Looking for a Destiny 2 clan? Join Allegiance! Join us in our fight to eradicate evil from the universe! About Us xAllegiancex (xAx) is a PS4 and XB1 Bungie featured gaming community with several hundred active members from all around the globe. Over the course of the last five years, we have expanded to over 10+ different Bungie divisions and have been able to host hundreds of Destiny events per month thanks to our on site administrators. These events include: •Normal and Prestige Leviathan, Eater of Worlds, and Spire of Stars raids •Last Wish and Scourge of the Past raids •Training raids / Sherpa Raids •Speedrun raids, flawless raider events... •Escalation Protocol, Blind Well, and Reckoning •Nightfalls, strikes, quest grinds etc... •Crucible events, Iron Banner events, tournaments... •Gambit and Gambit Prime We have also added The Division 2 and Anthem. Everybody is welcome, from those less experienced that need help to those more experienced that like to help others. To join our gaming community, please check us out at http://www.xallegiancex.com and click on the link (image) for either Destiny 2, The Division 2, or Anthem.