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Edited by TheArtist: 5/6/2019 5:08:01 PM
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating." I posted this 7 months ago: ...and if you're willing to be honest, its clear that I was right. When I first saw Jon Weisznewski give an interview back in Dec. of 2015, I was OUTRAGED by what I'd heard as a PVE player. I heard someoen who controlled the Destiny 1 sandbox who had little insight into the nature of the game he was working on....and little respect for who plays them, and why they play them. I started sounding the alarm back THEN....that his ideas for the game grated against the identity of the game....and worse, that they werent' EVER going to to work. ...and they eventually gave us Destiny 2....dual primaries....power weapons....and a game that basically had all the space magic stripped out of it. In fact, this game is STILL hobbled (in its abilitty to generate loot) by many of his ideas as Weapon Design lead. I really don't think I have to point out that I was right. I also said when Bungie announced they were going to fixed rolls for weapons that----as a loot-game---that decision was extremely risky, and that it would blow up the game if they didn't handle it right. Which ---of course----they didn't, and----of course----it DID. So now we have a loot game where 80% of the loot table is USELESS because those weapons are locked into combinations of perks that are weak and functionally useless. [quote]But, my point is, that it WILL die. Along with everything else. It has a finite lifespan. Everybody knows it will die, at some point in the future.[/quote] Thank you, [i]Lord Buddha[/i]....but I'm already aware of The Cosmic Joke. EVERYTHING that has a beginning has an end. EVERYTHING that exists in Form...eventually comes to end. Even the Universe itself can't escape the Second Law of Thermodynamics. But as one Theravadan Buddhist master once said, [i] "Just because all things are finite does not mean that we do not care for them properly while they are here. We do not disrespect relationships because they are not eternal. When things come to us we welcome them. When they leave us we do not cling or pursue. That is the nature of non-attacthment." [/i] Like so many you mistake non-attachment for DETACHMENT. If the game dies. That was inevitable. If Bungie dies. That too is inevitable. All tings turn to dust. But that does not mean that I refuse to care for...and fight for both WHILE THEY STILL EXIST. It does not mean I turn my back upon something....or refuse to care for it...simply because it cannot last forever. Sometimes caring for something means being willing to CONFRONT and try to EDUCATE someone who is responsible for it....and is NOT caring for it properly. [quote]One based on objectivity, one not based emotionally, bc, ahem..., I didn’t get my way.[/quote] And that's where you miss the mark. You assume that this is about gettign my way. When its about this game reaching its potential and being what it is. Or have you stopped to consider----in your detachment---WHY it is this game continues to struggle and stumble after almost 5 years...... ....while The Division 2----a franchise that got off to even a worse start than Destiny did----is cruising along with happy players, and recieving critical acclaim? Of course you didn't. Its the same reason why one person or group succeeds in anything....while another struggles. The successful group was willing to do the things the strugglers werent'. The often difficult, humbling and even downright humiliating things. Massive was willing to swallow their pride. Bungie hasn't. Massive was willing to admit that they were inexperienced and needed to learn. Bungie isn't. Massive was willing to give up control and let their community TEACH THEM how to make the game they wanted to play. Bungie always retreats into arrogance and a "We Know What You Want Better Than You Do."....and the fact is they don't. Massive had a clear vision of their game.....what its identity was....and was willing to do anything it took to realize that vision. Bungie's only consistent agenda seems to be one of CONTROL. Every step along the path of this game has been defined by FIGHTS for control Fights with Microsoft. Fights within Bungie. Fights with Activision. Fights with their own customers. Fight. Fight. Fight. So busy fighting for that narcissistic need to control....that they've lost sight of what the whole point of this was in the first place. They. Are. Lost right now.

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