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Edited by RussellMania: 5/11/2019 3:19:37 PM
Dude, just stop lol. You were the one that started the personal attacks. [quote]Also, if you are someone who doesn't like to do Raids, but gives feedback on what you would like Raids to be instead... that is called constructive feedback. You are giving your opinion on what you want in your game that you spent money on. Is that too hard to understand, or do I have to keep spelling it our for you.[/quote] No one is saying this you idiot. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But Bungie should not DESIGN THE ENTIRE ACTIVITY based on feedback from people who DON'T PLAY IT. The way you make a successful activity is you design it based on the desires of the people who actually play it. Then if you want to add a few features to incentivize new players to jump into said activity, then that's great and welcome. But you don't alter the OVERLYING PHILOSOPHY of the activity for those people. That's how you lose players. PvP community: "We don't like jumping puzzles or mechanics in raids, and they take too long" *Raids are now 30 min strikes with no jumping puzzles or mechanics, bullet sponge bosses, and matchmaking* How -blam!-ing pissed would you be You make PvE for PvE players and you make PvP for PvP players. Period. You're an absolute idiot if you disagree with this.

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