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4/28/2019 5:39:30 AM
[quote]Check any YouTube video that has gravitated from game to game , twitch channels from popular streamers who are part of the community, Reddit for different opinions on things outside of this echo chamber, your friends list on your preferred platform for people you played with who are playing the latest battle royale game. Not every player quits playing games because of dissatisfaction. Some leave because they find other things to play. I’ve always hate the term casual simply because it minimizes some of the player base and artificially increases the importance of others. When it comes to paid games, money is what matters, not time spent. And if you think otherwise you are obviously too young to really know how business works. Not being argumentative. Just how I see it. Change my mind; you can’t. You mentioned things “not being all about me” then begin to provide statements based on your own use case. That’s kinda hypocritical because your reasons for or not playing a game and the enjoyment you get out of it or not has not bearing on anything i do nor does mine yours. You are describing an insularly issue anyways. Which is why it’s your experience. Not everyone’s. At this point the game is going to be what it is and I’m long past the point where worrying about where this ship goes is something I’m overly invested in. Bungie may have the perception of not listening, but a lot of you have a bigger issue doing the same thing. Consumers rights are one thing, and this is a critique for the overly negative and I’m not slotting you in the bucket so shut the -blam!- up before you say I did, forget that part of the customer being always right also comes with the caveat that they forfeit that right when they are being mean, disrespectful, or abusive. That last part is what people forget about the original quotation and you can look that up if you doubt me. I’m sure you are a possible human being but don’t take everything as an attack. I was voicing my opinion. Which I have a right too. As do you. Cheers.[/quote] This is so delusional, you aren’t even really talking to me, just pontificating on a soapbox. That’s cool. Knock yourself out.

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