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Edited by JonnyMadDog1: 5/11/2019 1:36:39 AM

[SUPERTHREAD][Non-joke/non-food-related] Sick of the division and false-flagging. Wi're on the verge of civil war and this user doesn't want that. AMA about muh beliefs to talk [type] out in the name of civil discourse

"War is old men talking and young men dying." "The more one sweats during peacetime, the less they bleed in war." Bring it. This user is a sovereign individual human being that subscribes to what some call 'anarcho-capitalist' beliefs, the logical conclusion of libertarianism also known as 'voluntar[y]ism'. This user is also a MASSIVE (to put it mildly) conspiracy theorist and conspiracy analyst and familiar with praxeological and Socratic approaches and inductive and deductive reasoning. This user believes virtually everything boils down to an economic argument and that the answer is more freedom and options and opportunity and less State interference trying to 'game' a natural system. This should NOT be interpreted as hyper-Darwinism/Stirnirite Egoism. Big prowrasslin' fan, it's real not fake, both mainstream and many so-called 'alternative' news sites are fake and false-flag themselves and call each other out on it like it's a sick game some on both sides may be 'in' on. (((They))) may not be the ultimate evl despite many being in medias of many types and entertainment as a collective because the collective does not exist, nor does the majority, there is only the minority to the sacred individual unit. EPH6:12/LarkenRose's'TheIronWeb' and JohnGalt's speech from 'AtlasShrugged', look 'em up. It's NOT flesh-and-blood, it's not immigrants, documented OR NOT, it's not Muzzies or Cathlix, or whyty or blacky, it's ignorance, willful at that, left-brain and right-brain dominant cynicism and naivete, a lack of critical thinking and communication, fragile systems born psychos can exploit and that create sociopaths. It is a lack of faith in one's self, in others, and in free trade and sound money in a world of scarcity of resources. It is a lack of divorcing concept from execution by the monopoly on credit, arbitration, and defense known as 'the State'. The 'new world order' plays both major sides, it's not Tories and Labour, it's not Democrip and Reblodlican. It's not a false dichotomy of Zionizm cronyism vs. Communism as a consequential absolute. It's thinking that way, and believing in false equivalencies. Am 'open-borders' (buzzword and loaded term) yet not pro-suubsidization and importation en masse of incompatible people for nefarious purposes and recognize the concerns of pro-wall proponents, just disagree with all muh heart with their methodology and wish to provide new methodology. Am pro-choice and 'pro-life' (another loaded term). The free market fixes itself, trying to force 300 million or 7 billion people at gunpoint to subsidize abortion when that person may not believe in it or vice versa those who do believe in it funding the stopping of it are no different from each other. NO.Social-Engineering.Is.Required!!! The mistake yuh make in EVERY argument is making it out to be a moral imperative when the empirical premise is the issue-at-hand. Attack the WHYS and not the HOWS and focus on protecting one's own self and making one's own bed. F E E and A I E R make good articles on this, Redit Gold and Black is nice too as is Redit conspiracy and conspiracy theories. Redit Anarcho_Capitalism and Libertarianism have been co-opted and/or under attack by 'leftist'-minded folk either of the socialist variety (left-libertarians) and identitarian cancer in the form of fake-'right-wingers'. The ends may not justify the means and the needs of the many may not invalidate the needs of the one in this user's personal opinion, but those are not to be brought into professional arguments, which is what charlatans on TV and the internet do with their stupid shows and cheap suits and dresses, claiming to be traditional or uplifting of minorities and those oppressed when they're fake heroes and agitprop fighting with agitprop, enslaving themselves to others and enslaving others to themselves. 'Right-wing' means individual over the collective. 'Left-wing' means collective rights over the individual's choices. There are only negative rights not positive rights. The government does not truly exist, it is illegitimate and either the Consertution authorized such shenanigans or it was powerless in preventing them. 'Conservative' and 'liberal' are NOT labels to identify as or see others as, as nouns, but adjectives, action-process descriptors whether or not an action is in-line with that particular philosophy. One or something can be BOTH of these things, they were originally economic terms and not social ones. Do not conflate definitions to where liberal means libertine and conservative means prudishly traditional. The basis of libertarianism is the respect for private property and free association and disassociation (discrimination is not a bad word) and one can be as libertine or trad as they want, just don't make others pay for it. One does not have a philosophy if one has to integrate bobs-and-weaves into it. Molymeme and Chapiro are charlatans. There's fake liberals, fake conservatives, fake anarchists, and fake socialists/communists/fascists everywhere it seems and their prior incarnation's generation's adherents would've sent many of them today to the gulags and chambers. All of these and more are forms of central planning via coercion and it doesn't work. All three forms of Platonic government do not work. Anarchy does not mean 'no rules' it means 'no rulers'. It means polycentricity, it means options in credit, arbitration and defense (throw agriculture and education in there as well, also separate from schooling sometimes, especially today). Gonna pump the brakes here before this spirals into a wall-of-text the sitting sociopath-in-chief number 45 and puppet to other entities would be proud of, game's on and hungry and need to work out. DISCUSS CIVILLY!

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  • Edited by JonnyMadDog1: 5/12/2019 9:34:08 AM
    REPLY PRT 2: The issue here is separating CONCEPT from EXECUTION by the singular monopoly on credit, arbitration, and defense known as the State. People don't have ideas, ideas have people -CrlJung and DocJBP. Instead of JUST preaching about the N.A.P (non-aggression principle) statist-minded folk like to turn around and say "TeLl ThAt To TyRoN aNd AkHmEd", showing EMPIRICAL evidence of the State failing or WORSE and being counter-intuitive to a goal of providing for people, like the disenfranchised, and the free market saving the day is a FAR FAR better way of going about things than just stealing from people and throwing money at people...ESPECIALLY those who CAUSED the problems in ShirkyPrinciple-esque Problem-Reaction-Solutionism!!! For ex: Wi Do Better organization, The CajunArmy, The Liberty Coalition for Disaster Relief, PhoenxJones/League of Superheroes, Vampyro's GuardianAngels, Sublethal home security camera/TURRETS in SouthAfrica, MuhDearBobby in Englnd, DanGilbrt's Watchmen in MOtown, etc., etc., etc.. The Red Cross wasted TONS of food and drink and supplies, the government arrested people for feeding homeless, poured BLEACH into FOOD LINES voluntarily put up, and bomb brown people in caves and herding for their families so they need to consider coming here for benefits stolen from locals to build walls to keep out and in respectively before the culling and kidnapping happens...because reasons??? F.U.H.K.T.H.E.G.U.M.M.I.T!!! There's a meme out there on [w o k e n m a t r i x b u c k e y e s]' insta account (MUST-READ MATERIAL FOR THE LUV OF SHYT, dood, look up that dood's insta and spend a few weeks on it, k? KnowYrMeme's Picardia page is good too, subbing to AIER/FEE/M i s e s Wire/TomWoodsShow and by CATOInst and BeingLibertarian is also a good step, as is and such subredits and sites relating to blockchain tech and crypto) of Mehg from FamlyGuy whining about people being screwed over and 'er family not caring about 'er or them and then the next frame goes to a pic of the father, mother, and brother characters in suits and top hats and a dress and pearls and the like with 'volunteering' and 'private charity' and the like plastered over their faces. Volunteering and charity still exist in AnCapistan, yuh know? Just want it all to be voluntary, which is what it is, it's voluntarism. Taxes are stolen funds, robbing Petr to pay Pal. Who says both Petr n Pal have to value the U.S.S.A fiat petrodollar? MikeMaloney's 'The Hidden Secrets of Money' playlist is a MUST-WATCH. No paper currency has EVER survived. 'Money Revealed' is a new one by different people with similar people and topics discussed this user would recommend, it has Rich Dad Poor Dad's Robrt Kiosakee in it. Free trial by Doc TomWoods is over, so if those episodes aren't out there for free, DEF recommend buying the DVD already. Who is to say one is poor if producers could issue and value their own unit of exchange? Buckminstr Fullr said it best, don't fight the system, it gives it legitimacy, render it, instead, obsolete. Enforce defense, contracts in agreements, properties, and help people with units of exchange that are sound AWAY from government!!! Eso the Free has some vids on this called 'Statism Survival Guide', a play off of an old tween TV show. How many evls have been done in the name of 'progress'? What is this 'progress'? Wi do NOT (YET) have 'tea ErlGray HOT' matter pattern replicators. AnCapistan, with its lack of intellectual property being enforced, allows maximum opportunity to create such toys that solve world hunger, instead of reaching desertification at gunpoint, because fragile (read T a l e b's Antifragile, it's not explicitly AnCap but fairly libertarian) systems are houses of cards ready to fall down. THEY are Utopian, NOT AnCap-minded folk. Yet some of the people this user used to follow in the skeptic/alternative news gonzo-journo genres on YTube have the NERVE to call libertarians/AnCap-minded folk like at Anarchapulco 'Utopian'....silly statist-minded brainwashed children, calling people who disagree with yr policies 'soyboys' and 'boomers' and and commies and 'betamales' is NOT an argument (nor is calling people Nazees or fashies or WAYSYSSTS)! It's NOT a zero-sum game of groups like Prof. H a i d t said on a JRE ep. It's NOT Nationalism vs. Globalism. Drump is NOT a Gawd-Emperor. Don't fall into the trap of polylogism and deconstructionalism and postmodernism and intersectionalism and this sick Hegehlian Dialectic of synthesis/antithesis/solution of MORE government oversight. Listen to Backwordz/EJ/youngrippa59 on YTube's playlist, Self-Ownership, "IT'S NOT BECAUSE WI DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN OFFICE!" is literally the lyrical line and it's SO true!!! What's the 'point'? What's the meaning of life? Do the ends justify the means? Individual or collective? Chikn or the egg? These are the questions most arguments boil down to, among others. Robrt Koernr wrote an AMAZING article for FEE last yr called 'The mistake yuh make in every argument' and it's MUST-READ material, like a Prof. Donld J. Boudreax article for AIER. Focus on the empirical premise and NOT the moral imperative. That's a recipe for internet bloodsports and TV talk show talking head chaos. It goes nowhere and only FURTHER divides and allows uhs to be conquered by the chyld molestrs.

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