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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by LeVante: 4/26/2019 8:28:36 PM

Stop crying about Luna's Howl nerf you're pathetic

Look how many pathetic fake pro players are crying because they took off their overpowered trick (the Luna's Howl). You really make me laugh: shut up and [i]git gud[/I] with other weapons if you're truly skilled. God knows how many of you have paid ridiculous money for the Luna's Howl/Not Forgotten because you know that it's broken and even a monkey can get high kd with that. But then in the forums you all sound like PvP professionals because now you feel strong with an overpowered gun broken by design. I have the Luna's Howl and I was disgusted by how easy it was to get kills with it so I intentionally left it in my vault after few kills. Stop having pro player attitude if you can only get kills with the Luna's Howl. And stop crying because they're nerfing it. It's the best thing they've done to PvP in very long while.

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