[quote][b]Deep within the Toasters hideout they watched as the forces of both Offtopics defeated their decoys with near ease.[/b][/quote]
[b]Toaster 1[/b]: Ba! They're useless!
[b]Toaster 2[/b]: No, those units played their part perfectly.
[b]Toaster 1[/b]: I know, I just like to complain sometimes.
[b]Toaster 2[/b]: At least we still have plan B
[b]Toaster 1[/b]: You mean the extremely dangerous one we have yet to test.
[b]Toaster 2[/b]: Of Course.
[quote][b]Upon finishing her statement Toaster pulled the lever opening a portal to a dimension where they had succeed at the cost of themselves... [/b][/quote]
[quote][b]Venturing forth into the dead world they knew exactly where to go on the dilapidated and apocalyptic landscape, right to their own hideout where they found a far more powerful version sitting, dead atop their throne... [/b][/quote]
[b]Toaster 1[/b]: Which of us should take it?
[b]Toaster 2[/b]: Why don't we split it in half?
[b]Toaster 1[/b]: Good idea.
[quote][b]Reaching for the mask of 1000 gods, both toasters took hold of one side of the mask and bending it to their will, they split it in two and each took half of the power it expelled for there own masks...[/b][/quote]
[i][u][b]They won't see what hit them...[/b][/u][/i]
[quote]They’ll never see it coming...[/quote]