They barely contend. I think They need a slight boost in body shot damage. For a slight guy bullet hose weapon they all seem to favor precision.
That's fantastic.
I have probably around the same with my Ace and twilight oath :).
Come. At. Me.
I love 1v1s lol seriously I do. It's how I get better. Yeah body shot increase would be good for autos and subs I agree. I dislike how they are balanced by range and not by recoil. It should force you to burst fire at range to hit a target vs just holding the trigger. The last word should be the model for autos and subs imo.
Oh sweet! I do too, just most people are...afraid to do that against me. Yeah man if I'm on this week I'm straight down for it. And that's a great suggestion for autos I totally agree.
I've 1v1d a dude with 300 gold medals n held my own. I'm just reckless and aggressive do my k/d is low lol we can even use autos if u like. U on PS4?
I feel you. I'm sitting at 130 gold and pretty much solo exclusively. Yep I am.
U have 100 more than me then lol i play with some really good players so after we 1v1 we should team up n unleash Carnage lol send me a friend request or message me. My gamertag is the same
Sire thing my guy. I'll send you a friend request next time I'm on