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Edited by FataLVisioN_Oo: 5/11/2019 11:40:40 PM
My stats aren't fake man. They are on par with all the top players in comp. SBMM isn't kind on stats. The 3rd best player on PS4 has a 1.2 in the comp playlist. Fake stats would be what some people do on my friends list. 1) Only run quickplay in a stacked team of 6 to maintain a 4-5 kd. 2) Avoid crimson doubles due to ability spam 3) Avoid iron banner due to SBMM 4) Iron burden? Most definitely not 5) Quit the game during the revelry to protect stats 6) Comp help? Absolutely not that will hurt their stats 7) They ran comp once to 2100 stacked to get luna and quit since it was hurting their stats 8) Comp after 2100? Absolutely not it will greatly affect their quickplay stat farmed kda emblem. I do none of that. Quickplay? I play mainly solo and a few games at that since it's pretty boring. 2 game modes is rather dull. Iron burden? I did that mainly solo. Iron banner in general I mainly do solo. Comp help? You bet ya. I pretty much grind the comp playlist all season helping people since the game modes are a ton of fun.... well except when i'm not doing raid help or helping people through zero hour now... that mission is awesome. 0-2100 I was averaging a 2.7 kd this season.. the season before that? 2.3. Are you suggesting I should stop at 2100? Why? 🤔 that's me playing well outside of my skill bracket.. what's the point in that? I insult people that insult me. If you don't like it don't dish it out 🤷‍♂️ I know how the match making works. I predominately play the comp play list. It's a form of SBMM though. Say you hit that 1.0 wall at 300 glory and turn into a .9 at 400 you are a 300 glory player. I've carried plenty of those guys to 2100 and they were absolutely lost in the sauce. Things were happening to quickly for them at 2100 since they were playing way outside of their skill bracket... for the most part a really good game for them was around .5 kda not kd at the 2100 range. What do you think would happen to them at the lower ranks of mythic? Legend? They would just be exploited as free kills. They all don't have 2kd's man. I looked at literally all of the top players in comp and very few had a 2kd... and those guys run stacked or with recovs. I know plenty of people that do that stuff as well. They get a stacked team together and will boost someone to 5500 while recovering other accounts to 2100 since it jacks up the matchmaking when it has to widen the search. They will play people really low in glory (high 2000's low 3000's) that have no chance. You are back to talking out of your arse. Because trials had no SBMM just like quickplay so are you saying quickplay is competitive? 🤣 Because that's essentially what you are saying. And we all know that's far from true. Hmm must be why you are afraid to show your stats... me? I'm not afraid to show mine. 🤔 Where have I bragged about my quickplay stats? I literally said anyone can have a 2kd in this game since it holds your hand. Pretty sure a blind monkey humping a football could maintain a 2kd in quickplay. And stacked? I run stacked? Where? When? With who? If I ran stacked my kd would be 4 or 5+ not 2. Where are these fake stats you speak of? Oh are they yours? If so then I agree. Don't you have a nerf to cry about or some cores to whine about? You seem to love doing both.

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