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5/10/2019 3:45:57 PM
[quote]Next casualty is Luna’s and not forgotten. Thanks PvP base.[/quote] This logic doesn't make sense to me. Why would the average PvP player that has luna's/NF want the weapons nerfed? The answer is: They wouldn't. It's not the PvP player, that has the weapon, wanting the nerf. It's the PvE player, that can't get the weapon and goes into crucible every now and then, that wants the weapons nerfed. [quote]I see Outbreak getting nerfed within 2 weeks or so. PvP base does not like fun, just whining.[/quote] And once again, it won't be the PvP player that wants the weapon nerfed. It will be the PvE player that walks into crucible, gets absolutely decimated and comes here to complain about what killed them and why they aren't going to play crucible any more until X, X and X get nerfed.

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