Please help it's been 2 days since the error code popped up on my screen code: Nightingale.
I've closed destiny 2 ,shut down my ps4, then back on, launch the game and restarted my router still nothing.
Reinstalled destiny 2 again took me 1 and half day to installed and still nothing!!!
Btw the horror without being able to play my fav game
Please help me as fellow destiny 2 player
The only reference to this on Bungie's web site is is : When you shut down your PS4, did you unplug it and then press the start button (which bleeds off any residual power) a couple of times? That seems to be the main way to completely clear the data caches on Consoles (I'm on Xbox, so I'm assuming PS4 does it a similar way for clearing caches). I searched the net with the phrase "Destiny 2 Nightingale error PS4 how to fix?" and got quite a few hits on issues with invalid DNS entry or ISP issues that prevent you from accessing Bungie's log in server, like this one: Hope some of that helps...