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Edited by kellygreen45: 5/11/2019 3:05:06 PM
That’s the point and the benefit. To keep the emotions on simmer so we don’t forget this next time Bungie comes to us looking for money and hyping their next content drop. Hold onto that anger. It’s healthy, and it’s useful. Oh they know there’s a problem. Otherwise The Revelry wouldn’t have been handing out powerful drops that would take you halfway to the level cap, and the IT wouldn’t be making such half-assed efforts to increase the numbers of cores. You don’t keep trying to [i]fix[/i] something you genuinely don’t feel is broken. Bungie’s actions are a tacit admission that they know this system is garbage; it’s broken; and it’s costing them players. But their pride won’t let them admit i...and that pride mixed with fear won’t let them admit their error and genuinely fix it. They keep hoping that we’ll cave and accept this shit as the new normal. So there is no [i]discussion [/i] here. Just a contest of wills to see which of us will blink first. Bungie’s pride, once again, won’t let them see that the devs are the ones who always lose these sorts of pissing contests.

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