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4/16/2019 3:43:42 PM
Because the two companies are operating with different agendas....and management philosophies. Massive prior to Fall of 2016 operated much like Bungie does now. They were arrogant, obstinate, and saw their customers as an obstacle to their "design goals" So they just refused to acknowledge The Division 1's problems....and basically told people to suck it up and deal with them. But player numbers plumetting and people refusing to buy their first paid DLC snapped them out of it...and there was a permanent shift in how they dealt with the game and their players. They basically ate crow, and admitted they broke their own game....and turned to their community and basically said, "Teach us how to make the game you want to play." That act of humility and transparency ultimately gave us The Division 2. Since Massive dropped the arrogant posturing....the community put away their knives. They rallied around Massive and the game....Massive put the entire franchise on hold for three months as they went through a major overhaul of the game. They reached out to all players at all levels for ideas and feedback. Flying out both content creators and typical (but knowledgeable) players out to conferences. in Sweden and North Carolina (?) to discuss design changes to the game. What came out of those conferences was an overhauled game that became fun to play again....and thefoundation of what became The Division 2's design. They ran Player Test Servers each time they planned to bring out a new patch So that PC player could find bugs and tuning problems befor they dropped. They also used the first game as a two year long public beta to test and refine ideas for teh sequel. The Divison 2 GOT it right because Massive held themselves accountable to CHANGE the game and CHANGE themselves in response to feedback about the game. They then poured EVERYTHGING they learned into the new game. Bungie has been unwilling to do this. Because they are unwilling to give up that kind of control to the community. So everything we tell them in feedback gets DISTORTED thorugh some organizational agend of Bungie's....or through the factional agenda or preconceptions of some group WITHIN Bungie. Massive has already announced that they are setting up PTSs for the new game. Its why they are positioning themselves to not only eat Bungie's lunch....but to carve out a chunch of their soul of they don't get their shit together....and fast.

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  • It's a shame Bungie doesnt do this. Destiny could be such a fun game to play.

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 4/16/2019 4:09:32 PM
    Yep. No argument here. Edit: I think Bungie’s biggest problem is the success of Halo. Because they did one thing brilliantly, they believe they can do everything well. They see themselves as experts. The Division 1 was Massive’s first AAA game, so they were more willing to admit to not knowing and be open to learning. There is a very famous Zen aphorism: [i]In a beginner’s mind there are many possibilities. In an expert’s mind there are few. Never lose your beginner’s mind.[/i] Bungie lost their beginner’s mind years ago, and as a result struggles to learn anything new. Because they discount anything that challenges whatever it is they already believe. It’s why the Investment Team always treats us like we don’t [i]understand [/i] how cores are supposed to work. Because they just can’t accept that we do understand but just feel they were a horrendous idea.

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  • I really like the division this go round.

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