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4/30/2019 4:00:35 PM
By assuming you had an external reason for acting like a jerk, rather than it just being your typical state. Guess I was wrong....

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  • Well people are being entitled. People are complaining when not everything is just handed to them. It's almost like 90% of this population didnt play D1 as problems like this where much worse but, we didn't complain and we just grinded out our gear.

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  • People who paid real money are not acting entitled if they express being unhappy with the product they paid real money for. The entitlement argument comes from [i]idiots.[/i]

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 4/30/2019 4:09:05 PM
    No. That is your hostile assumption. And how you are being a jerk. Instead of understanding why people are mad you just rush to making a baseless judgement. I have a huge problem with cores, and I played 3000 hours worth of D1. In D1 we grinded for loot... not item level. We grinded for new sources of power. Not to keep the ones we already had. Infusion in year 3 of D1 cost. Glimmer: 250 Motes of light: 1 Weapon parts: 10 Legendary shards: 3. All freely farmable currencies that came from normal gameplay.

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  • Edited by Lime087461: 4/30/2019 4:14:53 PM
    I dont understand why people are mad. Ive watched this go on for months now and I dont understand it. I get cores by literally playing the game. I never rushed to make a baseless judgement as I also used to be on the side of removing cores. Then I started infuseing only +7 power increase (Weird number that i just chose) and I have been filled up with cores ever since. Use them smarter maybe? Edit: Ok so you added a edit. I dont know how cores arent farmable? You can easily farm them. But you shouldnt even have to. I get them from normal play. Also I would like to know your exact problem with cores.

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  • Then simply say you dont understand. I have a problem with cores because I run multiple builds. I ran 12 full time builds prior to Forsaken. I’d need 200 cores per week to run those builds and progress them with me. Or give up playing with them for a month to play with garbage until I reached infuse them once.. Or mindlessly grind Milestone hoping for dupilcates after reaching cap so that I can infuse for glimmer. We didn’t do any of this shit in D1.... or any other decent loot-game. This isn’t about willingness to grind for rewards. This is about resenting being manipulated into grinding for NO real rewards. But to use the ones we already have. It’s a shitty mechanic whose only purpose is to keep us playing and keep us from noticing the game’s lack of loot to chase.

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  • [quote]This is about resenting being manipulated into grinding for NO real rewards. But to use the ones we already have.[/quote] QFT

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  • Edited by Lime087461: 4/30/2019 4:24:11 PM
    Who needs 12 builds? I also doubt you need every one of those builds once a week. Most stuff doesnt even require high light any way. You cleary just think that you need to always be max light for some reason. Every raid is < 650. The only thing is really gambit and reckoning, which dont even have that much room for build diversity. Edit: Hold up, enhancement cores weren't even a thing prior to forsaken right? Why bring this up?

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 5/1/2019 10:48:52 PM
    [quote]Edit: Hold up, enhancement cores weren't even a thing prior to forsaken right? Why bring this up?[/quote] Cores were added to the game a little over a year ago as "Masterwork Cores". Their purpose was to serve as the currency we used to masterwork weapons and armor. They were appropriately rare for the "capstone" function they served in masterworking. But going into Forsaken, Bungie decided to make this rare currency part of infusion . Bungie wanted to throttle progression...and break the relationships between player time-invested and rate of progression. The rareness of cores would let them do its by bottlenecking infusion This would allow them (if we would accept it) to get us to play longer for fewer and less predictable rewards. IOW....their addition serves Bungie's interests and Bungie's difficulty in keeping the game supplied in content. It adds NOTHING to the player experience. So the player back lash started in late September as the honeymoon for Forsaken was winding down. In their first TWAB, about this backlash, The Investement Team RENAMED cores to "Enhancement Cores" as a giant, tone-deaf, passive-agressive -blam!- YOU to the player base. They told us they weren't going to remove them....and with the name change implied that they only reason why we were upset about them is because we didn't UNDERSTAND their function. An insult they doubled down on in the most recent TWAB about them, when they lectured us---once again---on their "design goals" with cores. Fact is we understand what they do just fine. WE JUST DON'T F-ING LIKE THEM OR THE EFFECT THEY HAVE ON THE GAME. But the Investment Team is too arrogant...and ignorant to the principles of good RPG game hear this.

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  • Ok fine. Remove cores. I don’t really care tbh

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  • [quote]Edit: Hold up, enhancement cores weren't even a thing prior to forsaken right? Why bring this up?[/quote] Prior to Foresaken they were Masterwork Cores, and only for MWing gear. Something no one had an issue with. And the majority of Us still want core for Masterworking gear. It's the infusion part that has caused this backlash. Justified IMHO.

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  • You guys really don’t understand these games. Who needs 4 build per character? I DO. Build making IS the endgame in a looter-shooter. How do you think someone like me can pour 5000 hours into a game like this and not get bored, burned out, not constantly complain about having nothing to do.... or feel a need to shoot people in the face? Buildmaking allows you to [i]creatively[/i] interact with the existing content and experience it in fresh ways. What cores have done is take a game that was shalllow fun... but allowed me lots of room to play it creatively.... ...and dumbed it down into a rigid, incredibly shallow and tedious experience. To experienced RPG gamers, what they’ve done with Milestone and and cores feels like being walked across the street like a five year old. Because you’re being forced to play the game in the most rudimentary and uninteresting way possible. I not mad because I can’t play this way. I mad because it’s preventing me from playing this game in far more interesting and rewarding ways.

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  • Yea I can get behind this but I just don’t feel this because I’ve never had this problem. I’ve always had enough cores. I honestly think that gunsmith bounty’s will solve the problem though but my main issue is even if it does fix the problem people will still complain until they are gone. What these bounties do is get rid of all RNG with cores. There will be an actual farm now. I’m pretty sure this will help

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