it DOES give my opinion is extra context over, say, someone who started the franchise with D2 or with Forsaken, because I know that Infusion worked perfectly before they added bullshit cores. I cannot say that I have EVER infused a weapon up and said, "You know? This really needs to be [i]less[/i] convenient." That's all that adding Cores did. Not "added meaning or impact" :::jerkoff motion:::, not "made things harder", just added inconvenience and, maybe, gave hardcores a little something extra to lord over casual players. That's IT. [/quote] [Sorry for misunderstanding, I only assumed that you were using it in the ways others had used it. Also, infusion hasn’t worked perfectly since they implemented it on taken king. Seriously, there wasn’t a day where I didn’t see posts asking for world recourses to drop in larger amounts or for us to get ten motes of light every level up after forty instead of one. Things that basically carried over to D2. How inconvenient something might be is relative to the person as well.] [quote] [quote][like any grind in this franchise was meaningful. Sure you can get your god roll, for what? So it can get nerfed in a month so it’s useless? You could’ve grinded for gjallerhorn in year one of D1, which was cool and all, but it was basically handed to everyone in year three making the original useless, along with all the nerfs it got anyways. And what reason could there really be to play prison of elders over and over and over a-goddamn-gain other than you might get a good roll on the shitty looking armor? It’s a goddamn looter shooter, not a -blam!-ing rpg...][/quote] Sure. That's happened to me more times that I can count. I usually get drops after they've been nerfed, but I've been on the receiving end of the nerf stick a bunch of times, too. I grinded my ass off for the perfect (to me) Hopscotch Pilgrim. It landed, and I loved it. Then Bungie nerfed it so hard they changed the class of pulse rifle it was. :::shrugs::: Them's the breaks. I still loved it. In fact, it's still equipped on my D1 Warlock. Bungie is going to nerf gear, that doesn't mean keeping it current with Cores should be a pain in the ass. And I could seriously give a sh*t less if a few pieces are "given away" (like Thunderlord, for example); that's a hardcore hang up. I don't care what anyone else has. In fact, I'd prefer other players have access to the gear they want and a streamlined path to keep it current, because [u]that helps me.[/u] If I get matchmade with other people in Reckoning or Iron Banner or Gambit or any other light level enabled activity, I want them kitted out comfortably and high level. I don't want to be the only one with a preferred loadout while they're stuck with a pair of sidearms to compete so Chad Hardcore can keep his pride over the shit he "worked for". This is a game. Anyone who attaches a sense of pride or self worth to their gear in Destiny should really re-examine their life choices. [/quote] [Great, you know both ends. You even stuck to your gun after it got nerfed over bullshit. Good on you. On the “Chad Hardcore” you mentioned, not every guy who wants cores is like that. Sure, some are like that, but we can all agree that if they have pride for working on something that doesn’t reward them physically they’re assholes to begin with who also probably have self esteem issues. The reasons I want cores to stay (although I wouldn’t mind if the core cost for everything using cores was suddenly halved) is that I like having to think about the possible consequences of the choice and it reminds people that not everything is going to be a walk in the park.] [quote]Inb4 "Oh, so you want [i]everything[/i] given away?" Didn't say that, don't misconstrue it. There have always been paths to gear in this game; quests, bounties, raid drops, Xur, random drops, Pinnacle Weapons. You want it? Go get it. Here's the path, get to work. However, once you earn it, I want you to be able to keep it current without blowing a bunch of hours grinding for Cores because Chad Hardcore needs to feel better about himself. [/quote] [that comment I made was mostly sarcasm/satire. I’m very well aware of all of what you mentioned. Again, if you’ve met a “Chad Hardcore” I apologize and will repeat my previous statement that those guys have self-esteem issues.] [quote]There's enough grind in this game, not to mention layers of RNG. Cores in Infusion needs to go.[/quote] [Enough grind? Let’s see, the three crucible pinnacle weapons, the two vanguard pinnacle weapons, the two gambit pinnacle weapons, nightfall specific drops, some of the forsaken exotics with either low drops or unmarked quests, 2 raid exotics, the whisper, and cores. Those are the only things in the entirety of the sandbox (why did I waste the time doing the math?), most of which can be acquired by dicking around in-game. Also, as I mentioned before this is a looter-shooter and looter-shooters have RNG. Just be glad destiny’s is better than anthems which was increased by a “glitch,” lowered with a patch, and raised back to half of what it was with the “glitch,” which was still apparently half of Destiny’s. The grind for cores is going to be slightly lowered next season with the daily and weekly bounties which reset daily and weekly respectively. Sure, weeklies should drop more cores than one, but overall by doing the new gunsmith bounties the number of cores you get a week will increase from what it is now. Just saying. Other than what I picked apart and commented on, nice argument.]

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