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Edited by FarCoughCant69: 4/14/2019 8:04:40 AM
Last wish gives 1k voices, auseful weapon which can actually improve the gaming experience. Cores are a slow, grindy aggravating item that takes away from the players time, time which could be spent on worthwhile, enjoyable parts of the game.

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  • And masterwork cores are useful tool to upgrade weapons. No different that motes of light or legendary Mark's.

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  • No they arent'. Motes of light and legendary marks were both materials that are/were generated to the player as the result of NORMAL game play. Also both materials were freely farmable. So the more you played, the more you earned. Cores are an artifiically created "grind" that serves no purpose but to extend play without acutally rewarding the player. They dont' drop from normal play. They either have to be bought.....earned by grinding some of the most tedious parts of the game...... ...and they are effectively capped. Either directly (Spider bounties).....with brutal feedback mechanics designed to deplete you resources (buying them from Spider).....or hiding them behind multiple layers of randomness (Scrapper bounties, Matterweave, dismantling Level 4 or higher gear). The difference is that the former is a tranparent investment process. The other is set up to act like a game of chance, where the player wagers their time and effort, and then has to HOPE the game spits out something that will actually progress their character. This is mobile game-level shit.

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  • Not to mention you can't do anything with one core you need multiple cores. However you can do stuff with One weapon.

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 4/14/2019 3:24:29 PM
    And the amount of effort you have to put into getting that ONE core is ABSURDLY high compared to the mundane role that infusion plays in this game. I can play one strike...and walk away with 2, 3 or even 4 legendary drops.....which can dismantle into upto 12 Legendary shards. Plus thousands of Glimmer. While that same strike will give me ONE core from a Scrapper bounty.

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  • [quote]And masterwork cores are useful tool to upgrade weapons. No different that motes of light or legendary Mark's.[/quote] That’s a disingenuous statement about motes of light and you know it. Motes dropped from [b]EVERY [/b] activity you did in D1, even dismantling. They were a consistent resource, fully dependent upon time played. You could swap any other resource for them directly too, by seeing the Speaker. Enhancement Chores are not at all like Motes of Light. If they were there would be few if any complaints about them. Stop defending a broken economy by comparing it to something that actually worked.

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  • [quote]And masterwork cores are useful tool to upgrade weapons. No different that motes of light or legendary Mark's.[/quote] Way diferent because you never had to go out of your way to get motes of light ore legendary marks. You get/got those just for playing the game. You never had to do bounties for those making you do sh!t you don't want to do. Like the same damn lost sector over an over again.

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  • Tell that to the vast majority of players who see them as a useless addition to an already efficient infusion system. Cores do nothing but add an extra element of grind to a system that was already working.

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  • ...and a grind that doesn't actually reward the player with anything new or actually valuable. Its basically a mechanic to steal the player's time.

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  • Please get rid of the requirement of raids to get raid loot. I dont have time for that!! I'm a casual player

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  • Geez dude, stop acting like a child. You have zero reason in your arguments, man up and move on.

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  • Straw man. And a terrible [i]reductio[/i] ploy. No one has said that, and you know it.

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  • This is why people keep asking for actual reasons for cores to stay as they are. Whenever a valid argument is made, someone like you tries and fails to defend a losing point, and inevitably withdraws into spouting "casual" or "crybaby" lol. If you don't know how to have an actual conversation with valid reasoning, why bother attempting it? You honestly just make yourself sound like an impetuous child with these kinds of responses. Ah well, to each their own.

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  • [quote]Whenever a valid argument is made, someone like you tries and fails to defend a losing point, and inevitably withdraws into spouting "casual" or "crybaby" lol.[/quote] Because you're dealing with an emotional.....rather than a rational.....argument. 1. Cores add no value to the game or to the player experience. Especially in terms of player enjoyment. So they are indefensible on that front. 2. The people who defend them are either apathetic....or are seeking to be exclusionary. That is....they either play so much compared to the gear that they actually use...that the pain of the system just misses them. Or, they (sadly) feel that their willingness to tolerate and have to negotiate this broken system validates their status as a "hard core gamer" (and misconception that Bungie is actively trying to feed). So... 3. Once they realize that cores can't be defended from an actual game design standpoint....they have nowhere else to go. Their only other option is to attack the character of the person opposed to them. So they go for either accusing us of being lazy....entilted.....or immature. When the irony is that this is being said in defense of a system that was DESIGNED to not respond to hard work, and lots of play. That's who ridiculous all this has become.

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  • Edited by FarCoughCant69: 4/14/2019 9:00:57 AM
    [quote]. Whenever a valid argument is made, someone like you tries and fails to defend a losing point, and inevitably withdraws into spouting "casual" or "crybaby" [/quote] [quote]Lol I'm making valid points and your crying like a b. Its hilarious!! Have to be a Clinton supporter.[/quote] Case in point

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  • You are the reason why this game has become trash. Your listening to 1% of the community where the rest of the community has no problem. LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME!!

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  • Parroting the same wasted, hollow phrases and creating percentages out of thin air only proves you're completely out of valid arguments to defend your case.

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  • All you have is incorrect numbers and weak attempts at making weak points. You obviously can't handle intelligent conversation so just move on, there's nothing for you here.

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  • Ok get back to me when you learn how to play the game. Maybe you should watch some YouTube videos. It's very helpful.

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  • ...and now begins the "Declare Victory and Leave" part of the show..... You lost the argument. Deal with it. Stop the name-calling and the insults. I've beein playing loot games for 20 years.....and this game for nearly 5 years. So I know how to play the game. But I also know enough about these games to recognize when a game is broken.....when a system is not working....and when its doing so because it was a bad idea. I recognized the day that Bungie announced adding cores to infusion that it was a bad idea.....and I predicted that it would eventually wear out player patience and people would stop playing 7 months ago. When most people were still honeymooning with Forsaken. Note the date of this post. Its September 28th, 2018. The day after Bungie's first tone-deaf TWAB on this issue. EVERYTHING I predicted would happen in that post is currently happening. Those are the engagement numbers. Which are the worst they've been since the dark days of commmunity discontent over Y1 Destiny 2. So you can keep calling people names. But the fact is that this game is an bad place right now....and its only going to get worse the more Bungie stubbornly digs in on this.

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  • When a child tries to insult you, do you feel insulted? This is the same situation. Say what you like and assume what you will, the fact remains that you have the skills of a mid-tantrum 5 year old when it comes to actually holding some semblance of intelligence when you speak. I can't take you seriously, so how could you even hope to leave me feeling insulted?

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  • Why dont you wanna play the game??

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  • Lol I'm making valid points and your crying like a b. Its hilarious!! Have to be a Clinton supporter.

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    Okay bro I’m republican. Please shut up with the Clinton bullshit it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand and makes conservatives look idiotic.

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  • Dont cry so much

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  • You dont understand this stuff and been happening ever since launch. Every change in the game was caused because of the community complaint. The crying is what is destroying this game. The community is not always right.

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