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Edited by TheShadow-cali: 5/8/2019 5:52:31 PM
I can see 2 things happening here and neither of them are this company actually communicating with the player base about the cores even though the word "discussion" was mentioned. Nothing personal, but I sometimes wonder why you guys use certain words when they are not being used as they are intended for. Kind of beats the purpose of mentioning them. Far as I know a discussion is a conversation that happens between 2 or more people giving feedback to one another on their own view of things, hearing out what each other has to say and so far Bungie hasn't really done their part. Sure they added some more ways to acquire the cores and some have hundreds of them now. The problem is, they're not as useful as Motes of light were and Motes of light were an actual form of currency, the cores are not. This also stands the question on why is there such a lack of loot in this game to use the cores on if they are so important to keep them in the game. Some think the cores are not an issue but they are when there is nothing to really use them for but only 2 things. Bungie didn't really think ahead when they took a streamers opinion over a million gamers opinion prior to the infusion system being changed. Far as I'm concerned that is flawed logic and unreasonable. Just like D2 and now D3, Bungie hasn't even bothered to ask the player base what they would like to see in the game to get actual feedback from the player base as the didn't with the change of the infusion system. Sorry Bungie, I don't call that having a discussion with anyone making changes and only taking ones person opinion over a million gamers.

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 5/9/2019 2:15:36 PM
    Two things. Bungie tends to "code" their communication behind buzzwords that disguise the actual meaning. For example, a "Meaningful Choice" is actually choice forced upon the player from artificially restricted options, as a means of maneuvering the player into producing a result that is desirable only to Bungie. Like the artificial drama of "Who's going to win Faction Rally?"....and limiting the number of loadouts we can actually play with via "Enhancement " (another buzzword) cores. A "discussion" isn't an actual DIALOG. Its Bungie watching us talk amongst ourselves about an issue....and then they cherry-pick what they choose to listen to form that array of feedback. Whcih is why they so often misfire when they claim to be giving what we want. Because everything we are saying is being filtered....and they don't respect us enough to come back and check to see if we're being correctly heard and INTERPRETED. The difference between simply being heard and actually being listened to. Also. Don't buy the hype about streamers and cores. Bungie wouldn't dig their heels in this vehemently and this self-destructively....if they weren't getting a pay-off. This idea was put forward because it meets Bungie's needs....and soothes their fears. They need us to grind this game like its a loot game....despite the fact that they can't keep the game adquately supplied in it. So cores is their means---along with raising the level cap every three months----to keep us trapped in a perpetual mid-level item grind. As opposed to an end-game loot chase. To keep us grinding in frustration rather than fun. ...and the engagement numbers are showing that people are getting tired of this. [i](When you act out of fear, you usually wind up creating the very situation you were trying to avoid.) [/i]

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  • I know it's a lot more than the streamers when it comes to the cores. I believe that Bungie has too much going on for them and the crew working on D2 has too much on their plate for the size of the game it actually is. So a lot of decisions that have been made probably have been made because of the lack of the attention this game will not get. Even with all that going on, it doesn't help how they have been handling feedback from the player base.

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  • [quote]Even with all that going on, it doesn't help how they have been handling feedback from the player base.[/quote] Its making matters worse. Especially whomever is runnign things for the Investment Team. If I were CEO, he or she would have been hauled into my office months ago and had a knot jerked in their tail.

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  • You are my favorite logic guru. I love how the discussion for them is a circular file for our opinions to go in. IMHO a bot scrapes our comments and parses them down by key words and number of times they were used. IE Bungo use was down this week so we must be doing something right... I figure that's the "data" they are looking at because they obviously wouldn't continue this insanity if an actual human being honestly read our comments. (I hope)

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  • Communication between the player base and Bungie has been a hell of a lot worse in D2 then it was in D1. Even Luke Smith finally went silent realizing no one is buying his view on the game that he tried to stand by in y1.

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  • I wish i had gotten to D1 earlier. It would probably make me more tolerant to these types of juvenile choices if I had seen their "glory years" I am Dissapointed to see so many of my clanmates go they are missed hopefully Bungie does something right so I can recruit more people. My numbers are down and I can't stand toxic lfg. Had one dork kick our entire raid team cause one person wanted to do challenge 😞. Free red dot on my raid report.

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  • Bump. And welcome back!

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  • :)

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  • Yep

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