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4/11/2019 4:57:50 PM
I will admit straight up that most people who I've run into who are fighting for Cores to stay fall into the "Chad Hardcore" category. I saw one guy yesterday on these boards who was [b]pissed[/b] about the Pinnacle Weapon glitch because "casuals got in an hour what he worked so hard for". He also said "there was no longer a reason for Enhancement Cores and they should be removed" exactly because people glitched their way to catch up to his "hard work". It was sad. If I painted you with that same brush, I'll respectfully walk it back. [quote]Enough grind?[/quote] You hit most of the big chases in this game, but I would respectfully disagree with "getting most of them by dicking around in-game". I've seen people complain about running 50, 60, 70+ nightfalls for a specific weapon that has still not dropped for them, same with Escalation Protocol, same with 1,000 Voices. That's no small feat. Same with Title Chasers. Hunting a ghost shell to top off their accomplishment and not being able to get it. That is the very soul of the grind, in my opinion anyway. Working your butt off to complete your in-game goals. And let me use myself as an example; I've knocked out the PVE Pinnacles for this season, and now I'm beginning the chase for Luna's Howl and Recluse. However, I'm no PVP god by any stretch. That's going to be *rough* for me, and will undoubtedly be a game of gain ground/lose ground until I finally get there (if I ever do). That's a grind; playing game after game of comp until I ultimately reach my goal. Buying Simulation Seeds from Spider to take to Vance to turn into gear that I hope is masterworked to break down into Cores is not a grind; it's tedious chores. Yeah, I occasionally do Spider's bounties (if I have the ghost fragments, otherwise I'd need to grind those up first), or Scrappers when they drop (providing they're not PVP) or occasionally get lucky when one pops out of gear that I break down, but the Spider farm is the most efficient way to get cores. If that adds any enrichment to your gameplay experience than good on you, sir. For me it's an hour of pressing a button while listening to a podcast, definitely not the space magic soaked looter shooter I signed up for. I respect that we're on the two opposing sides on this issue, and that's fine. We all don't need to agree on everything, and if you receive some value in having this rare currency in Infusion than I can respectfully disagree without diminishing your opinion. I just prefer to spend my hours playing hunting for gear plus good rolls on weapons and armor (and not for things like my recent Oathkeeper exotic armor that dropped without a single bow perk. I mean, seriously?) along with the multiple currencies I will need to keep them usable. Cores, for me, is a bridge too far and they reduce the fun. I'd settle for your suggestion about halving the cost, but the game could only improve by their removal from Infusion altogether in my opinion.

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