[quote]//////>>> BEGIN TRANSMISSION <<<//////
I don't have much time...
As a precaution, I have wrapped this message in tin foil under the Nexus Protocol™ to prevent the evil [i]pan-dimensional higher frequency shape shifting reptilian beings[/i] from decrypting it's contents.
The [i]voices inside my head[/i] have confirmed that Jesus was a [i]Koala bear[/i] sent by the [i]evil pan-dimensional higher frequency shape-shifting reptilian beings[/i] to plant cow cocoons in the shepherd's flock for human surveillance.
The cow cocoons are watching you.
Examples of a cow cocoon can be found [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/ba/Round_hay_bale_at_dawn02.jpg]here[/url] and [url=http://www.theinsanedomain.com/Articles/cowcocoons.htm]here[/url]
This is how the [i]shadow governments[/i] track your brainwaves and conduct their heinous [i]mind control schemes[/i] on you. If you're traveling near cow cocoons, you MUST wrap your body in tin foil and keep an eye out for the [i]glow in the dark CIA agents[/i], or RISK FALLING UNDER THEIR [i]mind control schemes[/i]. The ONLY way to destroy a [i]glow in the dark CIA agent[/i] is to run them over with your car. This prevents them from regenerating.
The pixies were sent by the [i]true pan-dimensional higher frequency shape shifting reptilian beings[/i] to reveal THE TRUTH. LISTEN TO THE PIXIES. They will reveal themselves as voices emanating from inside of your head. If this happens you are not crazy, but the pixies have selected YOU as worthy of KNOWING THE TRUTH. WE MUST OBEY THEM AND THE IF WE WISH TO THWART THE [i]mind control schemes[/i] OF THE [i]shadow governments[/i] AND [i]evil pan-dimensional higher frequency shape shifting reptilian beings[/i]. Drinking water containing lead or mercury will purify you of their mind control schemes.
Be vigilant. In case you see a [i]glow in the dark CIA agent[/i]—RUN IMMEDIATELY. Everyone who has ever fought a [i]glow in the dark CIA agent[/i] face to face has DIED. Only [i]Claudia, the Nova Destroyer[/i] has siphoned enough of the radiant energies from exploded stars and [i]cosmic leviathans[/i] to be able to harness the immense power necessary in order to attack the [i]glow in the dark CIA agents[/i] head on—the power once granted only to the most powerful [i]pan-dimensional higher frequency shape shifting reptilian beings[/i] and sock monkeys throughout the multi-verse.
Stay safe in your travels and MAY SKELE BE WITH YOU ALL.
— MB青
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[ static ][/quote]
I told them. And they they all laughed at me! The pixies mustn’t be tested.. they mustn’t... collect the hands one by one for Skele’s sake
Edited by Darth Turtle: 5/12/2019 3:41:40 PMFare thee well, maybe the pursuit of [ĘÅT] bring us together once again. The Nexus Protocol is in full effect. [spoiler]Praise Skele[/spoiler]