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5/11/2019 3:36:37 PM
[quote]The only one ignorant here is you. I actually know what i'm talking about. You are just doing what you usually do and are talking out of your arse. I know what changes have been made in PvP. I play it quite frequently. They made changes to SBMM in comp to match closer to points. When the player pool up at the higher level is next to none that system fails. Everyone is around the same skill level up there anyway. Look at zkmushroom for example... take away his trials stats and he's in the 1kd range in comp while running stacked. That's SBMM for ya 😉 What grave am I digging 🤔 you have no idea what you are talking about. It's quite sad. They all have 3+ kd's? Weird because zkmushroom is a top 1% player.. probably one of the best on PS4 and his comp kd is closer to 1 then 3..... while running stacked.... but again... you have no idea how SBMM works or what you are talking about. Literally none of the top comp players have a 3kd in comp... the majority are a 1 🤔 wonder why 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 For some reason you think opponents and matches get easier the higher you go. My glory score alone puts me in the top percentile bud... i'm sorry that ruins your butthurt parade. If you practice maybe you'll go positive in quickplay 😘[/quote] It’s funny. I read your drivel replies with an open mind and think maybe you make a good point. Then you have to make some pathetic attempt at an insult or just a straight up lie and I remember I’m talking to a troll who egos over fake stats. Like you almost had some valid points then you ruin it by lying and trying to insult me at the end there. Same with your opening sentence which is again an lame attempt at an insult and clearly false. Which is why you have gotten worked so hard in this thread even if you don’t know it. 1) It’s RBMM and not SBMM. It opens up the rank range after a period of time where it can find a match. Yes it will open to a wider rank range after a long period of not finding a match, but it still matches you by glory and not SBMM at that point. 2) You know you’re right. I was exaggerating for emphasis when I said 3.0 KD. Sadly though you aren’t a top player... but let’s look at their KDs for comparison. They all have 2.0 or higher competitive KDs (a full point higher than yours). They all hav 3.0 or higher quick play KDs (a full point higher than yours, and if you want to claim to be a 2.0 KD then applying the same logic I can claim they are 3.0s). They all have 2.0 or higher combined KDs (a full point higher than yours). So no, you aren’t a top player. Sorry to ruin your JOM. 3) Why would we take out trials? Trials was a competitive game mode, and counts towards competitive KD. Oh I see it’s because while they all have 3.0 or better trials KDs you only managed a 1.0 or better so because you’re not as good as them you want special consideration. Trials counts. 4) When I say dig your own grave I am using a metaphor for your ignorance and arrogance burying yourself in the eyes of others. You make factually, demonstrably wrong statements, and lame attempts at insult ad hominem attacks because your narrative is false. 5) You want to talk about my stats? Okay. Even though I have mostly run solo all of D2 I still do have a positive KD in QuickPlay. Not KDA, KD. So the whole “if you practice maybe you’ll go positive in QuickPlay” pathetic insult attempt at the end there was already probably false. I don’t brag about my QuickPlay stats like you do, but then again I don’t run stacked to boost them either. Clutch your fake stats. I shudder to think that might be the most important thing you have accomplished in life, but it’s cool you’re probably young and will mature over time. No worries.

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