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Edited by Bat (Timelost): 4/26/2019 1:19:22 AM

Operation Hades Part 4 *Alpha*

Doc is watching as Dagger is being beat into submission by the Scorch, and watches Vex try to fight the Ronin, who is currently losing. “Sprang, go help Dagger. I’m going to get this bitćh off Vex.” Doc says, trying to take charge. “Got it” Sprang Says, as he boosts over to the Scorch and unloads a few bullets into him. “Stop hurting Vex! You’re making Vex mad!” Vex says, and catches the Ronin’s sword mid-strike. Electricity begins surging from Vex’s chassis. ——————————————————— “Get off him!” Sprang cries, as he delivers a hard punch to the Scorch’s Viewport. The Scorch staggers, and gets back on his feet. He launches a barrel from his launcher that begins emitting green gas. “SHIT” Sprang yells, and pushes Dagger’s staggering chassis out of range, and then boosts toward the other side. Just in time, thee Scorch ignites the barrel with shot from his launcher, and a spread of fire ignites the street. “Just like training” Sprang Says with a grunt. He then slams the ground sending his own line of flame towards to the enemy Scorch. “Persistent” the enemy Scorch says audibly through his Titan. “What’s that, you piece of shit?” Sprang Says, staring at the enemy Scorch. The fire on the street starts to dissipate, allowing someone to walk across. “Just noting a fact. It’s no matter, though.” The enemy Scorch says, as he walks over to Dagger’s struggling Chassis. “Fight me like a man, you autistic cuńt” Dagger spits out, cackling due to damage to his Titan. “No” The Scorch says with a smug tone. He picks up Dagger’s chassis, and punch’s through it, grabbing Dagger with a iron fist. “Put him down! He’s defenseless! Do you have no honor?” Sprang pleads with the Scorch. The Scorch’s eyes dart to Sprang, then the struggling Dagger, then to Sprang. “Nope” The Scorch says with a triumphant tone, and squeezes his hand, killing Dagger instantly and sending squirts of blood in all directions. ——————————————————— Vex is holding the sword, and tugs hard. The sword comes free, and Vex starts handling the weapon. It feels unwieldy and clumsy in his hands, but at least he has it. “Vex has the power now muthafućka.” Vex says, and swings. The Ronin casually sidesteps this attack, and unslings his Custom Leadwall with a large, extended mag. “Vex is now scared” Vex Says with a gulp. The Ronin starts unloading rounds into Vex’s Tone, causing major damage and causing Vex to stumble. The Ronin still has 8 shots in his mag, and is about deliver the finishing blow, but he hears the engines of a incoming Titan. “FOR NARNIA!” Doc yells, and brings his sword upwards into a blocking motion, deflecting the shots from the Leadwall back at the Ronin, causing some minor damage. The Ronin, temporarily caught unawares, lets Doc get another swing in on him, which hits his Leadwall and sends it sliding away from him. The Ronin refocuses his vision and sees Vex slowly getting up, leaving the sword on the ground. “Rookie mistake” The Ronin Says with a smirk, and Phase Dashes over to the sword, picks it up, and swings upward, cutting off Vex’s left Arm and Leg. Vex’s Chassis falls back down into its back, with the -blam!- exposed. “Vex is down, Vex requires aid!” Vex frantically says, seeing the massive hulk of a machine over him. The Ronin is about to curb stomp Vex’s Titan into a wall, but is hit by a fast moving wall of electricity from Doc. “Haha! Arc wall bitćh! Vex, hang on!” Doc Says as he’s running to strike the Ronin as he’s stunned. The Ronin breaks free of the stun, and at the last second, punch’s his arm outwards, hitting Doc square in the face. “Oof” Doc Says with a pained grunt as he rises to his feet. “You are valiant, I’ll give you that. But you are naive. Naive enough to not notice the openings I gave you.” “Fine. If your going to fight me, fight me man on man. Titan On Titan. No weapons other that Swords. “Alright. I’ll take up your deal.” The Ronin Says with a annoyingly smug tone. “Ok. Deals a deal.” Doc Says, and slides away his Leadwall. “Vex, stay back. I’ll go get you after I’ve laid this -blam!- out.” Doc Says, after noticing Vex climb out of the his mauled chassis. Vex nods back at him. “Alright, I’m ready for you, you big, ugly, shit.” Doc Says, readying his sword. The enemy Ronin does the same. The area cackles with the sound of the two engines roaring to life as the the two swordsman boost towards each other, and they swing their swords in different directions, trying to get a hit in. ———————————————————- Sprang is speechless towards the act of brutality he has just seen. “Oh I’m sorry, did you know him?” the Scorch says with a jeer. “You are going to pay for that you sick fućk.” Sprang spits out very angrily. “Well let’s see then, little boy.” The Scorch says evilly. Sprang yells and boosts towards him in a mad dash for vengeance. The Scorch Just sidesteps this and kicks Sprang in the back while he is still moving, sending Sprang directly into a wall. Sprang quickly recovers from that, and tries to backhand the Scorch, fueled only by pure rage. The Scorch grabs his arm and twists and then tugs, pulling the limb straight off. Sprang lets out a growl and tries to stand up, but is grabbed by the other arm and shoved into the street on his back. He tries to stand up, but is picked up by the enemy Scorch and thrown farther into the cement, breaking most of his movement ability’s in the process. Sprang manages to get back on his feet and throws down a line of fire at the Scorch. The Scorch is barely hit by this and keeps walking towards him. In Desperation, he uses his core, and hits the Scorch head on. It sends the Scorch flying into a wall, sending his Thermite Launcher sliding away from him. Sprang takes advantage of this opportunity, and begins punching him rapidly. He opens a hole near the enemy Scorch’s core, and rips the core out, turning off the machine power. Sprang looks at the Titan, then looks at the core in his hands, and then back at Titan, wondering how the hell he just did that. As he is doing this, a loud thud is heard and the Titans canopy is sent flying out. Faster than Sprang can see, a Phase Shift Pilot jumps out fast and begins climbing the gnarled Scorch chassis of Sprang. “What the hell? Get off!” Sprang Says as he is trying to force The Phase Shift Pilot off of his back. Hearing the pin pulled from a Frag grenade, and realizing he’s doomed if he doesn’t do something, he does the only sensible thing: He ejects. He is launched upwards, and he begin analyzing his situation. He could try to hide, or attempt to kill the Pilot who killed Dagger. He chooses option B. He looks down on the Pilot, and powers up his L-Star. “Eat Laser motherfućker!” Sprang yells as he starts spraying energy in the general Area of the Pilot. The Phase Shift Pilot simply Phases out of existence. “Huh?” Sprang Says, confused after he lands. The Pilot then reappear’s behind Sprang and promptly punch’s him in the back of the head. “Aughhh...” Sprang Says with a grunt as he tries to stand up. “Pathetic. You had all the chances in the world. And you failed.” The Pilot Says, grinning like a madman. “Didn’t look like I failed when I murdered your Titan.” Sprang spits out, trying to stand. “Oh yeah? Hit me. Just try” The Pilot Says. Kneeling down to Sprang’s level. Sprang begins to yell, and slowly rises and tries to punch the Pilot. The Pilot just steps to the side and pulls out his RE.45 Auto, and then proceeds to unload 4 bullets into his back. Sprang crumples to the ground, and is then still.
#Offtopic #tf2

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