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5/13/2019 12:24:05 AM
Just to be upfront, I’m completely over the games-as-a-service trend. I’m fine with a game giving me a couple weeks of quality play and then moving on to something else. As far as Destiny the franchise is concerned, a return to what was good about D1 would be best. Moving forward, almost everything about D2 should be thrown out. Even during slow content periods, D1 was still fun to play. I didn’t find much fun in D2 and then they threw cores into the mix. Back to The Division 2 though, I remember a few reviews (in particular Forbes) that said the real game begins when you complete the campaign. That the endgame changes and it becomes a different game. Interesting that you have a different perspective.

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  • [quote]I’m completely over the games-as-a-service trend.[/quote] This! All these life service games only evolve around 1 thing: getting money out of your pocket. I'm seriously let down the last couple of years with the quality of the product shipped at launch. It's usually buggy, full of glitches, bad & rushed mechanics and whatnot.. If you want to go back to a few good weeks of game time, may I recommend looking into Rage 2? It looks like a blast to play. No more online GaaS bullshit. Just single player story line & side missions, blowing shit up in the most overpowered ways. Looks quite fun: [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] Might be a breath of fresh air for you.

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  • The problem with endgame in div 2 is that it's literally the exact same content you've already played through. It just resets the map and you fight against a new enemy faction that's just a slightly different variant of the factions you've already gone up against. You will get the same guns. The same gear. None of the exotics are effective or useable in combat except 1 because they're [i]weaker[/i] than regular drops. You'll finish the last stronghold and there's nothing waiting for you that you haven't seen. You'll enjoy that one map for everything you do with zero variation. Reach max gear score and then wonder what the purpose of anything you're doing is after you've tried a couple builds and found they're all bland and offer nothing fun to gameplay. The problem is the loot. Once you're at 500 gear score and you've got a build that's about as good as it's gonna get, literally every drop you get becomes boring and useless to you and you don't even feel like playing anymore because there's no reward in anything you do anymore. At least destiny has the distinction of having vastly more unique guns to go after and each of those comes with the possibility of a good roll. Division 2 has one or 2 metas in each of the 5 or 6 gun classes and you are done. You got rifle, marksman rifle, smg, assault and shotgun. Maybe 10 guns in each gun class. One or two that are effective in each archetype. All the rest you will junk for materials or a recalibration stat. You're basically almost done with endgame once you get to endgame already.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 5/13/2019 12:46:21 PM
    [quote]The problem with endgame in div 2 is that it's literally the exact same content you've already played through.[/quote] That's every loot based game. If you have difficulty grinding familiar content, then these kinds of games really aren't for you. [quote]You will get the same guns. The same gear. [/quote] No, you dont'. The gear system is so deep, that the game literally have to shower you with loot to make up the shear vastness of possible combinations of Brand, base stats, major perks, minor perks, talents and gear score. Bottomline, you sound like a gamer with a high need for **novelty**. Who likes to be given new stuff to do....and that is NOT what these kinds of games are about. Unless you get into the end-game build making, and experiencing familar content with different builds and playing the familiar content in different way? These games will always be a frustration and disappointment to you. Because you're asking them to give you an experience that they simply werent' designed to give

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  • Division 2 gives you the illusion that you are being showered in loot. Just about EVERY drop I got was below 500 gear score. The ONLY source that gives 500 gear score every time is a proficiency cache. Spend 45 minutes running a stronghold on challenging to maybe get 1 piece of max power gear is not what I call being showered in loot.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 5/14/2019 11:22:22 AM
    That was fixed in the last patch. Plus----being a min-maxing game----stats and talents are more important than raw gear score. So I can be GS 488---but because I've combined talents and bonuses better than most---I can actually have a stronger build than someone who is GS 500, but hasn't put thought into his build. Also with Recalibration, even low GS (and even purple) gear is valuable because it can have a key talent or god-rolled bonus that you can use to boost the GS on your high-end or gear set gear. I have armor pieces that are as high as GS 513, because of going over gear drops carefully, and making good use of recalibration. Plus---with the patch that is dropping today----the caps to stat bonuses that used to limit how far you could push gear are being removed. So I already have gear in my stash that is going to be used for recalibration beause of god-rolled stat bonuses. This is what I like about the game. Its simple on the surface...but there is a LOT of depth to it you're willing to devote the time and energy to explore it.

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  • Must have been a very recent patch. I havn't played in about a week. That's good, was my biggest complaint with this game. I'm very surprised they removed the cap for recalibrating though. That should make for some pretty op builds. It is a good game though for sure. Ive played it pretty solid since it came out and am looking forward to fresh new content.

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  • [quote]Must have been a very recent patch. I havn't played in about a week[/quote] It was last week. :)) [quote]I'm very surprised they removed the cap for recalibrating though. That should make for some pretty op builds.[/quote] That's supposed to be coming with the patch that drops today. It was a feature in both of the test builds that were put into the Player Test Server. [quote]It is a good game though for sure. Ive played it pretty solid since it came out and am looking forward to fresh new content.[/quote] It is. But even better, Massive realizes that the game isn't perfect, and is taking steps to deal with the minor problems that the game still has. Which is why they were able to bring this franchise back from the brink it was about to go over back in Fall of 2016.

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  • You mean for 60 bucks i shouldn't expect more than one map that gets old in 5 days?!? Get out with that. I've been gaming since 1985, son, how bout you? I know when a game is glossed over with the appearance of value but you're still getting the same bland drops over and over again. I already mentioned calibration in my comments and how you'll have stuff to keep for Perks and stats. But let's not pretend 90% of the perks and stats aren't trash and lifeless boring crap in division 2. You can tell yourself that if you like but division 2 screwed up loot as badly as anthem did and there's no getting around that. It's fun for a week. It's a dead, boring game after that. Once you have 3 builds min/maxed, you are done looking at the same bland missions in division and that took me a week and a half to do. Because you basically bypass the world tiers and go straight for the main missions and strongholds. There's zero incentive to even stay at world tiers 1 to 4. Nothing to keep you there, no loot that's worth saying i need to stay at world tier 2 because X gun only drops in this tier. So you go straight to tier 5, takes you all of a day to do, you start getting 500 gear score drops, you find a few builds, you hit the DZ and strongholds, you min max some builds and look around and you've got nothing left to play for because min maxing takes no time at all to do. Once you know what perks and stats you need on your build, chances are you already have most of it in your stash already and a few runs in the DZ to polish up your builds. This is insanely easy and for you to even presume everyone who sees it the way I do is just some casual is is just idiotic. I've been grinding endgames vastly longer than you have and I guarantee that. Division 2's player base is dropping dramatically so I'm not the only one that's done building and finished with end game.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 5/13/2019 1:28:06 PM
    Thank you for demonstrating my point. Oh, and I've been gaming since the mid-1970 and pinball arcades. So my gaming history pre-dates video games....and that makes me older than you. I was a freshman in college when you started gaming. You're issue with the game is not a lack of content, but the limited ways in which you engage that content before you become bored and look for something NEW to do.

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  • That's not a rebuttal, slappy. But you don't have one so thanks for demonstrating you got owned. If you bought division 2 at launch and you're not done with endgame by now, it's you that's the casual. You're still messing with your builds? Wow, really? Because i have every perk for every piece worth keeping and all my stats maxed on 3 different builds and that took me a week and a half, nearly 2 weeks. And I wasn't even rushing at all.

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  • Actually it is. ...and you think you won a checkers, when I just kicked your ass at chess. [quote]If you bought division 2 at launch and you're not done with endgame by now, it's you that's the casual.[/quote] Nope. It means that---starting with the original Diablo---I actually LEARNED how to play these kinds of games and how to interact CREATIVELY with familiar content. Because back then there was no way to conveniently update or expand a game. Since there was no broadband internet...and no cheap mass storage like today. So you either learned how to create your own fun with what was there....or you went and played a different game. I can see that I took the former approach....and you took the latter. I'm hardly a casual. I have FIVE builds...and considering starting a second character so that I can experiment with others ones. Since the game only allows you to conveniently work with five. Once this weeks patch drops....and we finally find out how Massive decides to retune the game....I'll be back to happily retooling my existing builds....and seeing what interesting new ones are possible. Looking like skill builds will be more viable after the retuning. [quote] Because i have every perk for every piece worth keeping and all my stats maxed on 3 different builds and that took me a week and a half, nearly 2 weeks. And I wasn't even rushing at all.[/quote] ...and that mindset is why you are always running out of things to do. Because you interact with the content in a limited way.

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  • There aren't 5 builds that are fun to use. So you're not proving anything by having 5. And you said yourself you STOPPED PLAYING and are waiting for the raid to find more options. The difference between me and you is that i understand the builds better so I didn't need to make 5 builds to know they're crap. Through trial and error, you can easily see what's worth your time and what isn't. 5 builds and you stopped playing because you found out there's nothing interesting about them. You're proving my point. If you have 5 builds going and still found a reason to stop playing, just stop talking dude. There's all of 3 or 4 builds even viable for heroic. Everything else is useless to you. You said yourself you are waiting to see what they'll do to fix things in the next update. This means you're bored and you are out of stuff you can do or want to do. End game is thin and boring. You're [i] actually[/i] gonna defend division 2's loot? Say that with a straight face. I DARE you. Even you quit. a guy that tries to expose others by likening them to casuals if they run out of things to at end game. This is the easiest check mate I've ever gotten lol.

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  • [quote]There aren't 5 builds that are fun to use[/quote] Oh sure there are. Just because YOU haven't found them....doesn't mean that they don't exist. I'm only using five because the game makes it inconvenient to use MORE than five. 1. Specialist Markman. I run a high end build based around the brand that gives you bonuses for rifle damage (IIRC) . I have him spec'ed out for damage, armor and health...and very little skill power. Since this is basically a DPS class. I run a Police Mk. 17 with Lucky (missed shots returned to magazine) and Allegro. An M60 with Unhinged and Allegro since I generally take the crowd-control role. I also carry the Liberty exotic side arm for the holstered perk which partially refills the magazine when you damage armor and other weak points. Pairs very well with LMGs. 2. On Directive Demolitionist. My favorite. Its a hybrid build. I've speced out the gear set for skill power, blast damage, bleed damage, and "exotic" damage resistance. Which has allowed me on more than one occasion to simply TANK status effect attacks. Especially the chemical and ensare attacks that the True Sons like to use. I running a god-rolled MP-5 with STrained and allegro, with the same M-60 and exotic side-arm. I used to run a high-end back pack because I didn't like the six piece bonus. but with the proposed changes in this weeks patch, I swapped in the sixth piece. Not having to switch weapons to take advantage of the special ammo perk will make that perk a LOT more useful. 3. High-end Demolitionist. This is a more balanced build around demolistionist. Spec'ed for more fire arm damage and less for exotic damage. I find it more useful---and survivable----when playing the open world as a Demolitionist. 4. On Directive Survivalist. This build I use in situations where I need damage tailored for high priority target damage rather than area of effect. Since I find the crossbow better for that than the grenade launcher (its weak against armored targets) I run a god-rolled G36 Assault riflle with the talent for increased damage against targets on fire, and Allegro. I run the same M-60 and exotic sidearm. Shotguns are underpowered in this game, so I don't bother with them. This build will be absolute brutal in that crowd control roll with the changes to this gear set. 5. High-end Survivalist. Like the Demolitionist version, this is a more balanced build. Spec'ed for more firearm damage...and more survivable in solo and Open world play. I'm currently working on completing the "Hard Wired" gear set....I have two of the six pieces. I'm currently working on getting the Nemesis sniper rifle. I have all the componets and just waiting for the mission where you get the blueprint. That weapon is going to be a REALLY nasty addition to a Marksman build. I think I'll swap out the Liberty side arm and the M-60 for the Nemesis. So you 'd have a rifle and two powerful sniper rifles. The Barrett's .50 cal...for fast-moving targets..and the Nemesis for slower moving, more armored targets. I have ideas for several other builds, hence the thoughts about starting to second character. Especially if skill-based attacks get a significant buff. Just because YOU can only see a few things worth using, do NOT assume that I'm operating under the same limitation. All you're seeing are the builds that I find MOST EFFICIENT for my preferred play style and enemies we're currently facing. But don't believe for a second that these are the only possibilities I see even in the present sandbox. Never mind the upcoming one.

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  • BOOORRRIIINNGGG. Dude all you're doing is showing how lackluster division 2's builds and loot are. I've already got nemesis and it's not that great. I've got liberty and it's just ok. Any other regular gun like the DE .50 is comparable to it. I've already built several variants of demo builds. They're ok. They're not amazing. Marksman 700 build gives highest DPS for marksman class because nemesis is vastly inconsistent for dps. And trust me, I've screwed around with variants of almost everything you're doing here and most of it is trash in heroic. To say i haven't "found" these builds is laughable. You enjoy division in the same way a dog enjoys chasing a ball across a room. You're championing mediocrity. You cannot tell me there's that much interesting in division 2 at end game worthy of putting hundreds or thousands of hours into. For all the subpar builds one can make in div 2, you're still grinding the same 10-15 missions over and over again and going the DZ. All 5 builds and for what? To grind one of a small selection of strongholds for the 90th time? No thanks. I'm sorry bro, maybe you're that easily entertained but not me.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 5/13/2019 3:24:02 PM
    1. Boring to you. You don't speak for me. 2. No, I'm showing you how build making works in a min-maxing game and what are the best build for MY PERSONAL play style. Which---in The Division---is a support/crowd control role. So all my builds are optimized for THAT role....or are more balanced for solo play. But there are tons of options for pure support builds. Pure DPS builds...and hybrid (7/7/7) builds in between. With the retuning of the game, skill DPS builds and tank builds will likely see a comeback. 3. You simply have a high need for novelty....and engage the content of the game in a narrow way....because you become bored before you dig deep enough to engage in a more substantive way. Then operate under the false assumption that your personalty traits...and personal tastes define what is "real" and "right" for everyone else. They don't. They simply define [i]you. [/i] 4. Dogs chase balls, because that's the "prey instinct" they inherited from their wolf ancestors. So dog loves to play fetch. But he also scares the PISS out of anything small enough to get in his mouth in the neighborhood. I assure you that the squirrels, rabbits, and the occasional house cat that he tears after don't consider his behavior to be "mediocre". They're too busy running for their lives to consider much of anything, I'd imagine. I am grateful that he never developed the instinct to chase after cars. [i]We don't see the world as it is. We see the world as WE are. [/i] Your boredom with the game tells us more about you, than it does about the game.

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  • Yeah. Or it's just a subpar, generic looter shooter that got bombed at creating fun loot. Other games have done loot and end game undeniably and vastly better. By the way, the whole cliche "if you're bored, then you're boring" phrase was created by people that are failures at entertaining people. Some of us are deep enough to know that. The rest are easily amused sheep. We know which category you fall under.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 5/13/2019 4:09:20 PM
    [quote]Or it's just a subpar, generic looter shooter that got bombed at creating fun loot.[/quote] ...and you would be in a VERY tiny minority of players who feel that way. [quote]Other games have done loot and end game undeniably and vastly better.[/quote] Such as? (Grabs chair, and sits down with bowl of popcorn...) [quote]Some of us are deep enough to know that. The rest are easily amused sheep. We know which category you fall under.[/quote] That would be the "[i]Old enough and wise enough to know that taste is PERSONAL" [/i]category. The people who try to define the world objectively in terms of their subjective experience mark themselves as either young....or not particularly observant. I can't stand German Chocolate cake. Hate the nuts. Hate the coconut even more. Doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with it....or anyone who likes it. Its just not for me. I simply prefer Devil's food.....

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  • Borderlands 1 and 2 and 3 is guaranteed to blow div 2 away. every Diablo game, Warframe, basically most of the best classic RPG games you can think of, i can name a half dozen final fantasy games with better loot. Including ff11 online and 14 online, World of Warcraft, both destiny 1 and 2 have better loot than division 2. Let's see, The entire elder scrolls series, Nioh, Torchlight, Don't even get me started on on the vast number of D&D games with better loot. Divinity original sin 1 and 2. The guild wars 2, monster Hunter world, path of exile, the Zelda series, Grim Dawn, dude the list of games that demolishes division 2 is so long, I'd run out of characters to write it all. It goes back even further than games like Ultima online and Diablo. You have NOT played many games if you actually think there isn't a sickeningly immense list of games that blow div 2 away at loot. You do not know what you're talking about at all. You just destroyed your own credibility putting division above the entire history of loot based games.

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  • More isn't better. The guns in both Borderlands games are not very good, and for me---frankly---not very fun to play with. Borderlands 3 hasn't been released. So---unless you've had hands-on time with the game----you're not in position to say very much about that the game is like. Warframe is a game that is 7 years old. I can assure you that the Warframe of 2019 is NOTHING like the Warframe of 2014. I played that game...and it was such a disorganized mess of a game....that I put it down after an hour, and didn't pick it up again for another 3 years. YES, but Summer 2017, Warframe was a great game. But only after 5 YEARS of constant refining and improvement. Which Warframe was able to do in relative obscurity. Digital Extremes deserves credit for this...but we're not going to pretend that Warframe dropped on the world in that condition...because it didn't. World of Warcraft is a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD game, Warframe...has undergone constant refinement. In no small part because the game is a billion-dollar a year CASH COW for Blizzard that no only pays for itself, but funds the development of other games as well. Never mind you've broken genre and are now trying to compare MMOs to loot games. Destiny 1 or 2 having better loot? ROFLMAO. Destiny games have spent most of the franchise's life being TERRIBLE loot games. Bad drop rates. Shallow perk pools. Constant nerfs due to PvP. A toxic cycle of the developers giving us power with each new content drop....adn then taking that power away as complaints form PVP roll in. Monster Hunter World I can't comment on because I haven't played it enough. But once again you are talking about a VERY old franchise that has had YEARS to refine its formula in relative obscurity. As for the rest, you're just throwing spaghetti at a wall hoping something will stick. The only other loot game in that mix is Diablo....which is a franchise...that has had over 20 years to refine itself. The rest is a hodge-podge of MMOs and RPGs that arent' even loot games. So...once again...thanks for making my point. When you do manage to come up with some apples-to-apples know where to find me.

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  • Omg you are such a casual NOOB at gaming. You even saying div 2 has better loot than [i]any[/i] game deserves a slap across your noggin. There's no debating such s casual gamer like yourself who actually thinks loot in borderlands was done wrong. You have literally zero idea what a good loot game is and haven't even played most of the games on my list. The point is that by comparison, most games do loot better than div 2. Almost all games I've played aside from Anthem which sucked ass. Switching genres doesn't change the crux of the topic which is LOOT. And most other games do loot way better than div 2 did. All exotics in div 2 are useless trash and you have the actual balls to say borderlands did loot worse. Now that is a complete destruction of your pathetic credibility. Hands down the absolute most noob statement I've ever even heard anyone say in my entire history. You didn't even play borderlands, just stop LYING dude. You're such a fake. Talking like you know your facts when you're exposing yourself as a complete NOOB on loot. Conversation over. I don't associate with noobs who know nothing about games at all.

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  • Name-calling and insults== "I just lost the arguments on the merits". did.

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  • Furthermore, they just released a new update today in division and the only new content is 2 missions that offer BACKPACK TROPHIES. And a raid coming that will offer ONE new exotic. WOOOOOOOOOWWWWW....... Lemme just fire up division 2 right now, i'm SO excited. Zzzzzz........ The loot is so trash in division 2 they can't come up with anything better than new backpack trophies right now and one exotic meanwhile there's nothing to be excited for because every exotic in the game is less powerful than high end****cough****common***cough**** drops. And you think division 2 has better loot than the most highly rated games in history that i mentioned. Shut. The. Funk. Up. You lose, dude.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 5/15/2019 12:09:10 AM
    The raid releases in two days. Plus new story missions for annual pass owners. But hey. Go on acting like you’re a five year old. Makes my point for me. Shows you don’t have any rational arguments. Oh and all this—besides the additional story missions—-is FREE.

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  • You provided zero merits. If you can't say you played a good deal of the games i mentioned and you have to fake knowing about how good loot works, that means you came with zero for me to offer a rebuttal to. I mean you're a guy who thought borderlands had crap loot which means you didn't play any raids, you basically called some of the greatest games of all time crap and then hid from trying to reply about other games by saying they were only good after years of development. Which is a cop out. We're talking about the state of the loot in the games, not how long it took to get there. Division 2 needs a massive loot overhaul because there's nothing but junk to play for. In 3 years, the loot system will be the same crap. Same as division 1. Grind for a hundred drops just to get 1 perk or stat that's better to min max your build..... BOOORRRIIINNGGG...... In borderlands 2 you have hundreds of guns all with their own look, feel, firing visual effects, guns with their own unique personalities and double the amount of synergies than division 2 guns have because they don't just synergize with your few measly pieces of gear. They synergize with the elements you use, the gear you wear, the class you're using, the skills you have built around them in accordance with the vast number of ways you can build your skill trees. And you have to fight your ass off in raids and against rare, sometimes hard to find bosses so you have to work for it to be able to say you earned it. Unlike division 2 that rains the same yellow high end loot by the dozens and you're just saturated with some many of the same pieces you don't feel like there's any reward to what you're doing because high end loot is just common loot in div 2. There's no accomplishment in getting it, no real feeling of reward for your work. That is factually [i]bad loot,[/i] you ignoramous fool. You lie about playing borderlands because it's blatantly obvious you either didn't play it at all, or didn't play til end game, didn't find the best guns, didn't know how the loot system worked and it's clear you're just BSing your way through the debate now. You didn't even deny it when i accused you of not having played it. You call it name calling, but it's a fact you're a casual noob gamer who thinks division 2 is the Pinnacle of gaming loot. That means you're in a margin of people who are sheep and who don't understand loot. There's nothing more I need to prove because you already shot your own foot. You're a casual. You already quit division 2, and If it's so great and so extensive and you're such a hardcore endgame player, why are you done playing so soon after division 2's release... I'll tell you why. There's no content left to play and the loot sucks àss. You're beat dude, you got nothing for me. Let it go, kid, it's over.

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  • [quote]You provided zero merits.[/quote] Oh, I did. You're just too busy insulting me to notice. I just stopped wasting my time trying to deal with your arguments point by point when you started dragging in games that weren't even loot-based games into this discussion. Because that showed that you either don't know what you're talking about.....or you're so desperate to be right that you don't care that those games aren't relevant to this discussion.

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