Dmg’s cold voice could be heard from the words, every bit of raspy breath and the scent of that peach he ate for dinner radiating from his lips.
“But this? This does put a smile on my face”
His mighty biceps bulged as he lifted his fork, his Tarte de Offtopic pierced at the end. He took an eager bite out of that Tarte, and what was left was the indent of his teeth, nothing but a razored semicircle of forgotten memories, lost pasts, and a faded family.
But it would not be over [i]that[/i] easily.
“The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face...”
Ringleader’s voice rang through that mess hall, filled with ninjas, and at the front of the table, dmg, his eyes now cold with anger. Ringleader and his team of Offtopic Avengers stood in formation. The ninjas were visibly ready to hop into combat at any moment, but with one suave hand motion, dmg ordered them to stay in their seats. After all, the show was just getting started.
“I thought you and your friends died.... but... I guess you could brighten my day up a bit...”
Dmg lifted himself up, the ground beneath him shaking as he lifted his golden boots off the ground, and stomped towards the team. The ninjas looked at him worriedly, as they darted in their seats to get a view of their master. And there he stood, in front of the Offtopic Avengers, his right hand enveloped by a gauntlet. Five jewels were encased in such a gauntlet.... each with the power to moderate. He had all the stones: PM ban, Post Lock, Normal Ban, Post-Moving.... and most powerful of all... Perma-ban.
In front of him, Nil, Liam, Beep, Tiger, Furyknight, CoolHandLuke.... it was an army... if one were to keep naming, this tale would be nothing more than a list of names. Yes... these were the Offtopic Avengers, a crowd of members, family, friends, and strangers. Sure, some of them were peculiar, and others were trolls, but this was their home that was at risk, and they would not let dmg destroy it. Ringleader suddenly raised a brightened hammer, shining with a bronze tint, and the cigar in his mouth burned fresh with embers as a cloud of smoke escaped between his lips.
As the Avengers stood ready, and dmg planted himself in front of them, there stood no one to interrupt them...
The recognizable voice of Dmbfan, wielder of the Lock stone, sent dmg whirling around in surprise as his eyes darted from chair to chair, trying to spot the ninja. Unaware to the mighty figure, Dmb managed to slip in between dmg and the Avengers, forming as a small partition between the two opposing sides.
“I told you to sta-“
“Dmg.... don’t do this....,” Dmb interrupted the staunch voice of Dmg, “As wielder of the Post Lock stone... I declare my allegiance to Offtopic.”
Dmg’s right hand could be seen trembling, and his eyebrows formed a sharp “V” on his forehead as he exclaimed loudly....
“Listen... It’s a small request from a humble ninja. I know Offtopic may be whack, weird, and downright disrespectful at times, but.... they’re a different type of weird. A different type of whack. A different type of... well.... disrespectful! What we have here is something unique and... I’m proud to be a part of their family....”
Cheers erupted from the Offtopic crowd, until the cheers were replaced by gasps as Dmg raised his gauntlet towards dmbfan.
“Then you can die with them!” Dmg yelled, his right arm in position to send Dmb a strict perma-ban.
“Do it then. Ban your own ninja”, Dmb uttered as he closed his eyes, bracing for impact.
Dmg could be seen visibly holding back tears as he let his right arm fall, and in a moment’s notice, the two moderators embraced in a respective and appreciative hug. “Awww’s” could be heard from the crowd, and Ringleader nodded in approval.
“This is how it should be. I say Justice has been served.”
And on that day, of May 13th,
Achronos’s alts lived to tell the tale.
[spoiler]Until Ultron attacked 0-0[/spoiler]
I really hope he reads this