It's quite simple. Last word is in the game now, so is jotunn, and arbalest. There are numerous ways to counter nf/luna's howl. It has an optimal range. If you're outside of its range, I guarantee it'll lose to blast furnace or a bygones. If you nerf Not forgotten and luna's howl, then you need to at least nerf Jotunn. Because that thing oneshots at sniper rifle ranges.
You can't make your game this unbalanced and then punish the hardcore players who ground through hell for such a gun. This could very likely end your playerbase. It pisses on all the blood sweat and tears many players suffered through in order to achieve ultimate victory. Can you not see that the hardcore players are the only ones left of your playerbase? Check destinytracker. There's a reason that number keeps dropping.
The only map where lh/nf is a real serious problem, is gamblers ruin. And that's because it's just a shit map.
If you nerf Nf/Luna you're just going to have everyone using the last word, arbalest or jotunn, let's be completely honest. Jotunn is much harder to counter than Nf/Lh. Think about it.
Jotuun is harder to counter than Luna/Not Forgotten? Jotuun is pretty trash unless you're not paying attention or have the reflexes of a newborn.
I am a poor pvp player but dont think Lunas should be nerfed, people put a lot of hours in to get it. I do think that the quest should be a bit easier because the best players have the best weapons which is why a lot of people like me dont play pvp. Getting annihilated match after match is soul destroying for some people so they give up and the pve content isnt interseting enough to keep people playing. after all , we all pay the same amount for the game each year yet some of us arent able to access all the rewards. In Destiny 1 the matchmaking was done on your kd so you had a chance of a decent game with people of a simillar skill level ,now its no fun when you get in a match where 4 of the other team have Lunas howl. I think a balance is required