******Spoilers ahead*********
Love it? Hate it? Neither? Both?
I don’t know exactly how I feel about it yet. I feel like it was a really good end/beginning for the MCU, but there was a bunch that I just don’t think they needed. Like the scene where Hulk and Rocket go to get Thor and he’s this fat depressed mess. That could’ve easily been done as like 2 minute thing but it dragged on for a good chunk of time.
Then there were the loose ends that they left, like Loki escaping in the past. Like with all time travel movies, they messed things up in the past and one of those mess ups ended with Loki grabbing the Tesseract and dipping on out like, you know, Loki. But then at the end Cap supposedly puts all the stones back to where they were, so does that mean he stopped that whole interaction or did Loki still escape?
And where the fucc is past Gamora at the end? Did she get caught up in Tony’s snap because she was with Thanos when they came to the future/present? It was a past version of her, but she was still fighting against Thanos, so there’s the potential that she could come back to the Guardians and rebuild that life from scratch. But no. She just disappears. Doesn’t even show up on the ship with the Guardians and Thor.
[spoiler]Side rant: People need to calm down about Captain Marvel. We all know/get it, she’s dumb, Brie Larson is dumb, her movie was dumb, etc. but like half of the people I heard talking after the movie were complaining about her like she ruined the movie or something. It’s a 3 hour movie and she’s on screen for like 30 min total and in only about 5-10 of those is she actually doing something meaningful.
Getting mad because she did something “overpowered” is just stupid. It was basically the same thing Thor did in Infinity War, but less. She showed up when everyone was getting blasted and took out one threat. Thor hopped in and took out basically the whole army by himself and then almost killed Thanos. I’d say Thor wins the competition for dramatic OP entrances.
Now that I think about it, she was basically just Thor from Infinity War. She was a bit -blam!- in the beginning, saying she was going to be the one to kill Thanos. Then she went off doing her own thing for most of the movie. Then she showed up at the last second and did something powerful. The only difference was that she didn’t actually do anything and wasn’t really a main focus. All she’s really guilty of is not being a main character even though she’s set up like one. But if that’s a reason to hate her, like half (pun intended) of the MCU should have been hated in these last 2 movies.
At a certain point, it’s just being childish and petty. It wasn’t like she kicked Thanos’s ass like everyone was dreading. She got -blam!- slapped into next week almost immediately. Hell, Scarlet Witch did way more to him than she did.[/spoiler]
That girl power scene in the battle was cringe af.
I so wanted Thor to ascend to Rune King Thor.
[spoiler]Thanos destroyed the Infinity stones. Could they ever make a reappearance?[/spoiler]
Edited by IMADAJ: 4/29/2019 9:54:39 AMSad that it’s over. It’s been a great ride. Cynical of the future MCU movies. Stan Lee is dead and Disney might be more hands on now that there is (sort of) a clean slate after EndGame.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
I’m wondering how exactly one would return the Soul Stone. Same with the Space Stone considering it’s wrapped in a cube that is broken to access it. Maybe I just missed something though. -
Loki no longer had the stone because Tony and Cap went further back in time. Since they took it from the past and still had it, Loki could no longer have it and the future goes on like normal. Cap then went back in time after the final battle and returned the stones to the original location, so that there would not be a time paradox. The sorcerer lady explained it.
I loved the movie although there were somethings I didn't like so much. Thor and Hulk were more comedic reliefs than anything. Don't get me wrong. Their scenes were great and funny. But after watching it I wanted to see Hulk get some shots in on Thanos. And I think if Thor was still in shape he would have fought thanos better. I get why Marvel went that route. Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. are done with their roles. It had to be more about them. And its great that they got proper send offs. This isn't a rant. I loved the movie. I loved the comedic parts. But in certain parts, tiny parts, I was just a tiny bit disappointed. At least Disney can make better Marvel movies than Star Wars films.
I believe they enter another timeline created by time travel, and that’s what makes it all okay. Cap returning the stones would solve the problems, if he returned the Space Stone to 1970. All of the things before would be null and void. I believe in the end Gamora ran off, as I believe Quill was looking for her on a map...? I believe there was an image of her with “searching” below it. The middle was a bit slow. [spoiler]List of People Confirmed dead: Black Widow: Died to get the Soul Stone Original Gamora: Died to get the soul Stone Iron Man: Died defeating Thanos and his armies Vision: Killed by Thanos Loki: Killed by Thanos I may have missed a few[/spoiler] Overall, I’d give it a 9.5 out of 10 because the ending was so damn good. To note: Disney’s probably gonna screw it up, like they did with Star Wars.
I liked it. It is not as good as IW though, but the film took a different direction than that I thought it would and it had a nice suprise at the beginning. Overal not bad but not the best MCU movie. Captain Marvel was alright, not great just ok. They should have done it like they did with Spiderman, just skip or glace over the origin story and make an actual story, having an origin story so late in the MCU hurt the movie IMO. The actress did a good enough job, I do not care about what she did or said outside the movie, she did her job.
It was great Infinity war was better
This video explains the time travel bit really well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AehoIOT4M-w
I really enjoyed it. I’m still deciding if it’s my favorite movie of all time but if it’s not it’s probably second. Spoiler:(Just in case) [spoiler]The beginning was great. The ending was great. Even though a few people guessed the time thing it was still surprising how it all worked out. All of the battles were great. Good story good action. Good humor. It was a little sad to say goodbye to Cap and Tony, but I kinda guessed that cap would but Tony’s was a little unexpected. The Thor part didn’t seem unnecessary. It was establishing the fact that Thor was incredibly beat up by the fact that he “failed” The only grievance I have was almost everything captain marvel. As you said she’s a little OP considering she kinda has the power of the tesseract. She’s also just not played very well. I don’t really know how she’s portrayed in the comics but it just feels like someone peed in her morning Cheerios and she’s blaming it on everyone. She’s not a terrible actress but I feel that this is getting to her head. The feminism part was a little forced. I felt like some guy could’ve tried to help but then the women stepped forward to help, but the fact that all the women just stepped up right then made things a little weird[/spoiler]
chill hulk was the best part of the whole movie.
Edited by IceApfel: 4/27/2019 7:29:30 AM[spoiler] I really liked it. How can you not? But it definitely has some flaws. Infinity War was more or less consistently good, while this had parts that were either better or worse. Overall, I like Endgame more, just for its grandeur. -The very beginning with everyone living in sorrow and grief was amazing. Tony as father was heartwarming -The rest of the first act was very weak. Thor felt too changed and out of place. The jokes were weak here. Not as clever as usual. -The time traveling was pure fan service and had very interesting stakes. The addition of a Past-Thanos and Past-Nebula as main antagonists was a clever choice and made it interesting -Everything after that was, of course, epic. You can’t sit still. The final battle is just pure fun, you have to love it -Captain Marvel felt underutilized, but that’s probably because she’s op, sooo...yeah[/spoiler]
There were some really good moments, and some shockingly weak ones. For as hyped up as it's been, I thought it was disappointing. IW was better IMO, and I still have some problems with IW. I had the displeasure of sitting behind a woman who would make obnoxiously loud jokes at inappropriate times during the movie. She stood up during the Black widow sacrifice part and started yelling about how the movie was just a cash grab. Kinda ruined the entire feel of the movie for me.
Edited by Neko Neko Nya: 4/27/2019 3:44:43 PMSince they have a time machine, why not go back in time and save iron man and widow from right before they die? Also Thor had an entire quest line explaining how he got that powerful not to mention actual characterization, CM is just a political prop with 0 characterization and very shitty reasoning as to why she is as powerful as she is. Black widow is a better character than CM. Should have been her vs Thanos, not miss politics.
Haven’t seen it, not very invested in the MCU anyway. I have been fairly apprehensive towards Endgame because time travel plots usually either: a. Render a previous plot point irrelevant b. Are used as a get out of jail free card for when the writers write themselves into a corner c. Make no sense (YOU’VE CREATED A TIME PARADOX) Does Endgame do time travel well, or is it just apologizing for killing half of everyone in Infinity War?
The time travel that intertwined with the past films were genius imo. Loki is in his own timeline now because Disney is making a series with him starring in it. Gamora got dusted since she was in Thanos’ other timeline. Captain Marvel, or should I say Brie Larson, is controversial right now. Marvel isn’t too happy with her comments from what I’ve been reading. I don’t know if anyone noticed this but the scene when Captain Marvel grabs the gauntlet, all the hero’s around her were women that lead the charge. This isn’t a bad thing by no means, but bringing politics into films can be. Anyways, it was good. At first I was disappointed by the post credits scene/sound. But once I understand what it represented, it was a genius homage to the film that started the MCU, Ironman.
It was good, but I liked Infinity War better. Marvel strayed too far from source material for End Game, and the quality of the movie suffered because of that.
Spoilers, obviously, seriously. [spoiler]captain marvel. I think her movie wasn't bad. Not the best marvel movie, but not bad by any means. I thought in endgame, there's nothing to complain about. The movie was three hours long AS IS. there are so many heroes it's just not possible to make all of them a main focus. I thought it was awe inspiring when she rekt the thanks ship. [/spoiler] [spoiler]loki. I dont know if they'll do anything with that or not. I got the feeling that they're not trying to set up alternate timelines as future movies.[/spoiler]
I actually like the fact that Thanos pummeled her. Up to that point she just seemed all-powerful, but that one moment showed that she wasn’t[spoiler]I also loved when Captain America pointed at his own ass and called it America’s Ass[/spoiler]
Gaurdians 3 is probably going to be searching for her and winning her over again
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 4/27/2019 1:16:24 PMOgma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
I loved it but my only complaint is the lack of Hulk fight scenes. He barely showed in Infinity War and then they went straight to Professor Hulk in Endgame. I was waiting during the final battle for him to make an appearance because last we saw him during that scene was under the rubble. Nothing though. -
Hated it.
So they fixed the timeline by putting the stones back, but also not really because they killed past Thanos and messed up the timeline for his children. Maybe I missed something there.
It was interesting. I don’t really think they should of messed with time travel and they left to many loose ends. I think they shouldn’t have messed with Loki getting away at all. Also [b][i][u]HAIL HYDRA!!![/u][/i][/b]