The great beast tears through into the realm of off topi its billion mouths nothing its terrifying eyes searching and it's long and terrible tentacles stretching and spreading its corruption. The heart of corruption, the darkness in the earth, the toxicity and terror of the web, burst forth and made flesh.
the horror of the Deep reaches into the land of Offtopic, the. Beast spouts forth corrupt covered tigermen, raptors with fleshy organic cannons, massive armored golems of flesh with nightmarish bladed weapons, the Black dragons of the deep breathing radioactive fire and the unspeakable largeness of the enormous siege beast Titan Girrafalope,
Now at the end of all things [u]he[/u] sails on the wave of corruption on the wings of Aggir the Lord of Darkwyrm Dragons, they fly over the city as the deep moves slowly closer, the horrific supersonic roars of the Deep, coming nearer every minute.
"At last, my child, at the end of all things you were right.."
[spoiler]one last time before we go...[/spoiler]
[quote][b][u]BATTLEPOST GO[/u][/b][/quote]
[i]the survivors of the war came to refer to it as judgement day...they lived only to face a new horror ... the war against the machines...[/i]
The war of the gods is coming and the deep comes to swallow what it can while the high gods feud amongst themselves and contemplate destroying the land of offtopic(a)
Tigermen (814000)
Raptors (694050)
War Golems. (310000)
War Bears (207021)
The Titan Girraffalope (1)
Speaker of the Deep (1)
Dark Acro(1)
Dark Wripperoni (1)
Dark Ronin (1)
Dark Nighthawk (1)
Dark Cmirg (1)
Cronenberg Horror cat girls (0)
The insurmountable DEEP (1)
HP 9,000,000,000,000
Corruption (19%)
[quote][b]BATTLEPOST GO[/b][/quote]
I will also smite Tiger [spoiler][i]My will is not my own[/i][/spoiler]