You, sitting down in a replica X-Wing from the original trilogy, taking off at supersonic speed while wearing a suit of Quantum X-01 power-armor with built in air conditioning and bass boosted AirPods, when then; Nathan Fillion, flying a DeLorean with wings approaches in front of you slightly to the right wearing a suit of Mk.V Armor, rolls down the window and then proceeds to high five you; the force of which, opens a wormhole releasing Cthulhu from the depths of hell, but worry not, because you are joined by TVs Micheal Gray, David Hasselhoff, and Grimace from McDonalds to banish the beast. Then, as you get down from your X-Wing, Model Kate Upton runs up to you and thanks you for your deeds of heroism and let’s you know that she’s single and into dudes who play Destiny and own suits of power armor, but gets rejected because the only satisfaction you need is the title of coolest high-five in the world and your master Clap Trap by your side.
I can confirm this would be the best