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5/11/2019 1:31:53 AM
There is no room to 'get gud' in relation to supers or guns like the Lunas howl. Anything like a super or the Lunas howl is basically the same as a heavy weapon and has almost 0 counter play to actually 'beating' unless the entire strategy is run from the person. Which hardly ever works out if they have a roaming super, and is an ineffective strategy to win a match if you are going against someone with Lunas. Honestly the most irritating thing is that I have never gotten the Lunas howl. My highest glory was heroic 3 (or 2.. I forget) and I had been going against Lunas ever since I was in Guardian. Its really irritating to be 2 tapped over and over by people that have a gun that is locked behind a rank that I struggle to get to both because of skill, and because the game keeps putting me up against 4 stacks with LH

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  • Luna's Howl rarely two-taps people. This is a very situational thing because the perk only lasts 3 seconds. Luna's is a gun that rewards skill and precison. If you don't hit 2 headshots in a row, it's just any other 180 RPM handcannon. I agree that the guns were too dominant, but not because the guns themselves needed to be nerfed, but rather because other guns needed to be buffed. On PC, Luna's and NF barely crack the top 5 best handcannons. Why? Because on PC, bloom and recoil aren't a factor. You cannot consistently hit your shots with non-180 handcannons on console. Bungie knows this, but they refuse to address it because there are too many ignorant people in the community that don't understand the very game they complain about. These people are still in the minority, but Bungie caters to them despite the repeated failure and community backlash stemming from their decisions catering to this group. They design pvp for people that mainly play pve, vs the other way around.

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  • Luna does not reward skill. It rewards playing normally.

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  • How is landing two headshots in a row not skillful?

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  • Yeah of course hitting two headshots in a row with a gun that has virtually no recoil and one of the highest aim assist in the game takes skill. Of course.

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  • That's all true, but it still isn't "easy" to land those shots. Especially against better players. ALL the weapons in D1 had this much aim assist, yet no one complained that primaries in D1 were too easy to use. It's just the fact that in D2 aim assist was globally reduced and now, as I stated before, other primaries need to have the same consistency as 180's. That being accuracy, recoil, and AA.

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  • Even if they globally increased aim assist, luna and NF would still probably stay kings thanks to there very fast ttk.

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  • Nope. This has been proven wrong on PC. There is no AA, bloom, or a need to control recoil on PC. Luna's only has 5% of all primary kills despite having a faster TTK than all of them but The Last Word. This is an overused argument by people that don't understand the complexities of the sandbox and simply think that TTK is the only factor in a weapon's effectiveness.

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  • And you don’t understand that it’s not just that on pc there is less recoil and bloom. People on pc have better mobility, can hit shots better and have an entirely different sandbox. Just removing bloom on other handcannons and increasing aim assist wouldn’t change that much on console because of the controller’s limitations.

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  • What does increased mobility have to do with the effectiveness of primary weapons? If we were talking about shotguns or SMG's that would make sense but I fail to see how this is applicable. And no, PC does not have a separate sandbox. Go watch any good pvp player on YT talk about the Luna's nerf and they will tell you the problem is bloom and recoil

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  • Simply shifting the meta to be like pc would still not be a optimal solution. Ace of spades is even more present on pc than luna on console. Honestly, I think this is a pretty good nerf. The gun while stay strong, but not op. It’s maybe not how I would have nerfed it, but it’ll do.

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