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Edited by BigTexB007: 5/15/2019 10:14:41 AM
Whelp, logged in today to play Destiny 2 for my weekly ritual of hanging out with friends. Last week, I jumped on TWICE to run the new Outbreak Perfected dungeon, which took two days of trying for me and my friends, but eventually we got it done at the very last, last, last second. It felt great. I love 3 man dungeons. I've loved all 3 man dungeons that have been presented to do. I hope you do more of them, more often. After completing the dungeon I was feeling good enough that I was considering rewarding Bungie for their effort by purchasing some skins for Outbreak Perfected as a way of saying "thank you". Before doing so, I decided to think it through. As fantastic as I found the dungeon experience, I realized I'd already blindly purchased the Annual Pass on the hope that it'd provide substantial, meaningful content that I could enjoy. I realized that to date, the AP hadn't lived up to that for me by a wide margin. So, honestly, I consider the money I spent finally justified with Bungie finallly providing me with new content I greatly enjoyed. Also, I'd made a plege long ago that I wouldn't spend a single dime on Destiny, and therefore send money directly to Bungie, until Cores were removed from infusion. I made this pledge long before Bungie split from Activision. And long before this dungeon dropped. I made this decision after purchasing Forsaken along with AP as a bulk discounted buy... because I had hoped Bungie had finally righted the ship and not made a stupid decision that would irrevocably change my enjoyment of the game towards the negative. Honestly? I would LOVE to send some $$$ Bungie's way, espically considering that those funds would more directly contirbute to additional content I might possibly enjoy. When I logged in today, I got a message prompt encouraging me to purchase Outbreak Perfected skins from Everberse. But, I can't right now. And I wont. Until Cores are removed from infusion I will not spend a single dime on Destiny content. That content I've already purchased runs for one more season. After that... if cores are still part of infusion, I will lbe left behind and therefore I will move on. Get a clue Bungie. This system gains you NOTHING. But costs you A SHIT TON. Make the smart business decision. Get rid of that shit. Reward the hardcore by providing unique and meaningful gear. Don't stifle light level progression as a means of creating some sort of exclusivity for those who play more than others. That's not the way to go. Allow EVERYONE to progress. If you want to reward the hardcore, do so with meaningful and unique gear.

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