Played competitive for long hours last night. Finally got to heroic 3 and was excited. Solo que has been a long and hard grind (loses and wins coming in blocks). Very close to getting my recluse/Luna's howl so I call it a night (morning) and get some sleep. About to leave to do adult and what not and wanted to check where xur is. Log in to "Your account is restricted for the next 2 weeks for (unstable connection)".
Here are some fun facts:
I live in the middle of the country, where I have the best internet package offered (5mbs download).
I had purchased an Ethernet cable earlier in the day and ran a hard line to my console and friends noticed I was very stable with no issues or delays in audio, video or gameplay responses. No connecting to destiny messages, no reconnecting messages where you have to reload into a map, no disconnects.
I wasn't abusing lag for wins. I think my match history shows off how many times in a row I got crushed.
I run a PS4 classic with no extra software or hardware.
Now let's talk other modifiers:
I've met ridiculous amounts of petty people on this game. I've seen people seed my friends report notifications for absolutely no reason.
Most of the teams I played against where premades and all it takes is a suggestion and a sore loser to get him and his friends to send 2-4 reports at a person.
I experienced no lag last night but did experience people I killed coming back to teabag me. But we're getting off subject.
So I present to you my argument:
How is it fair that I payed the same price for the game, just to be restricted from my favorite activity in the game because my "connection is unstable"? I literally can not do anything to improve it. I'm running a Hardline, I have ports forwarded and I have the best net available to me.
How is it morally acceptable to completely remove a player from an activity they enjoy when they did not violate any terms of service without an in depth summary of what keyed them into the decision?
I'm open for anyone at bungie to contact me and explain in detail and how, why and or how to avoid this again, but they won't. All I'll get are "mentors" that will simply link the bans and restrictions page. So if you planned to do that, please pass on by.
I want legitimate answers.
Edit: I'm open for a discussion, not people posting "sux2beu" or justification on 2 weeks of restriction is a reasonable action for having a slower connection. The main point is that is a harsh penelty for something that most people are doing the best they can and it's all they can do.
5g should be coming soon and that should solve your problem. I however don't believe I should be forced to play with people who have bad internet connections. I pay extra money for a fast and stable connection. Why should my experience be degraded by people who have a decade old internet connection? What's fair for me is not fair for you but such is life and capitalism.