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5/6/2019 9:21:46 AM
Someone's not had their nap. Tut tut.

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  • Begone weaksauce. I flush things more intelligent things than you down the toilet every morning during my shit, shower, and shave ritual.

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  • Shaving your legs doesn't count baby cakes.

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  • LoL. Son, this has honestly got to be the weakest insult I've had thrown my way on my many years on this forum. I'm gonna give you another shot at coming up with some acceptable shit talk to spit my way so that I can actually address and respond to it. Upon scrolling some of your post history, it's doubtful you can. But you know what? I believe in you. I believe you can step up and talk to me like a man and not some little -blam!- made ass clown you've shown yourself to be. So c'mon. Give it your best shot.

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  • It wasn't an insult princess. You're probably just in that salty frame of mind hehe. [spoiler]time of the month? 🤔[/spoiler]

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  • Yeah, that's what I thought. Was hoping for better, far better, but hey a little -blam!- is a little -blam!-. You go ahead and have the last word son. I'm moving on.

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  • Though he stayed awake in business class. Which is more important here. Because he's absolutely right. No business can survive tyring to market to small numbers of customers with niche tastes. UNLESS THOSE CUSTOMERS ARE WILLING TO PAY A PREMIUM FOR THAT SERVICE. PC gamers have shown that they are willing to do this. Which is why you get super-hardcore games like World of Warcraft and EVE Online. These players pay a subscription fee to make up for revenue lost due to having a rather narrow (or more narrow) player base. Console gamers have shown that they are NOT willing to do this. So any AAA game like Destiny has to develop a broad base of player support if it wants to be profitabl.

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  • Edited by LocoToopa: 5/6/2019 1:41:12 PM
    Whenever I don't like how a movie ends, I demand they remake it to suit me 👍

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  • Let's say you don't like cheese. Is okay for you to ask your local hamburger store to change the hamburger with the lot and take the cheese out to suit your likes? Customer satisfaction is the essence of good business, the more satisfied customers the better your business. Maybe the people complaining about cores are in the minority, that doesn't mean they don't have the right to voice their personal opinion on a feedback forum. It's exactly the same right that Bungie has to ignore them. But back to the hamburger, how would you react if the owner of that hamburger store said, bad luck that's how I make MY hamburgers you should just like it as it is?

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  • Non sequitur. A movie is a fixed experience. A video game is an interactive form of entertainment that is USELESS until a PERSON interacts with it. a paying customer... whom Bungie is asking to invest a tremendous amount of time and energy interacting with their product...... preferences and those of other players should very naturally be considered. Bungie isn't required to do this......but then we also aren't required to give them our time and money. ...and they risk losing both to developers (like Massive) who are much more respectful of, and interactive with their customers.

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  • Ok, well u entitled kids keep stamping your feet. They might cave eventually lol 👍

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 5/6/2019 2:16:56 PM
    I'm not a kid. I'm a 51 year old professional....and I had to lay my parents to rest 8 years and 6 years ago respectively. So unless you've been drawing Social Security for at least 5 years, you are in no position to call me "kid". What it DOES make me is a consumer who is seasoned enough to understand what my power is....and how to use it. It also give me enough life experience to have learned that I can no longer influence a system when I stop INTERACTING wtih it. (Are you listening Progressives??) My complaining isn't going to change Bungie's mind. What has the power to change their mind is my taking my MONEY and TIME, and giving it to Bungie's competitors. Enough people do that, and you'll grab Bungie----as a business----so hard by the short-hairs that they'll have no choice but to pay attention. ...and itis my (and other's) complaining that will then inform Bungie on what it will take to convince us to loosen our painful hold on their....ahem.....[i]"undivided attention". [/i] Bungie is a business in one of the most competitive, and least forgiving busineses there is. They work for ME.....not the other way around. They've forgotten that fact....and sometimes that requires a painful blow to a business's bottomline, to remind them of the natural order of things. ...and who exactly is the alpha dog in the room. Microsoft lost sight of that at the start of this console generation....and felt they were in a position to dictate terms to their customers. Just like they do in desktop computing. They got a very RUDE reminder by gamers, that they didn't have a monopoly, and weren't required to jsut accept whatever MS's agenda was. MS is STILL playing that price.

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  • That's even worse then smh I could almost let you off if you are some 12yo or something.... You should know better son!

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  • [quote]These players pay a subscription fee to make up for revenue lost due to having a rather narrow (or more narrow) player base.[/quote] Agreed 1,000%. That being said, annual pass is nothing more than an subscription, albeit a small one, paid in one annual lump sum. Basically, I pay a little over $3 per month for the Destiny 2 “annual pass” and just under $13 per month for my ffxiv “annual subscription”, both in addition to their respective $60 game prices. Annual fee is an annual fee is an annual fee, regardless of whether Bungie calls it a “pass” or Square calls it a “sub”. Whether we like it or not, we’re effectively subbing this game. A tiny sub, but a subscription fee nonetheless.

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  • Regardless of whether we're "subbing" to a low rent annual pass... how about the actual content? It's shit. I do not feel I got my money's worth AT ALL from the AP content. I've tried it, don't like it. When I do play, it's not AP content at all. AP was a waste of money, IMO. The content was so weak, it should've been free.

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  • Agreed, I’m not a fan of content that we’ve had either. Without new strikes, new story modes, new nightfalls, new pvp modes and maps, the annual pass just seems too weak. The content provided through the pass was supposed to be a different experience though, Bungie notified us that it would be endgame related. Big picture, I agree with you on the type of content, it’s not my cup of tea either. I will push back on the purchase price of the pass though. There was content delivered that justified the price, imho, that is if you enjoy Gambit Prime, the Reckoning, and the Forges.

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  • Agreed. But it’s not enough to allow Bungie to get away with alienating parts of the current player base. It’s not enough to allow Bungie’s way of managing D2 to avoid damaging the Destiny brand and its profitability.

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  • Edited by GRAVEL: 5/6/2019 7:25:03 PM
    But it is enough to make those of us... more mature players, take note; decrease our time in game, stop buying silver, and catering to bungies' self-destructive whims. I may have fallen for Destiny but I am not 'sweet' on bungie. I don't have some shared romantic past with them as a developer. Destiny was my [i]introduction[/i] and likely my [i]goodbye[/i]. I see them as way too big with an over-inflated ego. They have developed neither quantity or quality over the last several years and quit frankly I am stunned to the depths of what is accepted by this community.

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  • It is entirely possible. But, I, personally and individually, am 100% unfamiliar with Bungie’s fiscal policies or obligations. They tend to not share that information with we gamers in the public forum.

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  • Not really. [i]"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains----however improbable----must be the truth" [/i] ---Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. We don't need to see Bungie's balance sheets....because they are very much hemmed in by the things we CAN see. 1. Bungie is a company with only one source of revenue. The Destiny franchise. The deal they made with the Chinese is still in development. They had to sell away the rights to Halo to get free from Microsoft. 2. Games like this are expensive to make and to maintain. 3. Bungie has always been strapped for both manpower and financial resources needed to support this game. They were forced to grow from a 200 person company (back in 2009) to nearly 1000 people by the time fo the Activision split. But even wtih this manpower, Activision still had to basically put TWO additional 200 man studios on RETAINER to order to meet this game's demands. 4. Bungie had to sell part of the IP rights to Activision in order to get Destiny 1 published.....and had to buy out Activision stake in the franchise at the time of the split. That amount was rumored to have been $165 million. So there is THAT cost, IN ADDITIOn to the lost development and marketing funds for Destiny 3...and possibly whatever new content Bungie is planning for the fall. 5. This game's player base is tiny compared to the cost and scope of its development (its why Activision left. The costs weren't justified relative to what Activision was getting back in revenue). In fact the square off between Activision's CFO and Luke Smith was that Activision was politely saying that they expected to LOSE money on Destiny for that fiscal year. A point corroborated by the fact that ATVI gave the Destiny 2 base game AWAY FOR FREE on two platforms, in an effort to seed sales of Forsaken. 6. Bungie is once again alienating its players again. Engagement numbers are back down to where they were this time last year. Player frustration levels are back up to what they were this time last year....a time when all concerned agreed that the franchise was in crisis. Conclusion? A Bungie that has always been red-lining trying to meet the demands of this game's development and maintenace....has seen its manpower resources cut by one third (loss of Vicarious Visions and High Moon). Its financial resources cut by Lord-Only-Knows how much with the loss of ATVI as publisher..... AND they will now have to assume the cost of lhey also have to make up for whatever funds ATVI was providing for development and maintenance. This game is IN TROUBLE. Trouble that Bungie can still possibly work their way out of....especially if they take this opportunity to change how they operate.....(and it seems Luke Smith is doing that on the human resource end).....but anyone who looks at this situation objectively can see the handwriting on the wall.

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  • Since you’re a fan of quoting others, here you go: [i]The besetting evil of our age is the temptation to squander and dilute thought on a thousand different lines of inquiry[/i] - John Herschel Bungie will either be fine..., or they won’t. So what? There are other games and developer’s that are in place now, and there will be more in the future. DestinyTheGame will have access stopped at some time. Whether that’s at the end of this annual pass or ten years from now is unimportant. It will happen. And there will be any number of differing reasons, all interconnected, for that stoppage of service. Including nothing more than this game getting extremely long in the tooth. [quote]but anyone who looks at this situation objectively can see the handwriting on the wall.[/quote] OK, lol, I don’t consider you to be objective, you my friend are emotionally charge wrt all things Bungie, very much so. Nothing wrong with that, but it is the exact opposite of objectivity. And, Since you’re prescient, tell me when. Very simple question: Exactly what date will Bungie be unable to function, when do they go under and stop services bc they can’t pay their bills? And while you’re at it; What are the winning powerball numbers going to be?

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 5/6/2019 2:58:36 PM
    [i]"You either live in a Universe where everything is a miracle...or nothing is."[/i] ----Albert Einstein. YOU just moved the goalposts. The orginal question is whether or not Bungie will be "fine". I've made a very substantive case where they are at-risk for very much NOT being "fine." Now you're moving the goalposts and arguing...if they aren't "fine"....."So what"? That's a question that can't be answered objectively. Because you're asking a phenomenonlogical question of WHY SHOULD WE CARE WHETHER THEY ARE OR THEY ARENT. While I can give a very clear answer as to WHY I care....and why this game and Bungie self-destructing would respresnt a bad situation for me...... ...the only viable answers in this realm are PURELY subjective...and personal. Therefore not really worth the time or effort to debate. Because the answer is whatever you say it is. Sort of like "How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin"....and not really relevant to the original point of contention. You either care or you don't. End of that line of discussion.

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  • [i]Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge.[/i] - Lao Tzu

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 5/6/2019 3:18:55 PM
    That's not the quote. The quote is: [i]"Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know." [/i] But there is answering Zen aphorism: [b]" Zen cannot be spoken, but you have to say something". [/b] Both quotes speak to a the formless ESSENCE that lay at the root of all things. The Silence out of which all Sound (for example) is born. That aspect of Reality...literally....cannot be fully captured in words. So any effort to do so is---by its very nature---inaccurate. But the Zen saying (with the practical bent of the Chinese and Japanese) calls attention to the fact that understanding that is not shared....DIES WTIH THE PERSON WHO UNDERSTANDS...and is therefor of little value. So if you are going to communicate the knowledge YOU HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING....while honoring the fact that what you speak of are but road signs pointing towards that understanding....and not the understanding itself. However, what I'm doing with respect to Bungie is what Wall Street analysts get paid to do every day. A job my brother used to do many moons I know what to look for.

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  • Good lord green, you guys took this discussion to another level. It's simple math, Bungie needs revenue to keep producing Destiny Content, and it's in serious question if they can get it if they alienate huge portions of the player base. That's a theory I'll stand by, and we will just have to wait to see if it comes to fruition or if they will do a 180 to re-engage the player base they have lost/are loosing or if they keep moving forward catering to the hardcore and somehow survive on that revenue alone. Only time will tell. In the meantime green, keep giving feedback. I'd only suggest not engaging with stupid semantics and loophole points like this other guy is trying to pass along as thoughtful insight. Just my $0.02

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  • ALL quotes are open to subjectivity and debate. Scholars debate these statements all the time. And yet, your posts are full of them. How about another one, more simple. [i]I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.[/i] -Albert Einstein. lol. Any quote, from any author, can be used in various enumerable ways. The bottom line still remains. You say the writing is clear, unambiguous and on the wall. Very plain to see. My question still exists: When? On what calendar date will all this bad stuff happen? When you answer this, THEN I’ll listen, otherwise you’re just guessing.

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