Hey Folks,
I am a Georgia State University student who is currently taking Marketing for Entrepreneurs. Our semester assignment was to find a channel of consumers that I am passionate about and find a possible problem to solve within that channel. Well, I love to play video games on whatever spare time I have, and I would like to emphasize the term spare time here. Along with being a college student, I also work full time and I’m currently working on planning my wedding which will happen in October!! If I AM able to play at all within the week, I choose to play Destiny 2. I love the way Bungie has mastered their slick shooting mechanics, the world is amazing to be in and frankly I just love to shoot aliens in the face to just de-stress. In that regard, I do see myself as a casual player but not by choice. I would love to do more of the harder content in the game that requires me to go out and find players myself by using various LGF channels (for raids, nightfall, etc.) instead of Matchmaking. I find myself always waiting for a response back when using Reddit or Discord and then suddenly my free hour is gone. I’ve also used Bungie’s companion app which is great but hate the fact that I must stay in orbit in order to match up to players when I could be doing small quest steps while waiting for a response. Along the way in this semester, I picked up two other classmates who are equally passionate as me about video games and find themselves in a similar scenario.
Here’s our proposed idea: We would love to implement a tool that starts its service by asking its players a quick questionnaire the next time the player logs on to Destiny 2. The questionnaire will hit on subjects how you play the game. How old are you? (pick range date), How often do you play? (pick from set options), Do you consider yourself a serious player or casual player? Do you want a group for endgame content? Crucible? From there, the tool is working in the background and learns how you play the game and eventually matches you up with players that have answered the initial questions AND plays to a compatible style (campers, aggressive players, uses power ammo more often, strategically melts the boss, etc). That group will always be available to use, and more and more players will eventually be placed in that group so then players can be free to clan up or use the companion app to message each other.
The idea of this tool/service is to facilitate players like us, who love to game but have so many other things in life going on and would like to find other players that get it. For example, so many times I find myself in a group of twelve-year-old kids that do nothing but scream out profanity or tell other players that they are trash at the game, and that is never fun. We would also like to implement this kind of idea to any other games-as-a-service model (Division 2, Anthem) or maybe any games that takes advantage of matchmaking (Call of Duty, Overwatch).
Our group has been instructed to set up a website and collect date to see who would be interested on an idea like this. A fair warning, this website is very bare bones with not a lot of features at the moment. The whole point is to see what kind of feedback we can get from players and ask the question of what other implementations would you like to see realized?
Click the link to find out more and feel free to give us any feedback. If you like to just give us your feedback, ideas, or just general thoughts on this page as well, then feel free to do so! I apologize for the long post but I do want to thank any and all players who give us a look.
I feel bad for you man, writing so much. You’re about to get shit on by literally everyone.