So... no one asked for Whisper to be nerfed. Pretty sure the entire community liked where it was at. Considering Bungie nerfed it out of nowhere nearly a year after it was found, seems to me like it was there just to do it.
Wormhusk Crown was nerfed because of PvP whining when trials was up. I guess trials people are so good they couldn’t shoot someone one extra time. Since trials got the axe quite a bit ago, why are we still left with a nerfed version of Wormhusk?
The Lunas and NF nerfs are not pushed yet, out of respect for the people who actually worked their ass off to get that legit, without paying some scrub nugget to get there for them, don’t nerf them. They are top tier weapons made to be powerful.
Instead of nerfing Lunas, give thorn or other hand cannons a rework, esp malf. MALF needs a boost.
Anything else you guys want to see brought back to its previous state?
Whisper was forgiving. Now it isn’t. I honestly like where it is now. Wormhusk idc.