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5/2/2019 11:15:47 AM
[quote]But why, apart from ego, are they so determined to piss off their fan base?[/quote] They aren't. Think about it. Why do you get into conflict with most of the people that you do. Nine times out of ten, they aren't setting out to intentionally piss you off. You come into conflict with them because you stand between them and something they want or need....and they want it badly enough that they don't care (or don't pay attention to) how they get it. Bungie is doing this because they NEED us to play this game like we played Destiny 1. The problem is that this game ISN"T Destiny 1....and was designed to play very DIFFERENTLY than Destiny 1....and those differences won't allow it to play like D1. Think about it. If you were still playing D1...what would you be doing? Think about Rise of Iron. You played it. Leveled up fairly quickly....but then this lengthy loot pursuit and build construction phase took over. As you grinded various parts of the game for powerful loot items. To complete desired gear sets. Get raid gear, etc... Then in order to get the full use of those items you had to play with them to unlock their perks. Because of random rolls and a deep perk pool, old gear remained relevant because you could get a perfectly-rolled version fo a weapon to drop. You progressed quickly through the game vertically....but then there was this LONG tail of horizontal progression because the game was DESIGNED to play like a loot-based RPG. The problem with Destiny 2 is that it wasn't. It was designed to play like a campaign/competitive shooter. Because the people driving its development (many of whom are leaving) wanted it to become an e-sport. So almost all of the RPG elements that lead to the PVE replayability of stripped out: random rolls, having to invest in a weapon to unlock its perks, gear perks that lead to power differences between versions of weapons. I could go on, but basically everythign that could stand in the way of the Crucible being taken seriously as an e-sport got stripped out of the game. The problem is that the game failed. They broke the PVE end-game...adn the PVP oriented end-game (and probably player base) they envisioned never materialized. The Crucible got exposed for the mediocre and dated experience that it was without the speed and space-magic. So PVP players left to go play Fortnite and CoD. PVE players stayed and rebelled. Bungie backpedalled.....they tried to fix the game....but all they really did was a massive RETUNING of the game. They gave us our speed and space magic back....and they gave us special weapons back. They gave us random rolls back. But the problem is that the game is still CRIPPLED by the decisiions and agendas that surrounded its design (and its why I believe many of those people responsible are now leaving the company). THIS GAME SIMPLY ISN'T BUILT TO GENERATE THE KIND OF LOOT NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THE KIND OF LONG, END-GAME LOOT CHASE THAT WAS THE FUEL THAT DROVE DESTINY 1. So what they are trying to do get us to accept a game that doesn't have a short vertical climb....and then a long horizontal loot chase. But instead one with a long vertical climb....and then short horizontal chase that had to be manufactured (core grind). The reason why its pissing people off, is because what they are trying to do grates against the identity of the game....and people's expectations of loot-games. The only way what they are trying to do works is if you WITHHOLD the game's rewards....and you get the player base to accetp a chase driven by frustration rather than fun. By anticipated rewards rather than actual rewards. Some people will accept this. Most won't. Which is the lesson that Blizzard learned with Diablo 3, that led to Loot 2.0...and it being seen as industry standard. Which is also why every game that is seen as generous (Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls, Borderlands 2, The Division 2, Destiny 1: Taken King) succeeds. But those that are experienced as stingy and withholding (Destiny 2: Forsaken, Anthem) are struggling. The reason why Bungie is digging in on they're afraid that the game is so bare of loot that if they don't do this...we'll quit anyway. ....and we might. But what they dont' understand or that we'd be much more likely to quit....but come BACK when there is stuff to do and chase.....than if they frustrate and piss us offf...and we quit in that frustration. Frustrated players generally quit and don't come back.

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