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5/10/2019 8:59:56 PM
Ok 1. Spectral Blades needed a nerf. It was almost completely broken 2. LH/NF are dominating in PvP. Sure they're pinnacles but if they can outgun long range weapons you know something is wrong. Also 2 shotting players is also broken. Trust me I have LH and it is disgusting how easy it is to get kills 3. Outbreak Perfected is meant to be used in PvE. In PvP it's not worth using unless your teammates have it too. Bygones, Inaugural Adress, Blast Furnace etc OP has less range than those ones. So: 1. Calm yer tits laddie 2. You sound like a hypocrit. Whining about a problem that doesn't even exist? must be fun at parties. 3. It won't be nerfed in PvP Trust me

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