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Edited by Biochemgirl123: 4/21/2019 9:24:58 PM

What is the issue with Enhancement Cores?

I am legitimately confused about how this is a problem. The enhancement cores are not that big of a problem. You are playing the game wrong if you are having trouble with it. When trading with planetary vendors make sure to have a ghost with a scanner for that planet equipped. Same with activities, strikes, reckoning, raids, etc for higher chances of curated roles. Also fireteam medallions (bright paragon) may help with this? Sources for cores: 1. Trade planetary materials to world vendors and get masterwork items around 10-20% of the time which reward 1-3 cores when dismantled. 2. Hawthorn gives 7 each week once your clan reaches a specific level. 3. Scrapper bounties are pretty frequent and have easy tasks to accomplish. 4. Spider sells them. If you get 2 each day that’s only 30 legendary shards, but even 1 (10 shards) a day is an extra seven cores each week. 5. Spider bottom row bounties. 3 lost sector bosses are easy and sometimes line up with scrapper bounties. The three open world are more trying deepening on which ones are up, but still doable. 6. Forges, especially Bergusia have a chance to drop a master work when completing, which dismantle to 7 cores. 7. Reckoning (Tier 3 at least) seems to have a pretty high chance of rewarding a master work weapon. Again those dismantle to 7 cores. 8. They listened and made pinnacle weapons triumph based, so once you complete it you can collect them on all characters. If you are running short of cores dismantle all but 1 for an extra 14 cores (7 each). Then just move the weapon around until you have more cores and you can buy them back from collections. 9. Finest Matterweave drop from dismantling gear. Pretty much a freebie, with no specific task required. 10. Sometimes items gained by trading in tokens to Zavala or Shaxx or materials to Banshee result in 1-3 cores. This seems to be a little more rare though. 11. Run raids to have higher chances of getting curated weapons which dismantle to 7 cores. People really?!? I just don’t feel like they are as short supply as people are making it out to be. When they first implemented this system, they definitely were, but so many sources have been added that if you need them you can go out and get some. Maybe people need to be more strategic about leveling gear? I’m not sure. I don’t understand why people have a problem earning rate materials to make their gear better (whether increasing power level or masterworking). This is a feature of almost every Looter/Shooter game I have ever played. I just don’t get the push for a constant handout.

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  • You’re acting like a real Bungie. Players have been clear since forsaken that they should be removed from infusion and why.

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    • The issue is too huge to go over... Bungie is being stingy with it in order to force players to go through their inventory of medallions/resources. See, due to the release of the game to this point.., there is absolutely no reason to turn any of it in. A lot of players are sitting on thousands of resources. This becomes part of the player data that probably says that there is not an issue. but since so many of us are hoarding and holding on to hope that something will come of the vendors and thus making it rewarding to turn them in... they will not budge. All of that, and the fact that upgrading your power level of your preferred builds on the VERY limited somewhat cool armor sets with no growing variation in perks makes no sense to punish us for keeping what we like relevant. Weapons or armor. While the cost to actually masterwork something is still way too high. Th options given to players currently is to either upgrade your power level OR masterwork.. but not both.

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      • Edited by damnter: 4/23/2019 4:56:44 PM
        The short answer. Al of those things force you to do shit you don't want to do and that have no reward what so ever. The thing about curated rolls is really laughable. How many of those really drop!? You're playing it wrong? Really? If the game forces you to do shit you don't like doing just to be able to get your gear and weapons up to level? If the game is forcing to waste your time? Is it that hard to understand? It's not like grinding for a good weapon ore gear. Thats for a reward. Cores are a useless waste of time to force you to play things no one enjoys. Just to inflate playertime making it seem people enjoy the game more than they actualy are. It's a game! It's supposed to be fun to play! Not a chore ore second job.

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        • Edited by kellygreen45: 4/23/2019 1:00:46 PM
          The issue is simple. gets back to the same issues I was talking about in your other, bomb-throwing thread. 1. Cores add no value to the game for the player. 2. They exist in the game ONLY to bottleneck infusion...and to deny the player access to powers (gear perks) that they've already acquired....and slow-and-artificially extend progression rather than reward player time investment. 3. Bungie states that they are undersupplying the game with them. 4. THEY DON'T DROP FROM NORMAL GAME PLAY, WHICH ALLOWS BUNGIE TO SUPPLY THEM TO THE GAME IN A WAY THAT IS NOT RESPONSIVE TO PLAYER TIME INVESTMENT. IOW, this allows Bungie to effectively CAP how many we can get....just like Milestones impose a soft-cap on the number of drops we can get each week to progress our character. NOW listen closely....because here's the problem. 1. In combination with Milestones, Cores basically slap a restrictor plate on the game' progression engine. So you can only progress but so fast REGARDLESS of how much you play. 2. Cores amplify the problem by squelching the game's horizontal progression. So you create a second....artififical grind that doesn't reward the player with anything. Unless you massively stockpile have to reach level cap by playing with whatever drops.. Then there is a second, grind that forces you to eithe grind cores or grind MILESTONES (!!) to get duplicates of the gear you already you can then raise them to cap. WHICH WOULD BE FINE IF THE LEVEL CAP WAS A STATIONARY TARGET. 3. But then Bungie raises the level cap every three months. So the majority of the player base has no TIME to complete this process before the level cap is raised....they get kicked down to the mid-game once again....and this toxic process starts all over again. If what TattooedOni said about you on the other thread is are basically playing this game 40 hours a week. (Its the only way you get 3000 hours of play in 18 months). So you are either playing this game AS a job (streamer or content creator) OR you are playing it LIKE a full time job. Either way....the pain on this system doesn't TOUCH you. Because the three hours or so it takes you to grind cores gets swallowed up by a level of play time that makes you an EXTREME statistical outlier. IOW, you don't care about wasting 3 hours a week....because you have 37 other hours to do what you want. But that three hours a week may represent HALF the WEEKS game play for some pretty dedicated players. So half their play time gets WASTED doing the most tedious activities in the game...for essentially NO tangible reward. I'm another outlier. I'm top 4% our about 20 hours a week. This system is a problem for me, because I'm a veteran RPG player....and my end game is to construct and perfect multiple BUILDS. And cores DESTROY that play style. Before Foresaken I ran FOUR fulltime builds on each of three characters....and did it with ease. Not only did it with ease, I also could level up situational weapons and keep them in my valut to pull out and use when the game got stale. I WOULD NEED TO OBTAIN NEARLY 200 CORES PER WEEK TO MAINTAIN THAT PLAY STYLE. That level of core generation is a statisical IMPOSSIBILITY right now. Even at my level of outsized play, it took every hour of play and every cores that I could get my hands on just to maintain TWO builds. NO masterworking. No leveling up situational gear in my vault. IN SHORT, CORES HAVE TAKEN WHAT WAS ALWAYS A SHALLOW...BUT ENJOYABLE...GAME....AND MADE IT RIGID, EVEN MORE SHALLOW...AND AN UNENJOYABLE HAMSTER WHEEL OF EFFORT FOR THE SAKE OF EFFORT. ...making people have to go through a second manufactured grind to keep and use the stuff they've already earned is not a "grind". Its wasting people's time for no reward. But that's not the worst of it. I tried to level up a new character on PC back in the fall. Breezed thorugh the campaign with no problem. Then I hit this levelling system. I went from 0-500 over a holiday weekend. Despite the changes Bungie made for Black took me THREE WEEKS to go from 500 to 550. Then I got stuck at 550 for another three weeks because I got nothing but kinetic weapons and boots as drops. THAT'S WHEN I QUIT THAT CHARACTER IN FRUSTRATION AND WENT BACK TO MY PSN CHARACTERS. THAT...IS WHAT BUNGIE HAS TURNED THIS GAME INTO FOR NEW AND RETURNING PLAYERS. Because the time I could dedicate to that fourth character is more indicative of what the AVERAGE player can afford to give to this game. . ...and its why this game's engagement numbers are slowly having their air let out as people who don't have 40 hours a week to throw at it...are quitting it in frustration.

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          • There is no issue people just like to complain when the easiest way to load up on cores is going to brother vance .. People talk about builds when all we need is heavy ammo finder sniper/linear reserves for scourge and rocket/grenade launcher reserves for last wish .. Theres no reason to masterwork armor since its rare to be killed in your super in pve .. Also the really good weapons drop master worked in the forges the raids and in the reckoning.. Some people cant help but infuse every single +1 they get when all they need to do is keep the gear in their inventory and when another copy of a gear drops they only need to use glimmer .. But cores are the issue lmao not the simple fact that we have a 100k glimmer cap and after masterworking 5 things we have no glimmer and those rainmaker buffs barely drop any glimmer like they say they do

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            • [quote]I am legitimately confused about how this is a problem. The enhancement cores are not that big of a problem. You are playing the game wrong if you are having trouble with it. When trading with planetary vendors make sure to have a ghost with a scanner for that planet equipped. Same with activities, strikes, reckoning, raids, etc for higher chances of curated roles. Also fireteam medallions (bright paragon) may help with this? Sources for cores: 1. Trade planetary materials to world vendors and get masterwork items around 10-20% of the time which reward 1-3 cores when dismantled. 2. Hawthorn gives 7 each week once your clan reaches a specific level. 3. Scrapper bounties are pretty frequent and have easy tasks to accomplish. 4. Spider sells them. If you get 2 each day that’s only 30 legendary shards, but even 1 (10 shards) a day is an extra seven cores each week. 5. Spider bottom row bounties. 3 lost sector bosses are easy and sometimes line up with scrapper bounties. The three open world are more trying deepening on which ones are up, but still doable. 6. Forges, especially Bergusia have a chance to drop a master work when completing, which dismantle to 7 cores. 7. Reckoning (Tier 3 at least) seems to have a pretty high chance of rewarding a master work weapon. Again those dismantle to 7 cores. 8. They listened and made pinnacle weapons triumph based, so once you complete it you can collect them on all characters. If you are running short of cores dismantle all but 1 for an extra 14 cores (7 each). Then just move the weapon around until you have more cores and you can buy them back from collections. 9. Finest Matterweave drop from dismantling gear. Pretty much a freebie, with no specific task required. 10. Sometimes items gained by trading in tokens to Zavala or Shaxx or materials to Banshee result in 1-3 cores. This seems to be a little more rare though. 11. Run raids to have higher chances of getting curated weapons which dismantle to 7 cores. People really?!? I just don’t feel like they are as short supply as people are making it out to be. When they first implemented this system, they definitely were, but so many sources have been added that if you need them you can go out and get some. Maybe people need to be more strategic about leveling gear? I’m not sure. I don’t understand why people have a problem earning rate materials to make their gear better (whether increasing power level or masterworking). This is a feature of almost every Looter/Shooter game I have ever played. I just don’t get the push for a constant handout.[/quote] Ok here goes, nice try justifying a bad system. Here is where your wrong. 1. Planetary material exploits shouldnt be excuse to keep a bad leveling system, but lets go with your argument. Farming Spider for Planetary materials then going to world venders for cores can end in a bad economic exchange for the player. You could turn in hundreds of planetary materials and end up with less than 20 cores. It all RNG based, it doesnt favor the player in the slightest. 2.if your not in a clan, how does it help those players? 3. Scrapper bounties are easy but again RNG based, you could pull 1 to 3 or none at all in a play session. Doesnt help the player. 4. Buy from Spider spending shards, that you also use shards for farming planetary materials. Examples 1 and 4 show that doing these things dont help yhe player. Unless you have thousands of shards it benefits those players. If you only have hundreds dont bother doing this. 5. Spider bounties require you to spend an hour to 2 hrs to get 21 ghost fragments. Then spend another 1 to 2 hours to get 6 cores for 4 hours of garbage grinding. Bungie needs to respect players time stop wasting it. 6. This one is laughable, unless you pull a curated weapon, again is RNG based and not easy to do. This isnt a good way to get cores. 7. See 6 above. 8. Bungie fixed that exploit. 9. RNG based, personal experience, I pull 1 a week maybe. If players play less than me they havent seen 1 in weeks. 10. Farming tokens either strikes or vanguard give the same rate of cores as planetary vendors. Unlike turning in shards for materials, you cant get a great supply. 11. Raids are the least run content in D2. If you cant get a team, it isnt a source for those players. When you put it altogether, there is NO reliable way to farm cores. Bungie has already recognized the problem. The problem is they wont fix it even if we get more bounties. As we can see in the Verdant forest, Bungie still doesn't take it serious as players kill 2 bosses and get 1 core a day. Keep it Bungie and see how many players pay for D3.

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              • The issue is that it's just one more unnecessary step in infusion, and stops you from using them for their original purpose, masterworking. Instead of being able to infuse your gear as soon as you get a higher level drop, your best bet is to simply let the gear collect in your inventory, and only infuse when absolutely necessary. Bungie's line was that it's to make the choice of gear "meaningful," but if you already have set loadouts, all it's doing is making you wait an arbitrary amount of time to increase their light. It's not incredibly important because light level increases mostly only matter for things like Reckoning at the moment, but it's still annoying. Finally, there's no really consistent manner to obtain cores; you've listed the ways you get them, but Spider is prohibitively expensive after the 2nd core, scapper bounties are random and require you to go out of your way for a single core, his other bounties require similar effort, Hawkthorne requires you to be in a clan (and it be productive), etc., etc. Contrast this with something like shards, which literally just requires you to play the game; I'm actually lower on shards than cores (because I've been infusing, masterworking and buying mods), but I know that I can just jump in random activities and easily fix that in a day or two. The other thing to consider is that your experience with the game is not typical, and despite having played much less than you (I think), neither is mine. The people that will REALLY suffer here are the ones who are newer to the game, for whom materials are still precious, and who may not be able to do some of the activities, or do them as frequently as would help. Reckoning of any tier is going to be out of the quest, and T2 and 3 would certainly not be something they could work with. But the real proof, as I've mentioned in other threads, is that people are rushing to exploits to "fix" the economy. The whole silly Brother Vance thing (every time Spider sells...whatever it is Vance wants there's a post here and on Reddit), the Pinnacle weapon exploit, etc. People are turning to these to get rid of the core "issue," so you might as well just put cores back exclusively in masterworking, as they initially were.

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                • You’ve awoken the hive!

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                • Some people see them as an unnecessary hurdle. Whilst I dont have any real issue micro-managing my stockpile of cores, I wouldnt be sorry to see the back of them either.

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                • don't get it. Somehow that doesn't make us like them any better. Masterwork cores should be used for masterworking your gear. Not for infusing your gear. I know some people have alot of them. That's fine, and great for them. If they really like doing the bounties, grinding for materials to biy weapons trying for cores great. Some of us would rathet focus on other things in the game... Some of us like to have different loadouts to do different things, or to change things up, but can't because we don't have the cores to just upgrade willy nilly just so we can use different weapons, and armor. We think the cirrent system can be improved so we can do fun things without be handcuffed by an infusion system that is far from optimal.

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                  • Yeah, I'm kinda tired of re-explaining it. It's just fundamentally flawed and there's no good defense or logical reason to keep them in.

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                    • And yet none of your armour is master worked. Lol.

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                    • All those points say that I have to leave the power grind and play more than I currently have time for, to get cores, where as I'd rather get the materials I need for infusion from the usual power grind, so long as I only use my materials for bumps of 10 or higher.

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                    • Edited by name: 4/23/2019 8:46:03 AM
                      [quote]What is the issue with Enhancement Cores?[/quote] Enhancement Cores ARE the issue

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                      • But why would you care, or want people NOT to be able to move the gear that they already earned up? Why shouldn't people be able to bump stuff +1 if they feel like it? It's only "stupid" to do that because the system is stupid. How does it benefit anyone to keep things how they are?

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                      • Yea I never understood why people have such a problem with them, mine go up and down all the time. This week alone just by playing I went from 19 to 110

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                      • You need to stop. The forums are an echo chamber of bungie hate and majority bungie criticizers. You won’t get a proper representation of the community here because people come to forums to complain. If you don’t want to be harassed then I’d stop. There’s no point they don’t listen. With that I’ll give an upvote because I agree mostly.

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                        22 Replies
                        • They reverted the way clan progression worked after a season or 2 experiment, it’s only a matter of time. This statement is like listening to the Fireteam chat on Last Wish day one accessibility, “You have done x with y equipped and so on”. There was nothing wrong with the economy, now you gotta pour 3 relatively common materials with 1 rare material just to infuse once. It even costs more just to masterwork a single piece of gear. Consider new/returning players, post Forsaken and how they would respond to the basics of progression being halted yet again by an experiment

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                        • Google cores, read a few articles, read a few upvoted out the world posts. Maybe you'll get the issue players have or maybe you'll ignore them all like bungie does. Seems like you could work at bungie how blind you are. Only good addition you spoke of is the 7 from HT. Not going to waste more time and break down the process of acquiring these cores because everyone knows and so should you. No one is asking for them to be handed out. We want more for the amount of shit that needs infusion and work we put into the grind/running around in circles. You writing it off as "we have so many" only adds to the problem. Because you faithfully play this game and only this game and have a shit load of cores doesn't me others do and have the same. Sick of having to explain the same stuff over and over again. Think....

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                        • Edited by drew012278: 4/25/2019 10:17:16 AM
                          The problem is and why people call it a chore is because you just named everything in the game but it’s not focused on playing and having fun it’s completely focused on how to chase masterwork cores. They are masterwork cores btw. Bungie just got cute and changed the name so we wouldn’t focus so much and what they did. This whole game has now become masterwork core chasing.......I mean literally. Why do you think so MANY people are complaining about????? Because the whole game has become about the damn things. Need em want em have to chase more of em. And materials should be about just playing the and collecting them. Not have to stop what we are doing to figure how we can go chase some more masterwork cores. Anyways I could keep listing reasons why this is no fun. But I think I have highlighted the why no one likes it. I am not buying anymore Bungie products. #onelesssale Bungie gets so focused on why we the player don’t play the game how they envisioned it. And then for them it becomes how can trick us to play how they want us to. Without actually doing their job and making the game how we want to play it. And having it be fun along the way. Now honestly it’s immensely tall ask. But it’s literally the formula on how to make a good game. And they get very wealthy doing it. It’s just like posting on the forum. Posting should be about ways to for the game to be more fun. Instead it’s about friggin masterwork cores again...............

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                        • Thats a perfect list, that shows why cores are an issue. If I have to do all this, when can I play the things I want to? I cant do the revelry, I cant do Gambit, I cant do strikes, and so on... If I want to play the things I like (and I dont have more than 5-10h a week to play), I get zero cores. Maybe 1-2 lucky drops from scrapper bounties or legendary gear, but thats it. So I have to play like you suggested on your list!? Nahh man, thats tedious and not what I want to do with my few hours of playtime. Bungie jsut broke the system when they changed them from masterwork cores, to infusion chores.

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                        • You are playing the game wrong if you are having trouble with it. that right there is the problem.

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                        • As someone with a decent amount of cores, It’s not gonna kill us if they’re taken out of infusion, quit acting like it’s an added privilege to have them in their, this stupid idea of “You're playing the game wrong, You got to play my way”, just stop

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                          • Number 8 doesn't work anymore.

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                          • Stupid topic.

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                          • I have what I believe to be a different take on this argument. I’m not a ‘hardcore’, but I’m not a ‘casual’ either. I’ll defend cores as not being a problem with all that I can on the forum, but I won’t argue that they [i]have[/i] to be kept. If they go, let them go. Just don’t say that they’re a bad thing, because they encourage us to be thoughtful and maybe try out other gear we might have otherwise ignored (for an example). What’s wrong is people telling each other that if they don’t want cores it means they’re stupid, or playing the game wrong, or a ‘casual’, or ‘entitled’ - or that if they want cores kept they’re stupid, or hardcore, or want to feel special. Not the fact that cores exist, or that people want them removed. At this point the argument about cores [i]isn’t about cores.[/i] It’s just people who want cores attacking those who don’t want cores, and vice versa. On top of this, if Bungie does [i]anything,[/i] the losing side will explode - but if they do nothing, the argument and attacks towards them will continue. When an argument reaches this point, a developer’s going to ignore it, because they can’t win. No matter what they do, [i]someone[/i] will be unhappy with it.

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