Go use 150s in quickplay and counter shotgun apes and other no skill ohks.
Luna's howl and not forgotten may be getting turned into 150's, but they aren't really. Bungie has clarified that the fire rate and damage are quite literally they only things they are changing about the gun (other than mag howl). It should still function almost identically.
Counter shotgun apes with a 150 and tell me how it goes.
Quite well. In fact I can do it with a 110. Also repeating your argument doesn't strengthen it. It actually makes your argument look [i]less[/i] reasonable because you try to counter my counterpoint by making the point that I already countered.
Yup you counter it well you have a 1kd you get a kill then shotgun aped lol.
It's official boys, we have entered a new era of elitists. Even a positive k/d means nothing to them. Also happens to be a very easy generalization to make considering you have never once played a game in my shoes. On top of that, my stats are skewed by the amount of time I took improving and getting good at the game. I can only assume that your stats are not because you are a smurf considering you joined bungie.net within a year of now, and yet your stats somehow happen to be as high as they are, which is completely uncharacteristic of players that new to the game.
It's a very long story
Edited by Chubbums: 4/26/2019 10:14:18 PMAgain the problem isn't the strength of specials, it's the abundance of ammo for them. Some dipshit dies rushing and is immediately rewarded ammo on spawn, it makes no sense. Special ammo should not drop, it should be on a lengthy timer that restocks your inventory automatically. Or it could be rewarded for getting kills with primaries, or at least drop the enemies brick if you killed them with their special equipped.