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5/10/2019 8:35:34 PM
THUS RESPONSE IS NOT INTENDED TO BE AN ARGUMENT....The entire community got spectral nerfed... I’m not assuming your bad at pvp but those who aren’t the best at pvp definitely used spectral to ease the pain when playing pvp. That’s just a fact. Someone with less “skill” isn’t going to jump on a titan or warlock when hunters are running around whipping teams.. and that isn’t saying hunters are “crutches” or “skill less” or “op” I’m just saying it’s the same reason Luna is getting what you are all calling a nerf. I’m on the side of it being balanced in any way... I wouldn’t be mad if they took it out of the game completely. I don’t care how much time people spent trying to get it (especially if you got it this season with the new EASY MODE points system). To end this little big response, I hope the community can start thinking for themselves and maybe use a different loadout every once in a while. Winning is fun but it’s pretty boring to do so with the same guns....

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