I'd like to pose a question to all, those in favour and those against.... what is the hoped outcome from begging for, and now getting, the nerf on LH and NF?
While I can sort of understand player frustration in getting killed by a weapon over and over and to see nothing but one or two weapons, this is the very point of destiny, to have a weapon that excels in a certain situation.
Take into account that the game is a loot based shooter. The very point is to level up, increase your light level, get the best rolls/weapons to allow you to make the game easier. Look at D1, everyone scrambled for the gally to make raids easier. Crotas end dropped and everyone craved black hammer. Then kings fall came out and you could not find a lfg post not demanding touch of malice. Look at the start of D2 and you could not find a leviathan raid post that didnt require coldheart. The very nature of the game, random rolls and different weapons, is that there will always be something that outperforms everything else in a certain situation. Yet in all my time playing destiny, there were no petitions to nerf touch of malice. Never did I see anyone begging for gally to be removed from the game. Not once have I ever heard people complaining about black hammer doing too much dps.
So why, when a weapon excels in crucible, does the community call for nerfs. Doctrine of passing got battered. Last word in D1 was wrecked. Mida and uriels in D2 caused a blanket high cal rounds nerf. Now we've got LH and NF running the crucible. What's wrong with that? It's a gun, in the game, obtainable by anyone willing to put the effort and time in (just like 1KV and jotuun). So what if they excel at killing guardians? Something will always do better than everything else. Nerf LH and NF and in comes recluse and mountaintop loadout, then what? Nerf recluse? Ok then, in comes vigilance wing again. Nerf that too? Sure thing, in comes redrix. See a pattern? There will always be, and I really do mean always, a weapon that outperforms in crucible. The loot system will always churn out a "God tier" weapon and when it gets nerfed, the number 2 weapon steps up and so on and so on.
The solution to this, is to (forgive me) get better. Learn counters. Adapt. LH wrecks up close, so hang back with a pulse. Shotgun running right towards you, back track out of his range while shooting. Jotuun hitting you from across the map, jump. It's really that simple.
You dont ask for 1KV to be removed from the game because you can't get it to drop. So why call for LH to be nerfed/removed just because you can't get it?
Nerfing weapons repeatedly won't cover up your lack of talent so why ruin/devalue achievements of those who got them.
This is not a salty message, it's not supposed to be argumentative, it's a genuine question. What is your ideal outcome from the nerf? Dont just say you want it nerfed. Please give a genuine reason, if you can, that doesn't essentially boil down to "its unfair that I got killed".
You actually answered all your own questions with great points. 1. Looter shooter where you get the best rolls you can to benefit a player in pvp. Not all players can get these weapons/rolls. When you lock things behind other players, you lose players. Proven throughout all of gaming. 2. Bungie has never supported weapons with advantages. They have always maintained a sense of balance. You listed many, and there are many more rewards that lost their power feeling due to pvp. Just because, for the first time, a pvp reward is getting reworked does not make it more special over any other weapon or player. 3. Trials. A large part of the community wants it back... The nerf is a good sign we are getting it back due to this adjustment. Absolutely no way it could come back with said weapons with said advantages. If we are to believe the leaked information.. this next season is setting up and leading to the return of trials as well as next seasons story arc for pve.. 4. What truly matters at the end of the day for bungie is the attach rate of the players in their game.. It is at an all time low. Players are not happy.. and the loudest part of that is due to said rewards. Yes, the dream fix would be to adjust all other weapons... but that fix would take a lot of work due to all scenarios to go with all the perks etc in the game. So they are taking the best steps they can. 150s are getting buff with these weapons.. this buffs skill gaps and rewards better players. Exactly what destiny has been about.